Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 966: Drinking at the same table with four senior Gu masters

When the man saw that the woman was already in tears, he frowned again, a little irritable, "Woman, you have admitted the wrong person."

"I didn't admit the wrong person, you are Fu Tingyu." Qin Shu stretched out his hand to hug him again, just put his arm around his neck, and was pulled away by the man again.

The man warned coldly: "If you do this again, don't blame me for doing it."

Qin Shu stood upright in front of the man, looking at him with steamy eyes, also not showing weakness: "You try?"

After another few seconds, the man spit out three words impatiently, "What's wrong?"

The man didn't hit her, but grabbed her arm, pushed her out, and then closed the door hard.

After closing the door, the man raised his hand and wiped his neck. The tears had been absorbed by the clothes, but he could still feel it hot.

He saw a black cat standing at his feet, with dark green eyes staring at him.

Outside the door, Qin Shu looked at the closed door, and couldn't believe that he was thrown out by the man like this?

She stretched out her hand to knock on the door, but the door opened at this moment. She was happy, and the man felt like he had overplayed it?

The smile just raised at the corner of her mouth was not too long before she could sway on her face, and a dark thing flew towards her face. It was in her arms and the door closed again.

She looked down at President Ba, who looked at her with aggrieved eyes, "Meow"

Her smile gradually disappeared from the corners of her mouth. She felt sorry for herself as well as President Ba. She rubbed his head and said: "I will bring back your grievances."

Mr. "Meow" had his eyes brightened, looking forward to that day, and let him raise his eyebrows once.

Qin Shu raised his head again to look at the closed door in front of him, and glanced sideways at the sky. She had to go back first. Now that she knew he was here, knew that he was safe, and was not injured, the heart that had been holding it finally fell.

It's just that, judging from his reaction and behavior just now, it didn't seem to be pretending.

Except for amnesia, she couldn't think of other reasons.

The sky was already dark, and Qin Shu didn't see the makeup after washing his face.

When she returned to the village chief’s house, the room she lived in could be accessed from the stairs outside instead of inside the village chief’s house, so no one saw it.

Ye Luo came back before her and was waiting for her in the room.

He was about to talk about the list of Gu Masters he found today, but Qin Shu interrupted him first, "Listen to me first."

Ye Luo paused, then nodded.

Although what happened just now made her sad and sad, she was very happy and excited in her heart, "I found him."

Ye Luo had some doubts: "Gu worm?"

Qin Shu smiled and shook his head, "It's Fu Tingyu, your fourth master."

"Where?" Ye Luo was about to look for her master.

Qin Shu held him down, and continued: "He is in the village behind the village, but he seems to have lost his memory. I recognize him. He said he didn't know me and kicked me out."

This is her most angry thing, even if she doesn't know her, there is no need to drive her out.

Ye Luo was silent for a while, and asked her: "How does the young lady confirm that he is the Fourth Master?"

Qin Shu proudly raised the boss in his arms, "It was the boss who took me to find him. I knew at a glance that he was Fu Tingyu, and the boss would not admit his mistake."

"Meow" Ba always called out in cooperation.

Ye Luo looked down at President Ba, who had known his nose before, and after so many years of getting along, he still knew President Ba and how powerful his nose was.

That nose is dozens of times more sensitive than a police dog.

Qin Shu believes that he is the Fourth Master, and President Ba also believes that he is the Fourth Master 100%.

Just amnesia is very troublesome.

Ye Luo asked, "What is the young lady going to do?"

Qin Shu said, "Get in touch with him first. It's not enough to take him away. When you find Gu Chongni, I will take him back to Jiangcheng."

"Yeah." Ye Luo nodded.

At this time, the village chief's wife knocked on the door: "Miss Qin, you can come out for dinner."

Ye Luo walked over, opened the door, walked out, and said to the village chief's wife, "I will be there soon."

"Hurry up, I have prepared a lot of delicious food tonight." The village chief's daughter-in-law asked and went down the stairs.

Ye Luo closed the door and waited outside.

The door opened again, and Qin Shu reapplied his makeup, returning to his previous normal appearance, and his complexion was also darker.

The village chief’s house set up four tables with different guests.

The village chief and four senior Gu masters were sitting on a table.

The village chief’s family sat full of three tables

As for the tourists, there are only Qin Shu and Ye Luo.

The village chief arranged for them to sit at a table with them for dinner.

This arrangement is actually very polite.

Qin Shu thanked the village chief first, and then sat down at the table. The four men sitting across from him were all senior Gu masters she had seen today, and that made the village chief so respected.

One of them is Haoze, who is under the Long Family, and the other Yang Jin should be one of the three.

Drinking at the dinner table is inevitable.

The village chief said, "Come and drink."

The 60-year-old village chief loves to drink and also likes to entertain guests with wine.

Although the other four are senior Gu masters and have a high status in Miaoxin, in Yuyi, the four did not show up.

Raise the wine glasses and clink them in the air.

Qin Shu looked at the full glass of wine in front of him, the village chief poured it for her.

The glass for the wine is made of bamboo, which is exquisite in polishing and workmanship.

She raised the glass, and then passed it to her mouth to drink. The taste is not spicy but sweet, a bit of cocktail, and a bit of twenty-four flavor. Anyway, it is good, like fruit wine.

The village chief said just now that he brewed this wine himself, and he couldn't buy it with money.

I heard that there is a habit here that the first three glasses of wine must be drunk in one go. Otherwise, she is dissatisfied with the host’s hospitality. She didn’t rush to remove the glass, but glanced at the four men opposite and found that they all finished drinking in one go. , Then the explanation is true.

After Haoze finished drinking the wine in the glass, his brown eyes glanced at Qin Shu, and then he looked back.

After drinking the wine in the glass in one breath, she felt the line of sight from the other side. She subconsciously raised her eyes and looked at her, but found no one looking at her.

She put down the wine glass, did she feel wrong?

The village chief took the wine bottle to fill the other four Gu Masters one by one, then stretched out to pour Qin Shu, and smiled and asked, "How do you feel about this wine?"

Qin Shu recollected the remaining taste of the wine on his tongue, and said: "It's delicious, a bit sweet, like fruit wine. The village chief's craftsmanship is very good, and it is much better than the wine sold outside."

The village chief was very happy when he heard that, "Drink more if you like. I have a lot in my wine cellar. When you leave, I will give you a few more bottles."

"Thank you, the village chief." Qin Shu held up the glass, "the village chief, I respect you."

"It's so polite." The village chief also raised his glass, and drank it all in one breath without a drop.

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