Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 849: Scaring people away is also a talent

It may be because of his identity that he refused to stay thousands of miles away.

And because he is different from other noble sons, people can't help but want to get closer.

The girls were not discouraged, looking at this unusual man from left to right.

Between the broken black hair on the forehead and the pure white gauze on the eyes, a white full forehead was exposed.

Under the gauze, the tip of the nose is erect, very white.

His lips were pressed tightly, and the color of his lips was a little pale, as if they had lost blood.

"Did your eyes hurt? Go down the tower later, do you need me to help you down?" the girl asked boldly.

"No." The man's voice was cold.

"All right." The girl was a little disappointed when she was rejected, and then she asked again: "I live in Fengyue Inn, which inn do you live in?"

The man pursed his lips and did not answer.

Another girl asked, "Handsome guy, are you here with a friend?"

The man paused, facing forward, still did not answer.

The man's reaction was a sad move in the eyes of several girls, thinking that he was broken in love, so he didn't even bother to speak.

"Handsome guy, leave a contact information. We will spend a few days in Fengyue Ancient City. If you are alone, you can be with us. If you have more people, you can also lively." The girl enthusiastically invited.

The other girls also looked at the man expectantly, waiting for his answer.

Qin Shu stopped and looked at about three girls together. The other two should not be in the same group. It is not difficult to see that they are all attracted by the man's outer appearance and inner temperament, and want to be close to him.

She didn't want to step forward and interrupt them.

After a while, the man who had been silent said: "There used to be someone who wanted my contact information, and finally..."

The man sold it off.

Several girls looked at the man curiously, waiting for his answer.

The girls couldn't help but start to think about it. The man said this, indicating that the girl gave him a deep image, maybe his ex-girlfriend.

It may also be someone who makes men particularly care.

Another girl couldn't help asking: "What happened to her in the end? Did you give it?"

The man chuckled slightly, inaudible: "Dead."

A few girls were expecting the man's answer one second before, but after a second, they were shocked by the man's cold words and couldn't react for a long time.

Their first reaction was that the man was so sad because the girl was dead, but it seemed that something was wrong.

It felt like watching a thriller, and I suddenly reacted and connected the two sentences of the man together. Someone used to want his contact information, and finally died.


When he looked at the man again, he later realized he was afraid and horrified.

After a long pause, several girls still left together because of fear.

When Qin Shu passed by, the light above her head shone on her face. Although the light was not very good, she could still see her impeccable facial features. Several girls were taken aback for a moment, and they couldn’t take care of her beautiful features. , Left in a hurry, as if someone was chasing them behind him, walking a little eagerly.

Qin Shu watched several girls passing by with a pale face, she just took a step to the right to make way for them.

She heard what the man said just now. In fact, for his identity, it is normal for someone to have life on his hands. It is just that, in front of a few girls, the consequences of asking him to contact him will die.

She kind of couldn't understand his brain circuit.

In fact, men do not feel like the leader of a killer organization, much less like the head of the world's number one killer organization.

But like a wealthy and noble son, pure and noble, elegant and somewhat wicked.

But it is also a talent who can scare a few girls away in one sentence.

The man's body suddenly moved, he felt that something was rubbing against his trousers, and it was Mr. Ba who rubbed his trousers, as if to attract his attention.

It is not difficult to guess that there is a little guy at his feet that is attracting his attention. No one who travels will bring a pet, or a pet that is not afraid of people.

But he knew that every time the baby went out, he would take Mr. Pa.

After a few seconds, the man suddenly turned around and looked behind him. Although he could not see, he always felt a figure standing behind him, looking at him at this time.

Seeing the man suddenly turning around, Qin Shu was stunned for a moment. From the corner of his eye, he saw the boss next to the man's feet, scratching the man's trousers with his paw, as if he was afraid that others would not know its existence.

she was:"……"

Why is a kind of bully always undercover?

After waiting for a long time, there was no movement. The man couldn't help asking, "Is it a baby?"

This question is a bit difficult to answer. To say yes is equivalent to agreeing in disguised form that a man calls her.

After thinking for a while, she asked: "Why are you here?"

Hearing a familiar voice, the corner of the man's mouth curled up in a beautiful arc: "I was in Fengyue Ancient City the day before yesterday. You came to Fengyue Ancient City, didn't you agree to my request?"

Similar to what Qin Shu thought, he didn't come because she came to Fengyue Ancient City. It was a coincidence that he met.

"I'm here to pick up my son." She replied concisely.

"That's it." The man laughed, no more.

Qin Shu stepped across the threshold and walked to stand in front of the fence of the tower. The fence was higher than hers, with a gap of 30 centimeters in between. It was just above his chest and could be seen farther.

At the beginning, the man didn't listen to the movement specifically, knowing that she was here, so he paid special attention to the surrounding movement. Hearing the movement of footsteps, he roughly guessed that the girl had already walked to the wall.

He turned his footsteps, facing the wall, turning his head as if he could see her, "Will your son be in Qishan?"

Qin Shu said "Um": "My master took him up the mountain to play for a while."

This play is one month.

The man was a little surprised: "Have you met your master?"

Qin Shu: "No."

The man smiled and said: "I thought you had already met him. I heard that after the force reached the Emperor level, the appearance and aging rate would be much slower than that of ordinary people, and the physical function was also the same. I don't know how your master has changed after so many years. ?"

Qin Shu recalled the voice when he answered the phone with the master, "Listening to the master's voice, I still feel quite young. It feels like about 30 years old, I don't know."

The man said: "You'll know when you go up the mountain tomorrow."

Qin Shu thinks about it, too. Tomorrow he will be able to see the master master when he goes up the mountain. Hearing from them, the master looks very good and looks very young. Tomorrow will know if they have specially praised the master.

The man asked: "Why didn't Fu Tingyu come with you?"

Once bitten by a snake for ten years, he was afraid of well ropes. Qin Shu looked at the man vigilantly, always feeling that he was playing her words: "He has things to do."

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