Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 843: This is his retribution

His gray hair was messy, and his clothes were sloppy. He was sitting on the ground like that. There was a bowl and paper cloth in front of him. The distance was a bit far away, and he couldn't see clearly what was written on it.

The onlookers pointed at him.

In a top area like Jiangcheng, it is impossible for beggars to appear on the streets of gold.

The car drove slowly into the outdoor parking lot.

Yeluo's reversing technology is first-class, and it can be said to be in place in one step and extremely accurate.

Qin Shu opened the door and got out of the car.

She is wearing a black woolen coat today with a white dress inside.

Although she is a woman who has given birth to a child, her figure is better than before. The meat grows where it should grow, and the area where it shouldn't grow is not much longer than half a catty of meat.

The man said last night that this waist is thin and demon.

When the cold wind blew, it was still quite cold when I got off the car.

Stepping on her three-centimeter short boots, she stepped into the mall. What she saw just now was just an inconspicuous episode.

Ye Xue came a few minutes earlier than her, and was standing at the gate of the mall waiting. Today, she was wearing a beige down jacket with a ball head tied, black pencil pants on her lower body, and snow shoes on her feet.

She walked over and saw Ye Xue. She hadn’t seen her for half a year. She found that Ye Xue had lost a lot of weight. When she used to lose weight, her cheeks were still sensual. Now this face has become a melon face. Under the loose down jacket, those legs It's also very slender.

She wondered if Ye Xue had ninety catties now?

So when she walked in front of Ye Xue, she couldn't help saying: "Ye Xue, you are thin again."

Ye Xue looked down at herself and smiled and said, "I got home the day before yesterday, and my mother said that I lost weight, so I weighed it and found that it was only 85 kilograms."

When I said this, there was no emotion of joy and joy in it.

Because she didn't lose weight, she rarely exercised. In addition to studying or studying every day, she only lost weight. Even if she didn't weigh herself, she could feel a little loose waist when she wears pants every day.

Finally had to buy pants again.

Ye Xue's height is 163, ninety catties is considered very thin, now only eighty-five catties, no wonder she has lost a lot of weight.

Qin Shu looked at Ye Xue again and found that she had changed a lot, thinking that those who spoke weak would often lower their heads.

Now these two are no longer found in her.

Ye Xue smiled and took Qin Shu's hand. "Let's go in. I want to buy clothes for my parents. You can help me see."

"Okay, are you working again?" She didn't mention Ye Xue and Jiang Yu, nor did Qin Shu ask, for fear of ruining Ye Xue's good mood at this time.

Ye Xue smiled and shook her head, "No, I got a scholarship and used the scholarship to buy clothes for my parents."

Qin Shu was surprised at first, and then laughed again, "Congratulations, the scholarship of the Imperial Capital University is not easy to get, which shows that you have really worked very hard this year."

What Qin Shu said was not false. The Imperial Capital University gathered top students from various schools and was able to get bonuses, indicating that it was very powerful.

Ye Xue said with some pride: "I will treat you to something delicious."

Seeing that Ye Xue was happy, she nodded readily: "Okay."

The two went to the dessert shop first, and then to the western restaurant. Hai had a meal.

After eating and drinking, go shopping for clothes.

Ye Xue didn't help her parents pick clothes very much. Qin Shu helped them choose the clothes. The price was set according to the amount of her scholarship.

The scholarship of Royal Capital University is the highest in the country. Many students from ordinary families will obtain this scholarship through their hard work.

Ye Xue carried the results of more than an hour, holding Qin Shu's arm, and came out of the mall happily, "It's better if you have a good eye, my parents will definitely like it."

Qin Shu looked at the square and found that there was still a group of people around, more than before.

"Let's go take a look." Ye Xue also saw it, and took Qin Shu over to take a look.

Qin Shu was really curious, so when Ye Xue pulled her over, she went with him.

There are more and more people watching and eating melons, and there are many discussions.

"This man is making up his mind. His wife worked hard for him outside, and he sat and reaped the benefits and cheated."

"That's it, even if you cheat, your wife died in an accident, and the bones are still cold, so he straightened Xiaosan. Is this human heart grown?"

"He's just a black heart. The third illegitimate daughter took home as a treasure, used another daughter as grass, and finally sold her daughter. Is this a human thing?"

"Tsk tusk tusk, in other words, I don't let him go as a ghost, and I will drag him with him when I go to hell."

"He's been retributed. The mistress and the illegitimate daughter absconded with the money. They didn't even pay for the medical treatment, but the medical expenses paid by the other daughter."

"Isn't he just being punished? Look at him now, how is it different from the beggar on the side of the road? It's so miserable, and you want to win sympathy and give money?"

When Qin Shu walked over, he heard the onlookers chattering and talking. Hearing the content, he felt very similar to his own experience. As for the scum, he was the same as Qin Hai.

Thinking of my mother's work for the company, fighting outside and socializing, it ended up like that.

Ye Xue listened to everyone's discussion, a little bit indignant, "How come there is such a person? That woman and her daughter are too pitiful to treat others well."

Qin Shu said calmly: "The world is so big, there are no surprises. There are many people like this kind of scum."

Ye Xue said: "My mother said that having a stepmother is equal to having a stepdad, and that girl's life must be difficult."

Qin Shu glanced sideways at Ye Xue, agreeing with her, but he didn't realize it at the time.

When she walked into the crowd, she realized that the reason why everyone understood so clearly was that the piece of paper in front of the man sitting on the ground recorded the wickedness and ungrateful actions of the man.

It is exactly the same as Qin Hai.

It's just that Qin Hai has been missing for a long time, and Ye Luo also searched for a long time, but did not find Qin Hai's whereabouts.

In the crowd, the man sitting on the ground was motionless, his gray hair did not know how many days he had not washed, and the dandruff on it, when the wind blew, he could still see white things floating down, and his hair was knotted. I can't even comb it.

His hair is also very long, covering his eyebrows, making it difficult to see his appearance.

But the thin, pointed jaw can be seen.

He was wearing a light gray down jacket, and the collar was still shiny.

Without that piece of cloth paper full of the truth, Ye Xue would definitely be tempted to give him some money when he saw such a poor person, but now there is only uneven packaging.

"Why did he write all these ungrateful things he did? Not only would he not get money, he would be scolded."

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