Ye Luo followed in Qin Shu's footsteps.

Yang Jin supported his chin with one hand, staring at the back of Qin Shu leaving, for a long time.

The butler came over at this moment, still holding a tray with two cups of tea on it.

"Master, where's the man?" The butler bent over and put the tray on the glass coffee table, then sat sideways on Yang Jin's lap, most of his body weight resting on Yang Jin.

Yang Jin looked sideways at the beauty housekeeper, thoughtfully.

Qin Shu walked out of the villa and glanced back. He was a little unwilling. The two Gu Masters in the Long Family were unwilling to help. Are they really unable to get Gu worms?

For two days, Qin Shu tried some methods to ask Yang Jin to help, but the other party still refused, and refused very simply.

Hao Ze couldn't find her.

Qin Shu asked Ye Luo to give the Long Family a greeting.

The Long Family is equal to the king of Miao Xin. Maybe he starts from the Long Family, and maybe there is still a chance.

The head of the Long family is Long Size, who is in his seventies. I heard that in recent years he has been in poor health and is often ill in bed.

Long Size has three sons and one daughter.

The eldest son got sick and died 20 years ago.

The youngest daughter was missing for several years.

The youngest son has a stubborn nature. He was injured in an accident two years ago and his IQ is like a few years old.

Now only the second son, Long Qingyue, is left to manage the Long family temporarily.

These are all information about the Long Family that Qin Shu found.

Today, I just ran out of breakfast.

News came from the Long's family, and they agreed to meet at nine in the morning.

Qin Shu still wears a neutral dress, his face is still modified, his complexion is darker, and his long hair like seaweed is tied into a high ponytail.

Her temperament is just to stop there, without any language, she can detect her difficulty.

The Long Family’s old house was built on the edge of a mountain, covering a huge area, and behind the house is a large bamboo forest.

The one who received Qin Shu was the housekeeper of the Long family. He was a man over a hundred years old with gray hair and a slightly fattened figure.

"You two, please follow me."

The housekeeper led Qin Shu all the way in, and went through several times.

Thinking of going to see Long Size, Qin Shu found that the housekeeper took her to a pavilion in the backyard. The stone table in the pavilion had tea and cakes.

The housekeeper walked to the pavilion and turned to Qin Shu and said, "Miss Qin sits here and waits for a while. My second master is dealing with things, and I will see Miss Qin later."

Hearing the word Erye, Qin Shu knew that it was Long Qingyue, and he had not yet assumed the position of head.

When she worshipped, she clearly wanted to see Long Size, not Long Qingyue.

"Trouble the housekeeper, I want to ask, why didn't you see the dragon head person?"

The housekeeper replied: "My master is very ill and can't meet the guests. Therefore, it is my second master to see the guests now. Miss Qin will sit down for a while."

The butler turned and left after speaking.

After the steward left, only Qin Shu and Ye Luo remained in the pavilion.

In winter, the leaves of some trees in the backyard have fallen out. A gust of wind blows over, and the yellowed leaves fall in the pavilion. A concrete path leads directly to the bamboo forest. Although it is cleaned every day, there are still a few leaves on the road, which looks a bit different. Bleak.

Qin Shu glanced around suspiciously. The visitors were usually in the living room, but Long Qingyue arranged her in the pavilion in the backyard. What does this mean?

This time she came to the Long Family, she didn't use any identity, just an ordinary cooperative identity, and cooperation was just a starting point. She just wanted to start from the Long Family and let the Long Family participate, which would be much easier.

After waiting for about half an hour, there was no shadow of Long Qingyue.

At this time, a crisp and muffled hum came from the depths of the bamboo forest.

Qin Shu heard the prestige, looked at the deep path, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, stood up and walked towards the bamboo forest path.

Ye Luo shouted: "Young lady."

"You just wait for me here." Qin Shu ordered, and then walked straight into the bamboo forest path.

Ye Luo stood in the pavilion, watching Qin Shu leave, a little uneasy, but thinking that Qin Shu's strength was above him, he didn't follow.

The crisp and muffled sound continued.

Qin Shu walked over after hearing the sound, and as the distance got closer, the sound became louder and louder than before.

After a while, the front gradually opened up, and at the end of the path was an independent courtyard with the word Shenmu written on the plaque on the courtyard door.

"The voice just came from here."

Qin Shu retracted his gaze and stepped in.

There are no flowers, plants or trees for decoration in the yard, but only a few boxes made of bamboo placed on both sides of the yard.

But the light here is dim, mainly the trees behind the house and the bamboo forest in front, which block the sunlight a lot.

In the center of the yard, stood a man wearing black clothes, about 1.87 meters tall, tall and tall, standing there like a mountain.

In his left hand, he held a bamboo pole about the thickness of a bowl. It was about one meter long. The color was very fresh, and it should be sturdy.

The man put the bamboo pole on the ground, and the man squatted down, as if no one had been found walking into his yard.

Qin Shu walked over curiously, squatted down in front of the man, and found that he was holding a drill in his hand and was drilling a hole in the bamboo pole.

She raised her eyes and glanced at the man, and found that his front bangs were very long, and with her head down, she couldn't see his face at all.

This appearance reminded her of herself when she was in high school, because there was a scar on the corner of her right eye.

At this moment, the man suddenly dropped the drill in his hand, stood up and turned and walked into the house.

Qin Shugang wanted to ask him what he did to drill, but he just left, as if he didn't see her.

This yard looked a little desolate. It didn't look like the place where Long's noble son would live, but it didn't look like a servant lived.

Although it is a bit dilapidated, it is an independent courtyard. No matter the location or the structure of the house, servants are not qualified to live here.

She stood up, looked at the open door, raised her foot and walked in.

The light in the room was darker than outside, and I saw the man sitting at the table, because he was facing his back, and he didn't know what he was doing.

She walked over and glanced at the thing in the man's hand. If she wasn't brave, she might be shocked.

In front of the man is a dark vessel, and inside is a decayed insect corpse. A small lamp is lit next to it. You can clearly see the degree of decay and a few white dots on it. It is slowly creeping. The corpse worm emits an unpleasant smell.

Although Qin Shu was courageous, his taste was not so good, especially when he saw it suddenly, his stomach was rolling and vomiting.

She tried to suppress the thought of nausea, and asked the man: "The stuff inside is rotten, why are you still keeping it?"

The man didn't answer her, but removed the small lamp, closed the lid, and put it in the cabinet on the side.

Later, he took out another thing, a bamboo tube.

Immediately afterwards, he took out another vessel the same as before.

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