Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 973: Are you so short of men?

Hao Ze curled up his mouth and uttered a word: "Let you be my woman?"

Qin Shu was stunned. He didn't expect that he would make such a request. Who would like her now?

Moreover, Hao Ze didn't even have a good impression of her, this request came inexplicably.

She directly refused: "I can't do this request."

Hao Ze is not in a hurry: "You can consider it."

Qin Shu said, "I'm already married."

The implication is that it is impossible to agree to his request.

Hao Ze said: "I didn't see it. People here got married pretty early. You are not here."

Qin Shu said: "This should have nothing to do with you, right?"

Hao Ze reminded: "Remember the Gu worm I showed you the night before?"

Qin Shu was startled and looked at him calmly on the surface, with a doubtful voice: "What's wrong with that Gu worm?

Hao Ze suddenly approached her and whispered in her ear.

Qin Shu's face was reddish, it turned out that it wasn't Heart Eater Gu, but was testing her.

She just said that a person who doesn't know will not approach one for no reason. It's all with purpose.

As for his request, it may also have another purpose.

When Qin Shu came out of Haoze, the moon was high, and when the cold wind blew, she couldn't help but shudder.

Back in the room, she found it was ten o'clock in the evening.

She picked up her coat and put it on, then opened the door and went out.

The room where Fu Tingyu lived was not far away, and it was only a ten-minute walk away.

When she waited, she saw that the light in the room had gone out, indicating that the man had fallen asleep.

In the past, when in Jiangcheng, men basically only went to bed after twelve o'clock. Now they have turned off the lights to go to bed at ten. Although the quality of life here is not as good as in Jiangcheng, they can get enough rest, at least not so tired.

The first time I went in, I was really drunk.

The second time I went in, it was deliberately pretending to be drunk.

Is it possible to pretend to be drunk this time?

It is understandable once or twice, and again, you will doubt it.

Qin Shu dispelled this idea, took out Poyue, and opened the door with Poyue just like the second time.

She walked to the door of the room in the dark, opened the door gently, and walked in. When she closed the door, she was suddenly caught by her wrist and her body was held from behind. The other party was very strong, but she did not struggle. .

Because she knew that the person behind her was Fu Tingyu.

"You treat me here as your own home, are you still used to it?" The man pressed her ear, and did not smell the scent of wine tonight, it means she was not drunk.

In the dark room, the man had a low voice and a little teasing.

Qin Shu thought that at the beginning, he said that he was his husband, and the effect was not great, so in another way, she softened her tone: "I like you and can't sleep at night, so I want to come and see you."

The man chuckled, "Aren't you thinking of me as your husband? Isn't it?"

Qin Shu thought, "Just get married."

Although she and Fu Tingyu received the certificate, they have not held the wedding banquet, so they can only be considered half and half.

The man stretched his hand to her chin, and moved her face to him. He moved a little closer, his cold lips pressed against her ears, and he felt the temperature rise. He sneered in his heart, his low voice accompanied by heat They were sent into her ears together: "You are so short of men?"

Qin Shu shrank his neck subconsciously. Before that, the men had resisted her approach, but tonight, the man obviously had something wrong, not only approached her actively, but also used words to tease her, as if he was stimulated.

After a daze, she raised her lips again: "I lack you."

In the dark night, the man’s deep eyes were hidden in the dark, and he was too lazy to continue to grind with her. The hand holding her chin lifted up, and the strength of the hand increased a bit, "What is your purpose?"

Qin Shu was forced to lift his chin, and he could feel the man's breath on his eyebrows, and he could also feel the man's cheeks close to each other. As long as he moved up a few minutes, he could kiss each other.

She answered readily: "I want to take you home."

The man was startled for a few seconds, and then chuckled softly: "It's quite confident. It's a good thing for people to be confident, but it's not a good thing to be too confident."

Qin Shu kept her head sideways, her neck was a little sore. She tried to move it, but the man's jaw tightened again. She said, "I am not confident in myself, but in you."

"Have confidence in me?" The man didn't understand what the woman said. He was really not reserved at all.

Qin Shu said in an extremely serious tone: "Yes, I am very confident in you."

the man:"……"

Qin Shu looked at the man close at hand. The light in the room was too dark to see the man's face clearly. He felt the man's warm breath gushing down his eyebrows.

She suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed her breath.

It was a temptation at first, and she felt that the man's reaction was almost the same as last time, so she could explain it in a simple way.

The sudden kiss caught the man by surprise, and an inexplicable feeling surged in, making him reluctant to push her away, and at the same time gave her many opportunities.

When Qin Shukuai succeeded, the man reacted here, grabbing her jaw forcefully, forcing her to separate.

The man gasped lightly: "Enough, you crazy woman, don't you know how to write the word reserved?"

Qin Shu looked at the man. He was still enjoying it just now. This would make him angry again. The man's heart is really a needle in the sea.

"Of course I know how to write. I will do this to you, not to others, I can assure you." She deliberately got close to his ear and said very seriously.

Although he couldn't see the woman's face, he could feel that the woman was very close to him, especially when he heard this sentence, the man's heart was hot for no reason, as if he was meeting his inner need.

Feeling the man wandering, Qin Shu thought about it, and used his skill to break away from his restraints, turned around and wrapped his hands around the man's neck, this time not kissing him, just holding him like this.

He whispered to his ear: "I'm telling the truth. I like you. I want to kidnap you home. I will only kiss you and make trouble with you alone. Don't you like me? "

The man just stretched his hand over and tried to push her away, but when he heard this, he was shocked, and even forgot to push away.

It is undeniable that deep down in his heart, he likes his own woman like this.

Qin Shu said, "Have you ever heard this sentence? You never know why people fall in love with another person. I guess maybe we all have a gap in our hearts. Wind, we desperately need a heart of the right shape to fill it."

The man listened to this passage quietly, very emotional.

Qin Shu released the man, raised his head to look at him, then slowly stood on his toes and kissed him again.

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