I couldn't believe my eyes, and my heartbeat stopped.

She stared at the man's side face, she didn't even dare to blink her eyes. This was the person she thought about day and night, and she was afraid that she had imagined it.

The man sitting by the lake shook the drops of water on his hand, then stood up, and when he turned around, he saw a woman standing behind him, he stopped.

The moment the man turned around, when Qin Shu saw that familiar face that could no longer be familiar, his body became stiff, his heartbeat was fast and slow and uncontrollable, excitement was accompanied by fear, so she didn't dare to move or speak. .

In countless nights, countless dreams, she would dream of different scenes and different times, reuniting with him.

Every time I want to go and hug him happily, my dream wakes up.

She is a bit confused now, whether this is reality or dream.

Staring at the man's face, she felt a little thinner than before, her chin was thin and sharp, and her heart was shaking when she met the man's dark eyes.

The man told the woman to keep staring at him, and walked over with doubts.

Seeing the man coming over, Qin Shu held his breath and stared at the man firmly, waiting for him to come closer, expecting him to hold her in his arms as before, telling her that this was not a dream.

As the man approached step by step, Qin Shu didn't dare to blink his eyes, his heart beating faster and faster, as if he was about to jump out.

The man's slender legs walked over evenly, and when he passed her, he glanced at the woman in confusion, feeling the sight of the man, her heart was lifted up, but the next second, the man went straight away.

Qin Shu stood still, and did not react for a long time, so he left?

After nearly two months of separation, he left without saying a word?

"Meow" President Ba called out to her.

Qin Shu reacted and turned around hurriedly and found that the figure of the man had disappeared.

She ran out of the grass and stood on the concrete road, looking left and right, the man was gone.

Is this dreaming again?

At this time, President Ba ran over, called "meow" at Qin Shu, smelled the smell, and looked all the way there.

Qin Shu immediately followed Mr. Ba's actions.

President Ba leads the way, running for a while, then stopping to wait for her.

When he came to a house, Qin Shu stopped and looked up. The house was the same as the houses of other residents. The house was two stories, with the door open.

President Ba has already sneaked in through the gate first.

She paused, then walked in.

This is an ordinary house, and the decoration inside is different from that of the village chief’s house. There is a wooden table in the living room. There is a teapot and four drinking glasses on the table. They are all made of bamboo and surrounded by four chairs. The table is very tidy.

At this time, from the room, the man saw the woman standing in the living room, the woman staring at him by the lake, and frowned, "Are you looking for me?"

Seeing the man again, Qin Shu was still very excited, but his eyes looking at strangers made her a little scared, "Don't you know me?"

In fact, when she saw a man, she realized that something was wrong. When a man looked at her, the look in her eyes was like a stranger.

Is it the wrong person?

How could she admit it wrong.

The man didn't get angry and smiled: "You are really interesting to talk about. You are the first to come to the village. It looks very face to face. I must know you?"

Qin Shu's heart froze in an instant. He said he didn't know himself? Knowing that she is here for the first time, looking at the face?

She suddenly remembered that she put on make-up, deliberately ugly.

"You wait a minute."

Qin Shu glanced around in the living room. Not knowing where the bathroom was, she retracted her gaze and looked at the man: "Where is the bathroom?"

In such anxiousness, it turned out to be an internal urgency. The man pointed his finger behind him, "In the back, that small door is."

"Thank you." Qin Shu thanked subconsciously, rushed into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and started washing his face.

The man sat down at the table, picked up the kettle and poured himself a glass of water, and then drank himself.

President Tyrant raised his head to look at the man, first jumped on the chair, then on the table, his dark green eyes staring straight at the man.

The man raised his eyes and glanced at President Ba, his face darkened, "Go down."

Mr. "Meow" shrank his neck, took two steps back, and then fell directly off the table. Fortunately, it reacted quickly and landed steadily.

After Qin Shu washed his face, he wiped it twice at random, then ran out of the bathroom and saw the man sitting at the table. She said, "I have washed it clean. Look at me."

When the man heard this, he turned his head and looked over. The woman's cheeks were a lot whiter than before, and her facial features were also very delicate, but the people here didn't like such a pale woman.

He just glanced at it, and there was not much waves in his dark eyes, "I don't know you."

The man's voice is as plain as his eyes, without emotion.

The man's unfamiliar eyes and cold tone didn't seem to be pretended, Qin Shu asked tentatively, "What is your name?"

"What is my name, does it have anything to do with you?" The man's voice was cold, and he picked up the tea cup in front of him and continued to drink.

Qin Shu walked over and stopped less than half a meter away from the man. Seeing the chair at her feet, she sat down, then looked at the man again and asked him, "Have you always lived here?"

The man gave an unimportant "um".

Qin Shu's hand on her leg suddenly squeezed, and she asked again, "Do you remember the past?"

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the self-familiar woman: "Are we familiar?"

"Are we familiar?" Qin Shu's heart throbbed fiercely, are we familiar? Once the certificate is received and the child has, it will be the wedding banquet on the eighth day of the first month. Did he know it well?

She looked at the man, still the face that was easy to attract butterflies, as if it had been carved into her mind, and she could remember it when she closed her eyes.

But those extremely cold eyes were strange.

Seeing that she was about to cry, the man frowned again, "Nothing else, please leave."

Qin Shu stood up suddenly, stretched out her arms around the man's neck, she hugged him very hard, and said to his ear: "It's been two months, do you know how I got through these days and nights? You don’t know me, and you want me to leave, do you have a conscience?"

Men don’t like other people being too close, and they don’t like this kind of intimate contact. After two seconds of stunned, the neck suddenly gets scalded twice. If you don’t look at it, you know that it’s a woman’s tears, and feel that your heart is scalded by tears .

He always hated crying women, and pulled the woman holding him away. The woman's strength was too strong, and it took a lot of effort to pull the woman away from his arms.

In the past, even if a man was angry, as long as she took the initiative to hug him, he would not push her away.

This time, she pushed her away so hard.

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