Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 850: The gold medal killer is you?

Regarding her vigilance, the man was a little helpless: "No matter how busy I am, I should be with you."

He paused for a while, and then said: "However, I still don't like that when I meet you, he is not by his side, which is a bit an eye-opener."

Qin Shu said to the man's unconcealed thoughts: "..."

The man faced the moon above his head and asked her: "Listening to news reports, scientists predict that the moon tonight will be the biggest and brightest in recent years. You can help me see, right?"

Qin Shu raised his head and looked at the moon above his head. In fact, without looking at it, he knew it was bigger and brighter than usual, because the night tonight was obviously brighter than usual.

"Well, the moon is big and bright."

Hearing this, the man can imagine that the night tonight is brighter than usual, but for him, it makes no difference.

Qin Shu turned his head to look at the man, and found that he was facing the moon, as if he could see it. Thinking of what he said just now, he asked casually: "You just said that someone asked you for contact information and died? "

She probably didn't expect that she would ask this question. The man couldn't help but smiled twice: "What do you think?"

Qin Shu: "I think it's true."

Man: "So sure?"

"You are the head of the Chisha Organization, and you don't have a few lives in your hand? The order received by the death note only recognizes the money and does not look at the people."

The man did not deny it, because it was the case.

"The girl who asked for your contact information was very unlucky. She just wanted to hook up with the handsome guy, and ended up killing her." Qin Shu said in a tone.

The man turned his head and wanted to laugh a little: "How do you know that it must be a girl?"

Qin Shu asked: "Isn't it?"

The man laughed and said nothing.

Qin Shu thought, can't he be a man?

The man didn't answer, and she didn't ask any more. If he is really a man, it is normal that he doesn't want to mention it.

"Have you been a killer when the Chisha Organization was first established?"

The reason for asking this is because the Red Sands Organization has just been established, and it is impossible to summon so many top killers. As the helm, the possibility of personally entering the battle is also very high.

The man was stunned for a few seconds and found that every time the girl asked a question, it was a little bit beyond his expectations.

He nodded: "I have been."

The man's answer was so simple and refreshing that Qin Shu was a little surprised. She suddenly remembered that the killer ranked first on the killer list, code-named Xiyan, was the gold medal killer of the Red Sand Organization.

Five years ago, Xi Yan ranked first with her own strength and no one surpassed it.

"Your gold medal killer Zhaoyan, why hasn't there been any news in the past few years?"

The man smiled and looked at her: "No more orders, naturally there will be no news."

Qin Shu nodded to express his understanding, and then looked at him again, and after looking around, he was a little curious: "Then what was your code name when you were a killer?"

The man held back a smile and asked: "How do I feel, you are talking about me?"

Qin Shu was taken aback. She was in a state of inquisitiveness just now, and she really didn't want to confuse him.

Recalling the question just now, there is indeed a suspicion of clichés.

She felt it necessary to explain: "I'm just curious, you don't want to say it, and I won't force you to say it."

The man returned to her: "Chaoyan."

"Huh?" Qin Shu stared at the man suspiciously, and then realized that he was answering the last question.

Chao Yan?

Gold killer?

She looked at the man in disbelief, "Are you the gold medal killer Zhaoyan?"

She always thought Chaoyan was a woman!

I didn't expect it to be him.

The man asked: "Do you think this code name is very feminine?"

Qin Shu smiled and asked him, "Morning glory, alias Chaoyan, what do you think?"

The man covered his mouth and laughed twice, "But I still like it."

Qin Shu was a little surprised. A man likes morning glory.

She suddenly remembered the villa where she met him for the first time. There were also purple trumpet-shaped flowers planted in the flower room. At first she thought it was Xiyan Flower, but now she thought it was Chaoyan Flower.

The man said: "I also disliked the name at the beginning, but you say it has a good meaning."

Chao Yanhua's words are:

Reputation and love will last forever.

The face that will never fade in the twilight, the warmth that will never be lost in life.

The symbolic meaning of morning glory lies in tenacity. Its indomitable spirit and tenacious desire to survive are the true value and meaning of life.

Qin Shu was stunned. In this case, he didn't have to lie to her. So, they had a good relationship before?

How else would you give him a name and say that it has a good meaning?

Because of this, she is even more curious about the past, the more than three years of memory she has lost.

The man found that he was talking a little bit tonight. A night breeze blew in, with a cold chill, he reminded: "It's already late, go back."

Qin Shu also found that he was standing here and chatting with him for a while, and Ye Luo was afraid that she thought something was wrong with her.

She was about to turn around and leave when her sleeves were suddenly pulled, and when she looked down, she saw a hand grabbing her clothes.

That hand, with slender fingers and distinct bone joints, looked excessively white in the moonlight.

At this time, I heard the man say: "I will send you back."

"No need." Qin Shu raised his eyes to look at the man and asked: "Where do you live?"

The man smiled and asked instead: "Do you know that I can't see and want to send me back?"

"..." Qin Shu: "Where is Yin Shi beside you?"

The man paused: "He..."

Yin Shi, who had been hiding in the dark, tried to hold his breath, treating himself as air.

The man said: "I arranged for him to do other things."

Qin Shu thought for a while and said, "Let's go."

The man made a puzzled "Huh?"

Qin Shu: "Send you back."

The man was a little surprised, "Okay."

Qin Shu didn't go fast, especially there was a threshold in front, she kindly reminded him.

"Beware of the threshold."

"Yeah." The man crossed the threshold carefully.

Qin Shu reminded again: "Now you start to step down, slow down."

"Yeah." The man followed her, descending the steps unhurriedly.

President Ba followed behind.

After getting down the steps, Qin Shu glanced back at the man, his gaze fell on the hand holding his sleeve, it was very white, and the joints were very distinct. It was impossible to imagine that this hand had ever killed people.

Walking on the streets of the moat, she and he still kept the same posture as before, and walked forward unhurriedly.

The man grabbed the girl's sleeve, although it was dark in front of him, he walked very smoothly.

After walking for a while, she asked: "Do you live in Fengyue Inn?"

The man nodded: "Well, you also live in Fengyue Inn?"

"Yeah." Qin Shu replied, raising her eyes to see the stone arch bridge in front getting closer and closer. When it was there, she reminded: "It's the stone arch bridge, slow down."

Man: "Yeah."

Qin Shu waited for him to step on the stone arch bridge before moving on.

The stone arch bridge is not long, so I walked down after a while.

It is much easier to walk on Ping Road.

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