Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1952: Gao Qiang

Although Zhong Lijing is carrying the name of "Broom Star", there are many people pursuing her. From An Hejun's eyes, she knows that he has thoughts about herself.

But she didn't care about it. There were more thoughtful people she had refused.

And everyone is in the same door, she was not very worried, so she smiled and asked, "What rewards and news? Can't you say?"

An Hejun took a look around and spoke in a low voice, "I can tell you, but you have to keep secret ..."

Anyway, Feng Jun did not prohibit Gaoqiang from leaking, and such a "you have to pay attention to secrecy" requirement is doomed to secrecy.

Zhong Lijing believes in Teacher Mei most, just when she came out to receive the computer, she went to Xiuzhen small courtyard by the way.

Good scenery is good at thinking, and it is not surprising to this possibility-the three people of Liang Siyu have broken the grid, and the next batch of grid is normal.

So her answer was, "I have already gotten the chance for you. More contact with the boss, others can break the rules ... Why can't you break the rule? You are now the position of the manor general, which is equivalent to Li Shishi in those years, and there are many opportunities to contact him. . "

After receiving the computer, Zhong Lijing went back and unpacked the data to form a "Luohua Contribution Point System".

The contribution point system is mature, but during the import process, there must be some doubts.

Zhong Lijing didn't want to ask for help. She knew that Teacher Mei didn't understand this set well, so she could only figure it out herself. The only Li Shishi who could ask was that she couldn't see anyone.

Just when she was busy, a voice sounded behind her, but Yang Yuxin came, "I will help you find someone to import these data ... I have reliable people in my hands."

Zhong Lijing now knows how terrifying Director Yang is, remembering that she said "you are older than me" a while ago, and she was also a little worried-the society of monks will also be disturbed by the world!

This is not just a six-layer mortal, she and her daughter, the Gu Jiahui of the first layer of gas refining, no one in Luohua is willing to provoke.

So she smiled and said, "Thank you, Director Yang, I also want to find someone to compile a small program to convert, but I am afraid of affecting the performance."

She really can find someone to help. The university of Modu is not white, and there are computer teachers in her substitute school. She just wants to be safe.

After the persecution of "two one plum", Yang Yuxin also had a strong desire to attract people, and she also knew that this girl had no thoughts, so she smiled and asked, "What performance?"

Zhong Lijing really wanted to repair the relationship with her, and An Hejun did not say that the news should be kept confidential.

After all, although everyone has a sense of confidentiality, since it is a unit, the problem is not big. She said, "This morning, I heard An Hejun said something ..."

An Hejun ... who are there too? It took Yang Yuxin almost ten seconds to match this person, and then she said suspiciously, "You need to work hard and you can practice early ... I haven't heard of this, but it may be true. "

After all, the other party just went to Myanmar and solved a lot of troubles. It is normal for Luohua to give generous rewards.

But practicing early, this flatbread is really tempting, and Yang Yuxin can't ignore it completely.

She figured it out: The Yang family wanted to eat this cake, I am afraid it will not be easy!

Everything else, only looking at the one recommended by the Yang family, his vision is also very high-although Yang Yuxi is not an old and older sister-in-law, but she is young and beautiful and has not been married, her heart is not high.

Yang Yuxin ordered Yang Yuxi to have no problem at all, but the point of the problem is: you order the other party, the other party must be willing to listen.

Yang Yuxin's difficulty is here, she can't show Yang Yuxi her relationship with Feng Jun!

Although it was a bit of luck that was separated by blood, after all, it was a sister of seniority, and some words could not open his mouth ...

Gao Qiang spent half a month to adjust his cultivation practice. During this period, Feng Jun has been busy responding to various demands, either looking for abducted women and children or providing goods. During the period, he also went to Australia and Gaul to make a trip.

As for the location of this breakthrough, he chose the Sahara Desert. It is said that the terrain of the Alps has been restored. It is more appropriate to choose there, but Feng Jun feels that he ca n’t catch a sheep and scramble. It is still necessary to change the venue properly. of.

Originally he wanted to choose Lop Nor, but think about it again. It is better not to appear in Huaxia for this kind of supernatural event. He is too busy to tell him that it is too late. Why bother to provide ammunition to others?

The Sahara Desert is actually pretty good. Basically, no living people can be seen. The only regret is that the terrain is almost zero. If you want to gather the aura, it will not only take a long time, but also relatively waste the spirit stone.

However, as long as it can be kept secret enough, why not spend more spirit stones?

This time, Feng Jun put down a simple building in Sahara, similar to the one owned by Zhang Caixin. There are three small rooms and a small yard, but a total of 70 square meters can be arranged with a phantom array to hide.

It took a full half a month to gather the spirits of the Lingling Formation to the peak of the Qi Refining. It can be seen that the place where the veins are cut off is worthy of the name. It is too difficult to absorb the spirits.

Then Feng Jun moved Gao Qiang to this place, let him continue to struggle in the line, he went to Gaul-where the Taoist temple was completely completed, and the inauguration ceremony was about to be held.

Feng Jun's past is to send the customized electric version of the Lingling Array-this time the Lingling Array is no longer a style with a strong sense of science fiction, but an artificial landscape with a small bridge and flowing water.

Zhang Dongyuan did not plant a bamboo forest in the backyard, because several places in Luohua have shown that the bamboo forest has its own magic!

In order not to cause doubts, he did leave a lot of trees in the backyard, but he also opened a martial arts training ground, and the Juling array was hidden in the woods on the north side of the martial arts ground.

Feng Jun released the Juling Array, and then completed the debugging, felt the speed of gathering the aura, and could not help but sigh, "It ’s not the same with the ground, it should be almost the same in five days ... It ’s close to the inauguration celebration ten days later."

Hearing this topic, Zhang Dongyuan couldn't help but say, "Boss Feng, you must give a face and you must come."

Feng Jun shook his head, "I really don't want to come, Cai Xin has promised to come ... I have sneaked in to visit at most. If you pass the customs, it may cause big trouble, which is not a good thing for you."

If he wants to go abroad now, there is no need to block domestically. Beauty Lin told Feng Jun that your name is already on the list of most developed countries, so if you want to go out, our suggestion is ... Smuggling!

Funny? This suggestion actually came from Lin Meili's team, which shows that the situation is really not very optimistic.

Therefore, Feng Jun can only let Zhang Caixin come to the celebration. The character of Luohua No. 2 is also a face. The key is her appearance, and the difference from the locals is relatively small.

Zhang Dongyuan also knew that it was such a result, it was nothing more than trying again, listening to him so insistent, and sighed with regret.

Next, Feng Jun took Xiao Tianshi to protect the high-strength law in the Sahara desert.

Waiting for the days of three, six, nine, he had to go back to Qifu small courtyard to help calculate the whereabouts of the missing child, and his life was very fulfilling.

The Gao Qiang spent another nine days in the Sahara Desert, and finally reached the edge of the breakthrough. The possibility of impacting the innate has also increased from 73% to 74%. Feng Jun sent the innate Wudao Dan in due course.

Xian Tianshi saw this and couldn't help whispering, "At that time, I rushed to the congenital, but you never gave me the panacea."

"I gave you a better essence!" Feng Jun first sent a passage of thoughts before answering with a smile, "When the master wants to know how to teach according to his aptitude, he only knows how to follow the steps, but the craftsman."

High-strength breakthrough is a little harder than Gazi. Feng Jun originally thought that he would break through at midnight that day, so he would not wait for the dawn of the next day.

Gao Qiang took off more than twenty feet, showing that he was still a little late to practice. Although Luohua ’s pills and aura were enough, it was far stronger than Kunhao ’s ordinary martial arts, but it was like this on the starting line. He is not even as good as Gazi.

But being able to enter the congenital, it can be considered a reborn, and the gap between him and Gazi will become smaller and smaller in the future.

Feng Jun waited for three days for Gao Qiang to consolidate before he put away his line and took him back to Luohua.

After returning to Luohua, there is also good news. Xu Leigang has also advanced to the rank of high-level martial artist.

However, Feng Jun didn't really expect much from Xu Leigang, let Gao Qiang continue to consolidate, and at the same time, it was strictly forbidden to disclose the news.

After a few days, it was less than 20 days before the Longmen Conference was held. Although Luohua was not in the organizing committee, he had a lot of eyes and ears. Guan Shanyue heard the news that the schedule details had been introduced, UU Reading book is in the final discussion.

At this time, Feng Jun also dialed the phone in charge of Wenxu. He regretted that Gao Qiang could not play, so only Li Shishi could remain in the competition, so he hoped that Li Shishi could be shortlisted for the finals. That is the top 64.

Hearing this request, Wen Xu held his head in amazement. There were a lot of competition points in this conference. There are not many people in the power version of the Juling Array and Qualification Appraisal Array, but Kunlun is out, which is all. Everyone knows.

And Luo Hua's martial arts Tao Xiu appeared at the same time, still a man and a woman, which is also a big selling point of the conference.

Among those who practice Taoism, Taoism and Wuxiu are not absolutely opposites. There are quite a few people who practice Taoism and Wuxiu, but there are also people who specialize in one, so there is a dispute-is it good to cultivate Taoism or martial arts?

This time, both Luohua and Kunlun have martial arts and Taoism, so that the conference has not yet started, and some topics are very hot. Of course, whether Luohua is powerful or Kunlun is powerful. This is also one of the focuses of everyone ’s attention.

Luohua's recent limelight is unparalleled, but on the reputation alone, it certainly will not be able to catch up with Kunlun, who has been crowned the door of more than a thousand years, and some people have never heard of Luohua, but who dares to say that he does not know Kunlun?

The gimmick is about to be canceled right now, and it is a bit unacceptable for Wenxu to hold his palm. "What happened to Gaoqiang?"

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