Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1284: Did you see the gap between you and me?

   eviction failed!

   "Unfortunately, only one blink of time, you will send me out."

  Chen Zheng smiled slightly.


  Just between the silent leaders of the Shinto League, the blond young man entered the mysterious space at the moment. When he saw Chen Zheng holding the white **** fire in his hand, the blond young man was silent!

  The magic fire that the teacher never got!

   This Chen Zu seems to have succeeded before coming in!

   Why is he!

   "Giant of the light, you are the spirit of the temple, I have won the inheritance of the temple, I am already the master of the temple, you have said that you will help me achieve detachment! Now the fire is robbed, you should know how to do it!"

  The Shinto League leader stared at Chen Zheng, just opened his mouth to drink!

   "Listen to my lord's order!"

   The giant of light, shrunk to about ten feet tall, responded, raising a hand to Chen Zheng is a catch!


  Isn't it against Chen Zhengyi!

   Instead, he caught the white magic fire in Chen Zheng's right hand!

   "This thing should be my Lord's thing, this thing can only be swallowed and merged by your Lord, you have not been inherited, you are not the Lord of the Temple, then you are not eligible to get this thing!"


   An extremely powerful force broke out at this moment!

   "This is... at least the power of the Fifth Dao Ancestor!"

  The **** of light is the ancestor of the Dao, the first time I felt the force of that force, opening his mouth was a cry!

"Do you know it now?" The leader of the Shinto League sneered: "The Great Universe is a world of thousands, and the Taoist ancestors will be expelled, but the Great Universe Temple is different. Even here is the ninth heavy Taoist body, there will not be any Restrictions! Therefore, whoever has inherited the temple, then who is in the temple of the universe, is qualified to say everything is in control! This **** of outer space is only qualified to devour the fusion!"

   "Yu Wai Shenhuo..."

   The **** of light is startled again!

   Several people around Chen Zheng, all their brows were squeezed at this moment. As soon as the giant of light shot, they were instantly suppressed and could not move at all!

   "You admit the wrong owner."

   Chen Zheng said lightly, in front of the people, he swallowed the white **** fire in one gulp, and the breath released by the giant of light at this moment, even if it is indestructible, the fifth ancestral realm of the Dao, but also caught a void!


   The giant of light was stunned for a while. It seemed that there was no one in the world who could swallow the white godfire at once, and after swallowing the godfire, there seemed to be no discomfort, as if the white godfire had been absorbed!

"Do not!"

After a moment of consternation, the leader of the Shinto League suddenly screamed and slammed toward Chen Zheng!


  Chen Zheng lifted one foot, and kicked against the doorkeeper of the Shinto League, the leader of the Shinto League was kicked out on the spot! Other people in the mysterious space, whether it is the **** of light or the three pro-disciples of Shinto League, are again forced!

   This Nima!

   Isn't this guy just a fairy!

   Isn't this guy killing by that weird machete!

"It tastes good." Chen Zhengsukou commented on the white **** fire, ignoring the leader of the Shinto League, and now looked at the stunned light giant: "You are the spirit of the temple, you tell me whether there are other hidden in the temple. Similar to the white **** fire thing, the master you recognize is not very qualified, and it can't absorb the **** thing of this level, and it is also a waste to him."

"No... that group of fire is related to the complete reincarnation. It is the former master who left me to assist the new master. When the new master completely absorbs the group of fire, at least there will be a level of incomplete reincarnation, now... .... Shenhuo swallowed by you..."

   The giant of the light opened his mouth, and the machine generally responded.

   "This way, Shenhuo is a good thing, but unfortunately there are too few to eat enough."

  Chen Zheng sighed softly.

When everyone else in the Great Wisdom Space heard it, there was nothing left to say. The God of Light and several disciples of the Shinto Confederate were almost shouting and roaring at the moment. The fire is related to the detachment. It was eaten by you in one bite. You actually said Not enough to eat!

Oh shit!

  Don't we people save face?

   Can you be more shameless!

of course!

   is just shouting and roaring in his heart. Even the God of Light, even the Taoist ancestor, after seeing Chen Zheng swallowing the group of white **** fires that he planned for thousands of years, he is now honest!

   This kid!

   This Chen Zu!

   Too **** evil door!

In addition, the God of Light suddenly remembered that the scene of the projection of the God summoned by his apprentice on the same day that he had seen on the ancient God of the Wing God of the Seven Gods, the terrifying sight he had seen. Of the law!

   Although the slap blasted the kid out of the Seven Gods star field, but that physiognomy looks exactly like this kid, that phasic is probably the power left by this kid in his previous life! That Fa Fa tyrannical to Daqian World Heavenly Path cannot be killed, and can only be expelled from Daqian World!

and so!

   This kid so far!

   I'm afraid it hasn't moved yet!

   took a deep breath, the eyes of the God of Light flashed for a while, the inheritance was not obtained, the white **** fire was not obtained, and it did not make sense to continue to stay, let's run away first! Leaving this world, go to where the Taoist ancestors should go, such as outside the territory, such as the legendary Taixu battlefield!


   thought of some areas outside the world of the Thousand Worlds, and the God of Light couldn't help but sigh again.

  Due to the limitation of Heaven and Tao, it is difficult for Taoist ancestors to enter the Daqian world. He still cultivated Taoist ancestors in the Great Universe Temple. Therefore, he thought that the Great Universe Temple was his own chance, but he could kill a Shinto leader first, and now he would kill a more venerable Chen Zu.

   This Nima!

   thought that God let himself see the hope of achieving the supreme myth!

   It turns out that I am just a foil!

   "Giant of the light, help him to win him, help him to suppress him! This man knows that you have the strength of the ninth ancestor in the temple!"

   After a long silence, the Shinto League leader shouted violently!

"He can devour the Great Reincarnation of God, and he is not subject to any counterattack, so even if my combat power is completely unsealed at this moment, he will not be able to suppress him. So I give the master a suggestion now, that is, take me, the big wisdom space and the big universe The temple is temporarily evacuated, and when the master is strong enough one day, he will find a way to recapture the great reincarnation. He is physically strong, but his strength is not strong, so the master still has a chance."

  The giant of light responded with a deep voice.



   God of Light!

   Ji Yu, Ling Zhou, Oulen!

   Chen Huang, Ba Xia, Tian Ce Taoist!

   No matter which party this moment is!

   is ignorant!

   lying trough!

  In the shrine of the Shinto The giant of light that can explode the power of the ninth heavy Dao ancestors broke out, this time it didn't make a shot, it actually persuaded the Shinto League leader to evacuate!

   This... really did not expect!

   "Did you see the gap between you and me?"

   At this time, Chen Zheng looked at the Shinto confederate, only a faint question.

   "Fuck!" The leader of the Shinto League took a few deep breaths, and his heart was obviously up and down, and he stared at Chen Zheng: "Good! Good Chen Zu! This seat is at the Shinto League headquarters, welcome Chen Zu to visit!"

   A roar!

   The dazzling light burst!


  In an instant!

   The Great Universe Temple disappeared out of thin air!


   "What's going on?"

   "The Great Universe Temple is gone?"

   Those monks who entered the universe universe temple suddenly discovered that the universe universe temple was gone, and they and others suddenly suspended in nothingness and exclaimed one by one!

   (End of this chapter)

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