Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 915: Just make you hurt

To be a stranger forever?

After getting along for almost five years, their relationship has surpassed that of good friends.

Susukino hesitated.

"Why don't you speak?" Fu Tingyan felt that he might really be driven crazy. He suddenly understood why his brother had tied Qin Shu to his side in the first place.

I can't understand it without experiencing it.

But he couldn't do the thing that tied Susukino to his side. This might be the difference between him and his brother.

"I, Fu Tingyan, are not the kind of stalker and face, as long as you say a word, I promise that I won't appear in front of you again."

Three years have passed, Fu Tingyan feels that he can wait slowly, he has patience.

However, Susukino refused so simply without hesitation.

So, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, and I will get a result today.

Hao Ye was very uncomfortable, and he had never felt this kind of heartache.

She asked: "Are we really going to get this far?"

"Susukino, in the four years of studying martial arts in the mountains, I have never forced you to accept me. I have a lot of time to wait. Even if you hang me for a lifetime, I will recognize it. But what about you? I was locked up with a friend, and then I watched you with others? Should I watch as a friend? Then would I bless you? How can I be a person, how can I..."

He didn't say the following words.

He smiled: "Since you refused so simply, then you give me one sentence, one sentence is enough."

Susukino clung to the hem of his clothes, his words seemed to be squeezed out between his teeth, a little stiff: "Should we really be strangers?"

Obviously he knew the answer, and he had to force him to say it in person. Now that he heard it with his ears, Fu Tingyan knew how uncomfortable it was.

"Stranger? Is this your answer?"

Susukino pursed his lips and agreed.

Fu Tingyan sneered: "I understand."

Susukino remained silent, but his heart was painful, his chest seemed to be blocked by something, and it was even difficult to breathe.

Fu Tingyan stopped laughing and looked at Susukino coolly: "But, I just left, I'm a bit unwilling."

Susukino looked at him suspiciously, not understanding the meaning of his words.

Fu Tingyan stared at Susukino for a few seconds, then suddenly stepped forward, hugged him into his arms, clasped the back of his head with his big hand, and kissed him fiercely.

The kisses full of predation made Susukino a little bit overwhelmed.

The thick fishy sweetness spread in the mouth, did not stop, but became more and more crazy.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Bo Yin stood at the door and was stunned when he saw this scene.

When Susukino saw the person standing at the door, he tried to push Fu Tingyan away, but his strength was too great to push away at all.

After the kiss, Fu Tingyan took another bite on Susukino's neck and then let go.

Susukino only took a breath of pain, and looked at the suddenly crazy person in front of him in disbelief.

Fu Tingyan sneered: "Does it hurt? That's right. I just make you hurt, let you know, here I am." He pointed to the position of his heart, "It hurts more than you."

After speaking, he released Susukino and turned to leave.

This is probably the most unrestrained time he walked.

It was also the pain he hadn't experienced when he grew up.

He sneered in his heart, what is worthless feelings?

Probably that means he was already, and plunged in, he had no regrets and never thought of stopping.

I didn't expect it to end in this way.

When he passed Bo Yin, he said, "If you can't protect him, let him go."

When Bo Yin came back to his senses, Fu Tingyan had already walked out. He looked at Su Ye and found that her lips were red and swollen, blood was still left, and blood was slowly flowing out of her neck.

Susukino was now in front of the bar, his body stiffened to wood, and he couldn't even feel the pain for a while.

"Susukino." Bo Yin didn't even bother to ask what happened, and hurriedly took out the medicine box with a calm face and bandaged the wound for Susukino.

Bo Yin came here only after receiving a call from Susukino. He didn't expect to see this scene.

He had carefully protected people for more than ten years, but was taken into his arms by other men. Although he was very angry, he was also very distressed.

When Bo Yin bandaged Susukino's wound, she didn't say a word and kept silent.

After the bandage was finished, Bo Yin asked, "What the **** is going on with him? Didn't you answer me?"

"I promised you, I didn't break my promise, brother, I am a little tired and want to go to sleep for a while."

Without waiting for Bo Yin to speak, Susukino stood up and walked straight into his bedroom, and then closed the door, as if to isolate all the pain and unhappiness.

Bo Yin squatted in front of the sofa, frowning as he watched the room door closed tightly.

Fu Tingyan flew back to Jiangcheng overnight, but instead of returning to the old house, he went to Jiang Yu's villa.

After Jiang Yu came back, he moved out of the house to live alone, and the villa was very empty.

Fu Tingyan explained the situation concisely and concisely.

"Our brothers really feel sorry for the same disease. We are all single." Jiang Yu sighed, poured him a glass of wine and poured himself a glass.

"But Susukino is a man himself, and it's normal if you can't accept it. You can still get lost and return." He persuaded.

"Come on, I won't touch the feelings again. Even if you're a base..." Fu Tingyan smiled and looked at Jiang Yu, "It's better to be with you, at least you won't be so cruel."

"You drank too much, I don't like that sip." Jiang Yu smiled and shook his head, picking up the wine and drinking.

"I can't go down either." Fu Tingyan laughed lowly, took the wine glass and drank it in one sip, feeling uncomfortable, then picked up the wine bottle, ready to blow to his mouth, but was snatched by Jiang Yu, "Don't Drink it, go to sleep, and treat yourself to life and death once, and wake up tomorrow, full of blood and resurrected as another man."

"You don't need to worry about me, I will drink more, and then sleep in a dark and dark night, maybe I can be resurrected with full blood."

"Okay, save you some wine, and sleep after drinking."

Jiang Yu cleared the table, leaving only a little wine for Fu Tingyan, and then walked out of the room.

When he went to work the next day, he didn't wake up Fu Tingyan, let him wake up naturally.

Jiang Yu is now the president of the branch, and he is very busy every day. He has special assistance around him, but he still lacks a secretary.

"President, the Personnel Department selected three more suitable secretaries yesterday. Will you interview them in person or will I do them for you?" Xu Te asked.

"You can figure it out by yourself." Jiang Yu replied without looking up.

"It's the president." The special assistant turned and walked out of the president's office and went straight to the interview room, where the three candidates were already waiting.

Ye Xue was a little nervous, because when I interviewed for the position of secretary for the first time, I heard that the requirements were very high. She had no problem with her academic qualifications, but she was the weakest in speaking and doing things. She was afraid that she would be eliminated.

Fortunately, she is the last interview, and she still has time to prepare.

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