Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 922: Regardless of chasing it out

Jiang Yuchang is really handsome, especially the look of serious work, especially attractive.

She was recommended by Jiang Yu's mother personally. Unlike the others, she and Jiang Yu still have hope.

Jiang Yu looked at the plan in his hand and listened to the narration of the planning manager. He took the coffee next to him with his right hand and took a sip. He frowned. The coffee was a bit sweet.

After he put the coffee down, he stopped drinking it.

Lin Wan kept staring at Jiang Yu and found that he only took a sip of the cup of coffee, but did not drink it.

Until the end of the meeting, the cup of coffee was not moved.

After the meeting, Lin Wan followed Jiang Yu out and thought of the cup of coffee. She asked: "President, that cup of coffee is specially brewed according to your habit. There is no sugar and you did not drink it. Is it because it is too bitter? Add some sugar this time?"

Jiang Yu turned his head to look at Lin Wan: "You made it yourself?"

Lin Wan nodded: "Yes, what's the matter with the president?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Jiang Yu's eyes, and he withdrew his gaze, "Nothing, no sugar."

"I see, President." Lin Wan glanced at Jiang Yu and said, "President, Auntie said, let you go back for dinner in the evening and take me there by the way."

"I have an appointment in the evening. I won't go back to eat. When you go, tell my mother."

At this time, the elevator opened and Jiang Yu stepped in and pressed directly on the top floor.

When Lin Wan reacted, the elevator door had closed.

She stared at the closed elevator door and stomped her feet. She thought she could take a car with Jiang Yu today. When the company employees saw it, they would definitely think that she and Jiang Yu were boyfriend and girlfriend.

You can also have dinner together.

Unexpectedly, the aunt asked him to go back for dinner personally, but he would not go back.

after get off work

It rained suddenly outside.

Ye Xue didn't see the weather forecast when he went out today, let alone know that it will rain today.

On such a cold day, if it rains, one hundred percent will catch a cold.

She has just taken an internship, and she always asks for leave.

Standing at the door of the company, Ye Xue couldn't help but feel a little anxious as he watched the rain not stopping, for fear of missing the last bus.

At this moment, a Chevrolet stopped in front of her, the window was rolled down, and Wu Qixiong was seen looking over, "Ye Xue, get in the car, I'll take you for a ride."

Ye Xue shook her head: "No, we didn't go along, thank you."

Wu Qixiong said again: "It's okay, come up, I'll take you back by detour."

"Really no, thank you." Ye Xue is most afraid of bothering others, and Wu Qixiong is far away from her home, and she is even more embarrassed to trouble him.

Lin Wan walked out with a shoulder bag at this moment. Seeing such a heavy rain, she couldn't help but curl her mouth when she thought that Jiang Yu was behind.

Jiang Yu walked towards the company with even steps, glanced at the time on his watch, and made an appointment to go to the bar to drink with Xiao Qi in the evening.

As soon as I walked out, I saw heavy rain outside and frowned. The rain affected my mood when drinking.

"President, you wait here for a while, I'll drive the car to the door." Xu Tezhu finished speaking and strode out under the umbrella.

Jiang Yu stood upright on the steps, took out his cell phone and dialed Fu Tingyan's cell phone number.

"Little Qi, do you still drink at night?"

"Drink, but don't go to the bar anymore, go to your villa, I brought good wine."

"Well, do you want me to order some dishes? Just the one I often eat, how about Yixiangyuan?"

"You order, I have already come out of the company."

"See you later."

Jiang Yu hung up the phone.

Seeing Jiang Yu hung up, Lin Wan walked over and looked at Jiang Yu with her arms folded, "President, it's raining, do you want to go home? I didn't bring an umbrella. If you go back, you can take me for a ride. "

Jiang Yu glanced sideways at Lin Wan. She was holding her arms as if she was cold. Lin Wan was born very ordinary and just graduated from university.

I thought that Xiaoxue had already graduated from university at this time, and I didn't know where she worked.

It should be in the imperial capital. After all, it is the capital of the country. Everyone wants to stay and work there.

He thought of what his mother had ordered.

"Take my car, and when I get there, let Xu Te help you through."

Lin Wan was beaming, and finally was able to sit in the same car with Jiang Yu. Just after get off work, there were many people at the company's door.

She quickly thanked: "Thank you, President."

"You're welcome." Jiang Yu replied politely.

Although Ye Xue couldn't bear Wu Qixiong's enthusiasm, she was very moved. In order not to delay his return home, she refused his kindness.

Wu Qixiong was a little worried: "Then how do you go back?"

Ye Xue said, "I'll wait for Yu Xiaodian to take the bus back."

"Then be careful, don't get caught in the rain, it's easy to catch a cold." Wu Qixiong said.

Ye Xue waved to him: "I know, you go back quickly."

Wu Qixiong glanced at Ye Xue, but finally couldn't screw her, stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

At this time, Xu Tezhu drove the car over, parked at the door, and then pushed the door to get out of the car, holding an umbrella, to pick up the president.

After Jiang Yu got in the car, he helped Xu Te: "Pick Lin Wan up."

"It's the president." Xu Te helped close the door and turned to pick up Lin Wan.

After Lin Wan got into the car happily, she couldn't help but glanced sideways at Jiang Yu, and found that he was resting his forehead with one hand and looking out of the car window. Such a side face made him feel more visual.

After Xu Te got into the car, he drove to leave.

Ye Xue saw that the rain didn't mean to fall, and she looked down at the time on her watch again. The bus was coming soon, and the miss was really gone.

The bus station is five or six minutes away from the company’s door. If you run fast, you should get less rain, right?

Watching the rain gradually decrease, she carried her shoulder bag and ran out, at a speed she had never had before.

Jiang Yu kept looking out of the car window. The rain outside was a bit heavy and it was nothing to look at. Suddenly a figure ran over in front of him. He widened his eyes and looked at him as if he couldn't believe it.

Lin Wan grabbed her clothes and glanced at Jiang Yu from time to time. She asked carefully: "President, aunt said, let the kitchen cook your favorite dishes tonight, don't you really go back for dinner?"

Jiang Yu seemed to have not heard Lin Wan's words, his eyes were fixed on the thin and thin figure outside the car, like Ye Xue.

Watching her running fast, she almost fell several times.

"Stop." He shouted suddenly.

Xu Tezhu didn't understand what was going on. He just backed out the car and slammed on the brake before driving three meters out.

Before the car was stable, Jiang Yu pushed the door and ran out, forgetting to use the umbrella.

Lin Wan was taken aback and shouted out the window: "President, it's raining outside. You will catch a cold if you run out like this."

Jiang Yu's figure had already ran into the rain curtain, and ran towards the figure that looked very much like Ye Xue.

"Xiaoxue." He yelled while running.

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