Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 1283: Because what I want is not inheritance!


   Screaming is screaming again!

   "Fuck! Fool stuff! How could this seat not absorb this stuff!"

   growl and smell growl again!

   Screaming and roaring are all the same person!

Chen Huang, Ba Xia, and Tian Ce Taoist all heard the roar from the roar, who seemed to understand at this moment why Chen Zu was too lazy to break the realm of the fair-haired youth Oulen, And sit back and enjoy tea!

   Leader of Shinto League!

   Even if it is the first to enter the Great Universe Temple!

   It seems that I can't get what I want!

   " guy, are you still so calm? If my teacher can't get the most mysterious thing in the Great Universe Temple, you can't get it!"

  The blond young man saw that Chen Zheng was still calm and drinking tea, as if everything that happened in the deepest part of the Great Universe Temple had not been taken care of. This made the blond young man very unhappy, so he just had a drink against Chen Zheng!

  Unfortunately, his drink was directly ignored, and Chen Zheng did not fluctuate, only tasting tea.

"You... when are you going to pretend that you can pretend to be too pretend to be true? Doesn't you really fluctuate deep inside you? Don't lie to yourself! You can't wait to rush in now Rob the supreme god, because now is your best chance, you have been hit by me, right?"

  The blond young man Shen Sheng is drinking again!

   This time Chen Zheng responded to the blonde young man. I saw Chen Zheng put down the tea cup and looked at the blonde young man. He asked with a smile: "Have you heard the story of the frog at the bottom of the well?"

   "You, said I was a frog at the bottom of the well!"

   When the blond young man heard it, he was furious!

   "You have self-knowledge."

  Chen Zheng smiled again.

   "You... ah! I... I really want to kill you!"

  The blond young man was angry again, his body's blood was tumbling, and his fists clenched and let out a low roar!

   "After the tea is finished, it is time to go in and collect the vegetables."

Chen Zheng got up from the Taishi chair. At this moment, he was too lazy to look at the blond young man again. He took the tea set like the Taishi chair and took a few people beside him. He stepped out and ignored the **** of the blond youth in one step. Walk by.

"..." The blond youth opened his mouth, and didn't recover until Chen Zheng and others walked through the magnificent passage, and suddenly turned around and shouted at Chen Zheng: "Chen Zu, why don't you cut me Alright! Why don’t you cut me off!"

   "Humph! Want Chen Zu to cut you off, are you worthy? You are just an old ancestor, not yet qualified to die under Chen Zu's scimitar!"

  An indifferent voice responded to the blond young man, that's the voice of hegemony!

"not qualified......"

   The blond young man's face was stagnant, his body's blood was tumbling again, he took a few deep breaths, he took in the realm of the gods, and the light turned into him! He shouted crazy in his heart, you Chen Zu ignored me, right, then I will see how you Chen Zu defeated my teacher!

   Blonde youth Olen!

   He didn't even notice!

  He Dao Xin is already on the verge of collapse!

   After a moment.

   The deepest part of the Great Universe Temple.

   This is a huge space.

In addition to the divine light, there is a mysterious light pattern that looks like Dao Yun, and a white flame suspended in the center. At this moment, the leader of the Shinto League is almost full, and he wants to swallow it by force. That white flame, no matter how bright the divine light erupted from him, even if it was the power of the giant who could borrow the light, he could not absorb the white flame!

  Every time he touched the white flame, he fluttered and flew back! As if he had been in contact for another breath, his body would be burned to ashes!

   "What is this white flame, even with Master's arrogance, it can't be absorbed?"

   "Master has been recognized by the giant of light, has been regarded as the master of the temple, has been able to control the temple, but can not swallow this group of fire."

In this mysterious space, in addition to the Shinto League leader, there are several other figures. Two of the young men are all disciples of the Shinto League leader. One is named Ji Yu and the other is called Ling Zhou. The person, but at the moment all frowned, staring at the white flame.

"Humph! My God of Light has successfully entered this great wisdom space thousands of years ago. I have been practicing in this great wisdom space for thousands of years. I have been a genuine Taoist ancestor. White Divine Fire! You are the leader of the Shinto Confederate, the secret of cultivation is special, and the body is strange, even if it is white, it is only a half-walking ancestor! There is also the most important point, although the giant of light is the spirit of the temple, although it is more powerful than the ancestor, it can be light. The giant can’t control this white fire! So your Shinto League leader has already been recognized by the light giant, but it can’t help you get the fire!”

   A person who bathes the golden mantle all over his body speaks, this person is the **** of light, not the avatar of will, but the **** of light. He looked at the Shinto League leader who had failed many times in a row, and his face was full of joking smiles at the moment.


   After several figures stepped into this large space of wisdom, when the **** of light saw the young man headed, the sly smile disappeared, and a face sank instantly, staring at the young man and saying, "It's you!"


   Ji Yu!

   Ling Zhou!

  'S eyes are all moving, looking at the person coming, when he sees the person headed, his face is also changed!

   "Chen Zu!"

   "Chen Zu!"

   Two whispers!

  As a Shinto alliance disciple!

   They have long seen the portrait of Chenzu, the number one enemy of Shinto League!

   So it is impossible not to know!

after all!

   Many Shinto League ancestors, many disciples died in the hands of this ancestor Chen Chen!


At this moment, the leader of the Shinto League turned around, and the double pupils exposed under the mask locked Chen Zheng at once: "You are late, this seat has been recognized by the giant of light, this seat has control of the Great Universe Temple, and it has been There is no inheritance! This seat cannot kill you, but you are not invincible, and you also have weaknesses. This seat can control the Great Universe Temple and send you directly out. As for the people around you, this idea can take them Kill it all!"

   "Master of Shinto League... You disappoint me a little."

   Chen Zheng glanced at the Shinto League leader and shook his head gently.



  Why are you disappointed?

The God of Light, Ji Yu Ling Zhou and the Shinto League leader heard this sentence a little stunned, and at the next moment, they heard Chen Zheng's voice: "You, the recognized first person in this world, only sent a Tao Come here, you are hiding in the Shinto League headquarters, so I am afraid that I will cut you off."


   Dao body!

  The leader of the Shinto League is only Dao body!

  This...... Why didn't I see it!

   Ji Yu!

   Ling Zhou!

The God of Light moved his all looked at the Shinto League leader. Among them, Ji Yu Lingzhou was a disciple of the Shinto League leader, and the God of Light was the real ancestor of the real price, but I didn’t see it. It is not the body!

"By the way, I thought you were at least Taoist cultivator. I didn't expect it to be only a half-step Taoist ancestor. This also made me a little disappointed. Not even Taoist ancestors. It would be too simple to cut you. As for you saying I came Too late, you said that you have inherited the inheritance and took control of this temple, but from the beginning I was not interested in the inheritance of the temple, I was only interested in this white **** fire. The white **** fire is still there, how can I be late Now."

   With a chuckle, Chen Zheng raised his right hand and caught the white magic fire!


   This moment!

   The Shinto League leader slammed!


   A magnificent law of time and space is added to Chen Zheng instantly!

  The main Shinto League forcibly sent Chen Zheng!



   The group of white **** fire has fallen into Chen Zheng's hands. The white **** fire releases a terrifying power of terror. In a flash, the law of time and space will be crushed on Chen Zheng!

   (End of this chapter)

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