Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 921: Ye Xue, you are not worthy

When Yun Yao heard this, he didn't say anything more, and took out a business card and handed it to him: "This is my business card. If there is anything in the future, I will definitely help Yun Yao."

"Thanks." Qin Shu took the business card and looked down. From the material of the business card, he could tell where the other party put you in.

Yun Yao gave a business card made of platinum, representing the identity of the distinguished guest.

She accepted the business card, which might be useful in the future.

Early the next morning, Qin Shu took his son, Ye Luo held the boss, and drove to Fengyue Ancient City.


Ye Xue had been working in Xinyue for a week. She originally came to work as a secretary. When she came to work, she knew she had changed her position.

She is now in the internship period, and she can become regular in one month.

Lin Wan walked over on high heels holding a pile of documents, and put them on Ye Xue's desk, "Ye Xue, take all these and copy them. The president will have them in half an hour."

Lin Wan is the newly appointed secretary to the president. She is very beautiful, with long curly hair and exquisite makeup. She is wearing a white dress with waist design, showing her good figure.

The secretary represents the president. How can Ye Xue dare to neglect, "Okay, I'll go right away."

She immediately put down the work on hand, picked up a pile of documents, and walked into the printing room.

Lin Wan stopped Ye Xue: "Wait."

Ye Xue stopped and looked back at Lin Wan suspiciously, "Is there anything wrong with Secretary Lin?"

Lin Wan glanced at Ye Xue. She was wearing some 200-odd brand-name clothes, but they looked very clean and tidy. She stared at Ye Xue's face for a while. Did she wear no makeup?

She retracted her gaze, "Make a copy and put it on your desk. I'll come and get it in half an hour."

After speaking, step on high heels and leave.

Ye Xue hurriedly walked into the printing room holding the file.

After printing at the fastest speed, she walked out holding the file, and saw Lin Wan already standing at her desk waiting, she speeded up and walked over.

Just when she was about to walk, she didn't know what tripped her feet, causing her to lose weight, and she fell to the ground, and the documents in her arms were scattered all over the place.


Ye Xue's first reaction after the fall was the documents scattered all over the place.

"What's the matter with you? I can't walk smoothly? The president of the document is still in a hurry to ask for it."

Lin Wan came over her head with an angry voice.

"Sorry, I'll pack it up right away." Ye Xue didn't care whether her knee hurts or not, so she hurried to pick up the files on the floor.

Seeing Jiang Yu approaching, Lin Wanxun squatted down, "Just be careful next time you do something. I'll help you clean up."

"Thank you." Ye Xue heard Lin Wan's sudden soft tone, and quickly thanked her.

Jiang Yu raised his hand and glanced at his watch. It was only ten minutes before the meeting time. He put down his hand and saw Lin Wan squatting on the ground picking up something. When passing by her, he reminded him: "The documents will be sent directly to the meeting room."

Hearing a familiar voice, Ye Xue paused when he picked up the file.

She was squatting right behind the desk and didn't know that the president came over. She had been working for a week without knowing what the president looked like.

Is the person who spoke just now Jiang Yu?

Lin Wan smiled and replied: "I see, President."

Thinking that the speaker might be Jiang Yu, Ye Xue hurriedly raised her head, and saw a slender figure walking past. He could only see the straight back but not the face.

Lin Wan retracted her gaze and saw Ye Xue staring at Jiang Yu, frowning displeased: "What are you looking at? Pick up the files quickly. If you didn't hear the president, it's coming soon."

"Oh, I see." Ye Xue hurriedly retracted her gaze and continued to pick up the documents on the ground.

Seeing that the president had gone far, all the employees put down their work one by one and said in tune.

"Our president is a young talent, rich and powerful. Ye Xue wasn't a **** just now, right?"

"The president is so handsome, and it's normal for Ye Xue to like it, so don't you think?"

"Yes, but just think about it. Those who can be worthy of the president must be the right wealthy daughter."

Listening to everyone's tune, Ye Xue thought of her love of Jiang Yu when she was discovered by her classmates in her senior year, but she also ridiculed and said that she was not worthy to have a crush on Jiang Yu.

After going to university, she dated Jiang Yu and said she was not worthy to associate with Jiang Yu.

She thought that what she had experienced in school would not be experienced again after she left school. Unexpectedly, she had never seen what the president looked like, and could be ridiculed.

She pretended not to hear, and did not pay attention to it, and continued to pick up the remaining documents on the ground.

But Lin Wan listened to everyone's words, and she glanced at Ye Xue's face. At such a close distance, she couldn't see any blemishes, her skin was not tight and it was too white.

She couldn't help but reminded: "Ye Xue, don't blame me for not reminding you, you'd better put away those thoughts, you are not worthy of the president. Moreover, the president hates people who don't care about work and want to climb the dragon and the phoenix. Be careful yourself , Was fired, but I couldn't find such a good job."

"Lin Wan, you are right. A noble man like the president is not to be blasphemy. The first two president secretaries are lessons for us."

"Don't worry, I just want to work hard, I haven't thought about the other things."

Ye Xue packed up the documents and stood up from the ground, and handed them to Lin Wan, "Secretary Lin, the president is waiting for them."

"You go make a cup of coffee, the president will drink it later." Lin Wan held the document, glanced at Ye Xue, and then stepped on high heels to the meeting room.

Ye Xue lowered her head and glanced at her knees, her skin was already rubbed, and blood was flowing out of her skin.

"Ye Xue, your knee is broken. I have band-aids here. You can use it first."

Two band-aids suddenly appeared in front of him. Ye Xue looked up and found that it was Wu Qixiong from the planning department.

"Thank you." Ye Xue took the band-aid with some embarrassment.

"You are welcome, all colleagues should help each other." Wu Qixiong said with a smile.

Ye Xue smiled at him and went to the water room with the band-aid.

After applying the bandage, she washes her hands first, and then starts to make coffee.

The president does not drink instant coffee, only freshly ground latte, no sugar.

After being here for a few days, I have learned some small habits of the president.

Thinking of hearing the voice of the president just now, it really resembled Jiang Yu's voice.

Could it be her hearing voices?

After the coffee was brewed, she came out with the coffee cup.

Lin Wan seemed to be counting the time. As soon as she came out, Lin Wan came.

"Give it to me." Lin Wan stretched out her hand.

Ye Xue had to pass the brewed coffee to her hand.

Lin Wan glanced at the coffee in her hand, it was okay, and she walked into the meeting room with her coffee happily.

Seeing Jiang Yu sitting at the first seat of the conference table, she walked over gracefully, put the coffee in her hand in front of him, and then stepped aside to look aside.

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