Bigoted Mr. Fu Lets Me Do Whatever I Want

Chapter 842: Are you not working hard for your husband? Thinking of my son?

"Just let the little wine sleep in the middle."

The man had already taken a shower at this time, and he was wearing a nightgown made for him by Ling'er, which was tailor-made, so it fits well.

He glanced at the ecstatic little wine playing on the bed, and he considered everything, except for sleeping.

The man looked at her, "Little wine is in the middle, what about me?"

Ling'er thought he didn't like sleeping with children, and said: "Or, you go to your own room to sleep?"

The man was a little surprised: "You want to drive me away?"

"Ziqing, I didn't mean that." Ling'er took a few steps forward, grabbed the man's hand, and explained: "I'm afraid you don't like sleeping with children, so I let you go to your room to sleep."

Men have serious hygiene problems and do not like to sleep in the same bed with others.

A few years ago, I heard people say in private that he lived such a big life and didn't sleep with others.

In the past two years, the people on the mountain were almost cleared by him, and I don't know where they were sent before.

Instead of driving him away, the man was a little happy. He glanced at the big bed behind the woman and said, "You sleep in the middle."

Ling'er looked back at the bed. She slept in the middle of the time, with a small wine sleeping in it. The bed had a fence and it was not easy to fall out of the bed, so she nodded: "Okay, then I will sleep in the middle."

After discussion, the two went to bed one after another.

Ling'er put the small wine inside and lay down beside him.

The man lay down next to her, then turned sideways, reached out and hugged her into his arms, while holding a small wine in her arms, the sleeping position of the three of them looked very warm and warm inexplicably.

Linger looked down at the little wine in his arms from time to time, and at first he still grabbed the quilt to play. This would probably be tired of playing, and he closed his eyes and started to sleep. He looked so behaved and especially liked.

The man held his head with one hand, and she saw every move and every move in her eyes, especially the last smile, which made him push her into his arms again, bowed his head and kissed her on the back of the neck.

Ling'er didn't dare to move, afraid to wake up the little wine in his arms.

After a while, the movements of the people behind him still didn't stop, and he whispered a reminder: "It will noisy the little wine."

The man leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Will you give me a baby too?"

Ling'er stiffened and didn't know how to answer.

For the first time this man asked for a child.

She and him are not young, although they look young, but the actual age is there.

She has lived with him on the mountain for some years and has never seen his family, but she knows that his identity is not simple.

Also know that he has been unmarried.

She looks more beautiful than her, has such a good skill, rich and powerful, the key is to make something delicious.

When she met such a perfect man, she should have been married long ago, but years have passed and she has never crossed that hurdle.

Thinking of having a baby, she still hesitated. As for why he hesitated, she couldn't say clearly, always feeling that something would happen.

After a while, before waiting for her answer, the man asked, "I don't want to?"

Ling'er said: "We are not young anymore."

Man: "That's why it is early."

"..." Ling'er: "I'll talk about this later."

The man paused, a little helpless: "Don't let me wait too long."

Ling'er nodded and said nothing.

The man pressed his lips and didn't ask any more, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

four years ago……

After the wine was taken away,

Qin Shu didn't have any thoughts in class, even if he knew that the old master would not treat his son badly, but he was not by his side, he still had concerns.

Lemon came in carrying the hot milk tea, knowing that Qin Shu was still in class, put the hot milk tea in his hand on the table, and then quit.

It's just that the whole person is listless, and she can still tease him when the wine is there.

When will the young master come back! ! !

On the other hand, Fu Tingyu was in a good mood.

It may be because I have also been taken away, so I am not worried about my son.

His eyes are on his wife, and when he comes back from the company, his wife's attention is also on himself, instead of playing with his son.

At dinner, Qin Shu was absent from snacks, eating a bowl of rice without a bite.

When Fu Tingyu saw the girl doing this, he asked, "Worrying about the little wine?"

Qin Shu chewed the rice in his mouth, "Baby Yu, you said Master, a big man, can take care of the little wine?"

"Even if the master doesn't take care of it, isn't there a maid?" Fu Tingyu said when he was a kid, and said: "I was taken out by Uncle Ye when I was a child, but my mother said that once I went out, I would weigh two catties. . So don’t worry about it.”

Even though he said that, Qin Shu was still a little worried.

Seeing that she was still worried, Fu Tingyu clenched the chopsticks in his hand into the plate and put her favorite sweet and sour pork ribs into her bowl, "Eat more, don't think too much."

Qin Shu nodded, picked up the sweet and sour pork ribs in the bowl and put it into his mouth to eat.

When taking a bath at night, Fu Tingyu took her in with her.

In order to distract her, various methods of pleasing were used.

In the end, Qin Shu was taken to bed by a man.

She was nestled in the man's arms, still thinking about the little wine. She didn't think there was anything she could see every day. Now she couldn't see it for a few days, and she felt as if a piece was missing, especially.

The man thought that after more than two hours of fighting, he thought he had successfully diverted his attention.

Just then, I heard the girl in her arms say: "Baby Yu, do you know that the master knows that Xiaojiu has to drink milk powder twice at night? Xiaojiu has a lot of food and drink, and I can't sleep well if I don't drink enough. And what if the master changes the milk powder to the small wine and causes allergies?"

The man looked down at the girl. He looked like I was tired just now, but now he is very energetic. He is full of small wines.

He called out: "Boa."

"Huh?" She looked up at the man suspiciously, suddenly a shadow fell in front of her, the familiar breath surrounded the tip of her nose, and her lips felt hot.

"Bao'er is in good spirits now." The man pressed her ear.

Qin Shu: "???"

"My husband didn't work hard just now."


Qin Shu was thinking about small wine now, so when he heard the man's words, he really didn't remember what it meant for a while.

However, the man did not give her time to understand the meaning of the words, but told her with practical actions.

This time, Qin Shu slept until eleven, and when he opened his eyes, the sky was already bright, and there was no man around him.

Thinking of the man asking her feelings in his ears last night.

Is it too late to drag the man back from the road of hooligans?

After lunch, Qin Shu received a call from Ye Xue and went shopping together.

Imperial Capital University is already closed.

Qin Shu only felt that time flies so fast.

When driving at night, President Ba sits firmly in his co-pilot position.

Qin Shu looked out the window and saw some people around the square. From the gap, one could see a person sitting on the ground.

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