Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1953: Lowe's strategy

It's not particularly fashionable to hold the imaginary hand in hand, but the Dragon Gate Conference has an organized team and is well aware of the importance of the topic.

He didn't recognize this idea very much, but he also knew its importance, and he was a little angry at the moment: You Luohua is too capricious, right?

When registering, we have to take the initiative to come to the door to urge, and now say not to participate, then do not participate, say good Daomen to join in the grand event?

However, Feng Jun ’s answer was very unexpected, "Gao Qiang has already been innate, and it is not appropriate to enter the competition again."

"Wh ... what?" Wenxu holds his palm so he thinks he heard it wrong, "He just ... innate?"

He really said that Gaoqiang might be congenital within a year or two, but that was only a compliment to the other party. He didn't believe it himself — congenital is not Chinese cabbage. Where is it so easy to achieve?

"Gao Qiang also counts as a thick product," Feng Jun said lightly, "His skill is very solid."

The shock in the palm of Xu Xing's stubbornness still did not subside. When did Luohua leave this **** luck? No other family can give birth to a congenital for hundreds of years. Your home comes out one after another-if Feng Jun is counted, this is the fourth innate?

So he hesitated and said, "Gao Daoyou is innate? Really gratifying, I have another master at Daomen, but I don't know ... When did Gao Daoyou reach the top?"

"Three days ago, I was currently consolidating cultivation," Feng Jun replied lightly. "After I knew it, I thought that it would be inappropriate to play next game, so I quickly contacted the Taoist friends and told you to change."

Wen Xu Dao Chang still did not fully digest this surprise, "This really surprised me, thinking that when Maoshan Wenji Daoyou ascended to the congenital, there was a natural phenomenon of wind and rain, and I wonder where Gao Daoyou climbed to the top? "

"When Lu Xiaoning came to the congenital, no one knew," Feng Jun replied lightly, "Luohua has his own rules, and Master Tian was not a Luohua at that time, so we are not easy to cover it up and ask questions. So much, do n’t you believe me? "

"Where would I not believe you?" Wenxu stubbornly heard the words startled. "Just at your two ends in Luohua three days before the birth, I dare not believe you ...... To be honest, I was scared . "

"No need to be frightened, Daoxing Daxing, you will get used to it later," Feng Jun answered with a smile, and then asked aloud, "Then Li Shishi straight into the finals, is there a problem?"

Feng Jun is most concerned about this, because Li Shishi's real strength is really not very good, so try to reduce the number of entries as much as possible, in order to prevent someone from peeping through the reality and pondering the corresponding plan.

In fact, even if someone can figure out a plan, it may not be able to implement a targeted implementation; even if it is used, it may not be effective-Li Shishi has the help of Feng Bo, and there are more than two cards.

However, even if there are so many reasons, as long as the strength cannot be crushed, there are various variables.

Well, Li Shishi ’s hole card can reveal one less, and it ’s better to reveal a little. After all, she is the well-known general manager of Luohua. Once she gets out of the game, she ca n’t take the first place.

In fact, Feng Jun thinks that it is better to hold this year ’s Longmen Conference, not to force out all the cards of Li Shishi-Luo Hua has been very high-profile, and then exposed some incredible cards, is not looking for someone to remember? ? ,

What should I do to reduce my exposure? Of course, to minimize the number of Li Shishi's participation.

So sending her directly to the finals is Feng Jun's biggest demand.

However, this is really not a matter of concern for the inferior, the organizers of the event have the relevant powers. In the official international competitions, there can be foreign card players, not to mention this kind of private event?

If Feng Jun's strength is not enough, Wudang may refuse to care for the feathers, but Luohua and Kunlun are both well-known, and they are already eligible to directly ask for the finals.

And at the beginning, Lorra did not intend to have it. At the moment, two contestants became one. In this case, in case of encountering a dark horse or something, if you can't enter the finals, Lorra will have no face!

Immediately said, "This is a legitimate request. I will tell them to adjust the quota specifically ... The sixty-three finals will be fine in the game."

He promised very happily, but as soon as he put down the phone, a priest next to him wailed, "Take control, and change the plan. This is already the final version. If I change it, I will die."

"What should I do if I don't change it?" Wenxu Daochang glared at him angrily, "Let the innate master also participate?"

Another short head said, "Is Gao Qiang really born?"

"Is this kind of leave available?" Wenxu Dao asked in disapproval, "Or ......... Feng Jun can afford this person?"

The eyes of the short Daoist rolled back, "Since there can be one going straight to the finals, why not one more? Let's use Wudang as the host and directly draw a quota to enter the finals. No one else can say anything.

This shows that a bad beginning can't be opened casually. If you dare to open it, someone will remember to follow up.

Wenxu palm froze for a while, apparently feeling a little emotional, but after a moment of pondering, he shook his head.

"Forget it, someone from Luohua is just one contestant, the name is loud again, and it is normal to keep one finalist place. Let's keep one finalist place. Will other disciples still have to participate? International practice can't keep one. Outside Is there still a group around? "

The Taoist prince in charge of changing the plan heard it, and could not help but said, "Why is there no such situation? For example, football, there are only a few teams in Brito, and FIFA did not say anything about them."

Wenxu stubbornly shook his head and replied affirmatively, "Last time there was no disciple in Maoshan who went straight to the finals. Wudang couldn't afford to lose this person."

Even if a martial art develops well or not, it really has a lot to do with the person in charge. Wudang has no problem in taking charge of this mind.

The little Taoist still was a little unwilling and persuaded tirelessly.

"I meant to guarantee a real strength. For example, Wang Dapeng. At the last meeting, he just lost his father and did not catch up with the competition. Now he is practicing outside Luohuamen. I feel that he has the strength to win the championship. Why not let him How many games does he play less? "

Wenxu stubbornly heard the words and suddenly froze. Others thought he was weighing the pros and cons again.

However, after a moment, he shook his head suspiciously, whispering, "Does Luohua ... want her to win the championship? Don't you go crazy like this?"

The next day Feng Jun made a call, Elder Wudang Guo came to visit himself-he had just returned from the Gaul Beyond in Qingcheng. Poor old man was in his seventies, and he ran around all day long, and it was really busy.

He invited Qing Xiaozi, Qiu Daochang and other guests to go to Luohua Manor, which nominally celebrated Gao Qiang's inborn and reached the summit.

The reason why Feng Jun concealed Gao Qiang's innate is that he wanted to fight Wudang as a cold guard, not to let Gao Qiang enter, but just wanted to ensure that Li Shishi entered the finals through this sudden attack.

As for why he wants Gao Qiang to retire? Okay, that's what I want to pretend to beep. The person I originally wanted to participate in the contest was directly at the congenital, but the remaining little girl also won the championship!

So Gao Qiang also received them, a few words of courtesy.

Then, at the invitation of Qing Xiaozi and Elder Guo, he went to the Xiuzhen small courtyard again to show the innate momentum to the disciples of Daomen-so far, his momentum has not converged very well. Suitable for display.

Most people can't get the chance to sense the weather, and Gazi used to be innate, but there were no people around. At that time, there were a lot of people when Xiao Tianshi reached the summit, but she should be allowed to feel, and who shouldn't be allowed to feel. ?

Only in the small cultivator's court, the elites selected by each line are present, and Luohua's gas refining field control field will have such an opportunity.

However, Gao Qiang is not a white show. He promotes other Daomen disciples in this way, and the beneficiaries are still the elites. Naturally, he will have his benefits in the future. And after this operation, each Daomen knew overnight that Luohua had another one. Congenital.

Thinking that this congenital person will also participate in this year's Longmen Conference, Daomen can't sit still and call Wudang one after another.

And Wen Xu said in a stubborn manner: Luo Hua's high posture indicates that Gao Qiang will not participate again. In return, the organizer will guarantee Li Shishi for a final circle. Do you have any comments?

It is stupid to have opinions. If Gao Qiang insists on participating, the probability of winning the championship is at least 80%.

Luohua ’s cultivators won the championship, but it does not affect everyone ’s access to the power version of the Juling Array and the qualification test array, but since it is possible to take the first place, why do you want to compete for the runner-up? "Champion", is it not fragrant?

After another seven or eight days, the cultivators of the small cultivation center began to ask for leave. One hundred and twenty people walked, leaving only more than ten people left. There is no way. They are all elite disciples from all walks of life. Even if the com is not too strong, it can help to win a good ranking.

Previously there were rumors that after this conference, Wudang planned to make a list called the Dragon and Tiger List.

Some people have disputed the ranking of this list-you have to consider the negative impact similar to the "killing pig list", so this time the list does not rank individuals, ranking the "influence of rookie" .

However, there are still some people who object to it, saying that since ancient times, Wen Wu first and Wu second, Wu Dang you have selfishness, you ca n’t do this, you want to increase the influence and right to speak in Daomen, we can understand this mood, but it should not be caused by it. The hidden danger of conflict!

So, whether this list is ranked or not, how to arrange it, I still say two things.

However, the disciples still realized that their disciples should sign up more, even if they don't say the overall results, it is good to temper their disciples.

There are still some people in the Xiuzhen small courtyard that are not on the court at all.

The remaining ten or so did not leave, but each had its own reasons. Some people had cultivated to the point of the bones, others were quiet and unmoved, and Wang Keer also stayed. Just switched jobs, I was embarrassed to hit the brothers in the Wangwu.

(Updated to friends who have monthly tickets, please pay close attention to it, and there is really no triple triple in May.)

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