Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 916: Do you have a boyfriend?

The two girls in front of her went in for the interview one after another. When they came out, both of them came out with a smile, indicating that the interview went well.

Ye Xue was confident in her abilities, but she was a little weaker in communication, but she was much better than she was a few years ago.

During the interview, Ye Xue could deal with all the questions raised by the interviewer.

Xu Te asked: "May I ask, do you have a boyfriend?"

Ye Xue was stunned, and then asked: "Does the secretary have this request?"

Xu Tezhu explained: "This question can be answered or not. The main reason is that I hope to serve as our president's secretary and focus all attention on work. I have fired two secretaries before because of the wrong attention. The place. I wonder if Miss Ye can understand what I mean?"

Ye Xue breathed a sigh of relief. She almost thought that the company would even have to deal with her personal affairs. As for Xu Tezhu's meaning, she roughly understood that they hired a capable secretary, not a vase, and wanted to climb high branches.

"I understand that Xu Tezhu can rest assured that I will focus on work."

Xu Tezhu: "In this case, you go back and wait for the notice. If you don't receive the notice within two days, it means that the interview failed."

"Thank you for special assistance Xu." Ye Xue fastened his shoulder bag and turned to leave the interview room. After coming out, his nervousness eased a little.

Now it's time to wait for the result.

But she also prepared for the worst, and she will go to another company for an interview.

The reason why I came here to apply is mainly because Xinyue Group is one of the top five companies in the country and has a lot of room for development.

Ye Xue fastened the belt and stepped out of the office building of Xinyue Group.

It is easy to take a taxi not far from the company's door.

Jiang Yu walked out of the office building with even steps.

The driver Xiao Yang had already drove the car to the door of the company and saw the boss coming out, he opened the door first and waited.

Jiang Yu walked to the front of the car and was about to get into the car. From the corner of his eye, he saw a figure not far away. He stopped for a while in the car. How did he feel that figure resembled Xiaoxue?

He suddenly raised his head and looked to the side of the road, and saw a military-green figure sitting in the taxi, failing to see the person's appearance.

Is it a mistake?

Jiang Yu got into the car with a trace of doubt.

Xu Tezhu followed in the car and reminded: "President, there will be a high-level meeting at two o'clock in the afternoon."

Jiang Yu was still thinking about the figure he saw just now, and the sudden ringing of the bell brought his thoughts back.

The call is from Mrs. Jiang.

"Mom, something?"

"Son, don't you lack a secretary? I found one for you, who is excellent in all aspects."

Jiang Yuxun glanced at Special Assistant Xu, his eyes a little cold.

Xu Tezhu lowered his head with a guilty conscience, he didn't want to say anything, but the other party is a wife, how dare he not say?

Jiang Yu retracted his gaze and replied, "Mom, my secretary has already been found."

"That's okay. Let your secretary do other things. I have asked Lin Wan to report to your company tomorrow. That's it."

Madam Jiang hung up the phone after speaking, not giving Jiang Yu a chance to refuse.

She looked at the phone and sighed: "Hey! Mom is also for your good. Only a new beginning can I forget Xiaoxue."

In fact, Mrs. Jiang didn't even know who Xiaoxue was. She was from Jiang Yu when she had a fever. She heard him call Xiaoxue all the time. As someone who came by, she guessed a little.

Jiang Yu frowned, "Xu Tezhu, you know that my mother arranged a secretary for me, and you hired a secretary for me. You are really capable."

Xu Tezhu quickly explained: "President, how dare I? Madam just asked about the current situation of the president. I just said that you are very busy, and I don't know that Madam will arrange a secretary for you."

Jiang Yu's brows are still frowning, who is Lin Yuan?

Xu Tezhu cautiously asked: "President, is the secretary still recruiting?"

Jiang Yu said: "The company can't lose its credibility, and hire someone to come in and arrange other things for her."

Xu Tezhu: "I see, President."

A few days later, Shengyuan

Fu Tingyu received a call from her mother, "Son, what happened to Xiao Yan?"

Fu Tingyu asked: "Mother already knows? Do you disagree?"

"I agree, but yesterday I asked him how he is doing, and when will he show me his boyfriend. He said that now his career is important and he will not consider personal issues for the time being. You listen to this like him. Is it? Obviously there is a problem."

The mother knew her son better, and when he heard this, Mu Shengwan knew that something was wrong with the younger son.

Fu Tingyu said: "My younger brother has been working in the company for a day, and he has moved out of his old house. He has also registered a company. As for personal issues, I haven't heard of him. Don't worry, mother, I will ask him."

"If Xiao Yan doesn't want to say it, then forget it, I think he seems to have grown up suddenly. There will always be stumbling and stumbling on the road of life, and only through experience can he grow." Mu Shengwan said earnestly.

"I know my mother."

Fu Tingyu hung up the phone and called Fu Tingyan again.

"Come to Shengyuan for dinner at night."

Fu Tingyan: "I see, brother."

Qin Shu waited for Fu Tingyu to hang up before asking, "What's wrong with Xiao Yan?"

Fu Tingyu said: "Maybe there is a problem with the relationship."

Qin Shu nodded, roughly guessing that there must be a conflict between Fu Tingyan and Susukino.

Approaching dinner time

When Fu Tingyan came to Shengyuan, he also bought toys.

When Xiaojiu came back from school, he knew that Fu Tingyan was coming, so he took Ba Zong guard at the gate of the moon cave, and when he saw Fu Tingyan walk in, he greeted him with Ba Zong.

"Uncle, you can count it."

Fu Tingyan squatted down with a smile and handed the toy he bought to him: "Little Jiu, what do you think my uncle bought for you?"

"Uncle, this is the latest model of remote control aircraft, and it is also a sales version. I was planning to buy this. I didn't expect Uncle to buy it for me. Uncle, you are so kind."

Xiaojiu looked at the remote control plane in his hand. The price of this remote control plane is more than 100,000 yuan. Whether it is a very good material or not, it has a navigation function and can also take aerial photography. It can often last a full day of battery storage.

When Fu Tingyan saw Xiaojiu like him, he was happy: "After dinner, my uncle will play with you."

"Okay, uncle, let's go in first, my parents are already waiting inside." Xiaojiu took Fu Tingyan's hand and walked in.

On the table

The four people were sitting around the dining table, spending their dinner slowly.

Fu Tingyu accompanies Fu Tingyu with small drinks, very beautiful, and not much talk at the table.

Thinking of remote control aircraft, so the speed is a bit faster than before.

Fu Tingyan casually ate the dinner in front of him, and from time to time he raised his eyes and glanced at the two people opposite. His brother usually told him to come to Shengyuan for dinner, but he would not ask him to come to Shengyuan for dinner.

Only half of the meal was eaten, and he did not ask.

He asked, "Brother, do you have something to say?

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