Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 985: His private life is chaotic

"You don't ask again, how do you know that I don't want to go with you?" The man snarled suppressedly, but he was very weak.

At the moment of brain fever last night, when he picked up the bed where she was walking towards and took off her clothes, he knew he was planted.

There has never been a woman that upsets him, and she thinks of her unconsciously every day.

He thought he would spend his whole life so peacefully and coldly.

It happened to be messed up by a woman who had only known her for a few days.

The room was terribly quiet.

The man just sat on the bed like this, he didn't even have the strength to vent his anger.

He slumped on the bed behind him, his dark eyes gloomy, staring at the beam above his head in a daze.

After a long time, the man said quietly, "Don't come back when you leave."

At this time, Miaodu

Qin Shu and Ye Luo returned to the hotel where they were staying, and the room was still the same room and kept it.

Qin Shu sat on the sofa, holding Haoze's business card, thinking of what he said, "Yang Jin, he won't help you."

How did he know Yang Jin was unwilling to help her?

She couldn't do what Haoze asked, so now she can only go to Yang Jin to try.

Qin Shu put away the business card and stood up, "Yeluo, I'll go out."

Ye Luo also stood up, picked up President Ba by the way, and went out first.

It is easy to find out where the villa where Yang Jin lives.

Yang Jin's villa and Haoze's villa are not far apart, they should be in the same villa area.

As a senior Gu Master, the treatment is very good, and the villa is also prepared for them by the Long Family.

Villa entrance

Ye Luo stepped forward and rang the doorbell.

After a while, the door opened from the inside, and it was a young and beautiful maid: "Is there something wrong?"

Ye Luo said, "My master wants to visit Master Yang Gu, is Master Yang Gu here?"

"Is there an invitation? Is there an appointment?" the maid asked.

Ye Luo shook his head: "None."

The maid said with an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry, but there is no invitation to make an appointment, my father will not be seen."

The maid smiled apologetically, then closed the door.

Ye Luo looked at the closed door, turned and walked to Qin Shu, "Need an appointment and invitation."

Qin Shu just stood on the side, and she heard what the maid said, and she could see that Yang Jin had a big face, and it was not that easy to get along with each other.

But it doesn't mean she will give up.

As long as it can meet Yang Jin's requirements, he might be able to let Yang Jin try to make Gu.

"Yeluo, give me a post first."

"Yes." Ye Luo could only temporarily prepare a greeting note, and rang the doorbell again, and handed the greeting note to the maid.

The maid accepted the greeting sticker and closed the door again.

In the evening, Ye Luo received a call from the housekeeper in Yang Jin's villa, saying that it was nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Luojiang told Qin Shu about the meeting time.

During the waiting time, Qin Shu carefully checked some information about Yang Jin.

Yang Jin is 30 years old this year and has married two wives. The first wife died of illness three years ago, and then he married a second wife.

After all, his private life is chaotic, because he is rich and powerful, and he never lacks women.

Yang Jin's father was also a senior Gu Master under the Long Family. Yang Jin followed his father to learn Gu from an early age and became a Senior Gu Master.

Yang Jin's father and the Long family are still relatives by marriage. In contrast, Yang Jin's identity in the Long family is special.

Yang Jin grew up with a golden spoon in his hand, and with the Long Family behind him, he is also a senior Gu Master himself, arrogant and domineering, but no one dares to offend him.

For this reason, Yang Jin has caused a lot of misfortunes, all of which Yang Jin's father cleaned up for him.

the next day

Nine o'clock

Qin Shu and Ye Luo arrived at Yang Jin's villa on time, but President Ba put them in the car and did not take them down.

She was the housekeeper in Yang Jin’s villa for the first time. She was a young and **** woman, less than twenty-five years old, smartly dressed and sexy.

Everyone looking for a housekeeper is looking for such a young, beautiful and **** woman, so it is not groundless to say that his private life is chaotic.

When Qin Shu looked at the housekeeper, she also looked at Qin Shu, with good facial features, which can be said to be exquisite, but this complexion is a bit hard to say, which lowers the overall appearance a lot. She wears a neutral and is not feminine.

The butler only glanced roughly, then retracted his gaze.

"You two, please come with me."

The butler stepped on seven-centimeter high heels and took the lead.

Qin Shu and Ye Luo walked into Yang Jin's private villa one after another.

From the outside, the villa is very luxurious.

When I walked inside, I found out that there was nothing outside.

The decoration inside is called a luxury.

With a European-American style of decoration, the leather sofa is very expensive.

On the sofa, there was a handsome man with brown curly hair and a black robe that a Gu master would wear. It also showed that he was Yang Jin.

"Master, here comes the man." The butler stood in front of the sofa and waited.

Yang Jin sat lazily on the sofa and looked at the woman who came by behind the housekeeper. With just a glance, he lost interest, his skin was not white enough, and his appearance was lower. He glanced at the woman again, back At the corner of his mouth, he is tall and slender. Although he is dressed in a neutral dress, his good figure is difficult to hide.

When people approached, Yang Jin said lazily: "Miss Qin, right, sit down and say."

"Xie Yang Gu Master." Qin Shu's slender legs sat down on the sofa opposite Yang Jin.

Yang Jin ordered: "Tea."

"Yes, Lord." The butler stepped on high heels and took elegant steps to make tea.

Qin Shu directly explained his intention: "Master Yang Gu, I'm here to disturb you this time. I want you to help me make Gu, I wonder if you are interested?"

Most of the people who came to him wanted to spend money to invite him to make Gu, so after listening, there was no expression on Yang Jinjunmei’s face, "I am best at making Gu, what kind of Gu do you say first?"

Qin Shu saw Yang Jin's lack of interest, she said: "Ni, I don't know if Master Yang Gu can pick it up?"

Yang Jin was still leaning on the back of the sofa just now, with a look of no interest, suddenly sat up and looked at Qin Shu: "What are you talking about?"

Qin Shu spit out a word: "Inverse."

Yang Jin heard clearly this time, after so many years, is there anyone who wants to reverse this kind of Gu worm?

Immediately, he resumed his previous appearance, "I'm sorry Miss Qin, I won't answer this."

Although this result was expected, when I was hearing it, there was another disappointment.

Because she lost another chance of getting the reverse.

Qin Shu asked: "Why didn't you pick up? Is there any reason?"

"If you don't want to pick it up, you don't want to pick it up. Qin Shao, please come back. I have something to do, so I won't be with you." Yang Jin directly issued the eviction order.

Qin Shu hesitated for a while, then stood up, "That's bothering me."

After speaking, he turned and left without staying much.

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