I don't know if the woman's charm is too big, or his concentration is too bad, just like this, she can't find North with a few words and a kiss.

Obviously she was a woman who had not seen each other a few times, but she could say everything in his heart.

The man's hands looped around her unconsciously, and subconsciously responded to her kiss.

This time there was no smell of wine, but the tip of his nose had a faint sweet scent, which made him sink into it, unable to extricate himself, like a poppy flower, very addictive.

Feeling the man's response, Qin Shu was delighted. This was a good sign. The man did not reject her because of his memory loss and would not let her approach.

On the contrary, I like her behavior.

The reason why Qin Shu said this was entirely because he knew men's preferences too well.

It's also because when he was in bed, the man himself said that he could do whatever he wanted in front of him without scruples.

On the contrary, it is the appearance in front of him, and he does not like to be seen by others.

The kiss lasted for a while, both of them were adults, and both were normal people, and it was easy to spark.

The man found that his concentration was really bad, so he was attacked so easily, and he almost lost the last bit of self-control.

He almost lost his helmet and dismantled his armor and was defeated.

He can never do this.

The man suddenly pushed the woman away, trying to calm the excited heartbeat and the already disturbed breath.

This was the first time being pushed away by a man, and Qin Shu felt hesitated after the man had lost his memory.

She almost could...

After a while, the man couldn't calm the restlessness of his body for a while, raised his eyes to look at the woman in the dark, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab her slender white wrist, and strode out.

Qin Shu didn't know what he was going to do, but was forced to keep up with him.

When he walked out of the room and came to the gate, Qin Shu was pushed out by the man, and he heard the man say: "If you are sick, go home and take medicine. Don't go crazy with me."

Before the voice was over, the door was closed vigorously, giving her no chance to react, let alone a chance to refute.

After the man closed the door, he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, but the more he resisted and the louder he clamored, he went back to the room. After taking a shower, he walked into the bathroom again and washed again. Cold water is used.

Outside the house, the cold wind was rustling.

Qin Shu looked at the closed door and sighed helplessly. He was already emotional and he could still push it open.

When did concentration become so good?

If concentration was so good in the past, would she sleep on three poles until the day?

Although Qin Shu complained, she almost succeeded just now, but she was not discouraged either.

Although men are all thinking creatures in the lower half of the body.

But Fu Tingyu is different, he will not be enamored with a woman casually.

She is convinced of this.

Although she failed to stay tonight, she still had something to gain, so she was not entangled in the matter of the man throwing her out.

Early the next morning, it was still dark.

Qin Shu woke up early, and followed the village chief's wife to sell things on the street.

The village eldest daughter-in-law is enthusiastic, and a good daughter-in-law who is very filial to her in-laws, and she is also very sociable.

On the way, the village chief's wife suddenly mentioned something.

"Miss Qin, someone in the village asked you yesterday and asked if you had no opponent. It was a bit late last night. I just forgot to ask when I was too busy. Only then did I remember."

Qin Shu smiled and replied: "I'm already married."

The village chief's wife was a little surprised and looked at Qin Shu: "You look quite young, are you all married?"

Qin Shu nodded: "Well, I got married a bit early."

The village chief's daughter-in-law also said: "The people in the village of Yuyi got married early. Do you know the one in the village? A Yu is really handsome. The entire Miao Xin man is inferior. Women who like him can line up. "

Qin Shu heard this and guessed that she was talking about Fu Tingyu, his face is indeed very high, or a disaster.

The village chief's daughter-in-law said again: "The mushrooms in the village are cool. I used to wash and cook for him. I just wanted to marry him, but he was kicked out."

Qin Shu felt that the man did the right thing, and that's it. Seeing her take the initiative to mention it, she asked casually: "It seems that he is really popular. How old is he?"

"Twenty-eight years old, but looks nothing like a twenty-eight-year-old person, handsome and tender." The village eldest daughter-in-law now thought of Ah Yu's face, and couldn't help but praise him.

"Aren't they getting married pretty early here? Why is he still not married when he is so old?" Qin Shu asked suspiciously.

"We don't know, maybe we don't want to tie it, let alone him, she has already been on the street." The village eldest daughter-in-law felt that she had a lot of words, and when she saw the street, she was busy shopping.

Seeing that she stopped talking about Fu Tingyu, Qin Shu started to pick things when she liked it. She bought some ingredients and meals.

This street is not big, and you will be able to go shopping soon.

After returning, Qin Shu returned to his room first, and then went to Fu Tingyu.

When she went, the door was open.

She walked in with something and shouted inside: "Baby Yu."

The man was solving a physiological problem in the bathroom, when he suddenly heard a sound of baby Yu, shaking.

He frowned, thinking of what happened last night, the man's face was not pretty.

Qin Shu waited for a while, but no one answered her, maybe the man was angry because of what happened last night.

She didn't continue to shout either, but sat down at the table, put the bought meals on the table one by one, and then ate them first.

Waiting for the man to come out while eating.

As soon as Qin Shu took two bites, the man walked out of the bathroom and saw the woman at the table eating a meal leisurely and contentedly, his complexion became a bit heavy.

Kicked her out yesterday, but today is like someone sitting at his house to eat?

Seeing the man coming out, Qin Shu smiled and greeted him: "Baby Yu, come and have breakfast. I just bought it."

The man walked over with a calm face, sat down in front of the woman, glanced at the meal on the dining table that was still steaming, and looked at the woman opposite: "What do you want?"

Qin Shu stopped eating the cake and answered him with a smile: "Didn't I tell you last night, I like you and want to kidnap you home."

The man snorted coldly: "I think you have to go to brainwashing, you are not very sick."

Qin Shu ignored the man’s words, but pushed the food in front of him to the man, “I chose the food first. I didn’t know if it tasted before, so I bought a lot of it. . You choose what you like to eat."

The man didn't go to the meal on the table, but stared at Qin Shu. Her face was only that time, revealing her original appearance, other times, it was ugly.

Her skin was originally very pale, but her complexion has been darkened to several levels, and her appearance has been modified a bit.

She must have done this with a purpose.

Just like approaching him is also purposeful.

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