Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1950: Contest

Faced with the threat of the Taoist priest, the other party hesitated for a while, and finally did not choose to buy the atonement incense.

He didn't doubt the other party's gods, but he could not cure his mouth, how bad could he be?

Moreover, even if there is a god, it may not respond to all demands?

The little Taoist informed Zhang Dongyuan of the situation, and Feng Jun came over again that evening. Zhang Zhizhang informed him of the situation.

Feng Jun was a bit crying and laughing, "Your little Taoist can call me."

"I don't mean that," Zhang Dongyuan hurriedly waved his hand. "This is a small conflict, and it's normal not to punish. I'm not so stingy, but now Taoist temples are becoming famous. Severely helps deter Xiao Xiao."

"Anyway, I'm working for you in vain," Feng Jun shook his head. He was actually a little impressed by Eric. "That guy is grumpy, and he really owes it."

When Eric got up the next day, he was surprised to find that he was not only skewed, but half of his body was numb.

"Shit," he realized that the problem was there, and after sighing, he reluctantly moved out of the room and yelled at the neighbor, "Fery, I need you to do me a favor ... Send me to Taoist Temple, yes It ’s the **** Taoism! "

At the next moment, he began to review his mistakes, as if he was talking to himself, and as if he was facing a void existence, "Well, sorry, 'damn' is just my spoken language ... I am a rude person , Not intentionally offended. "

Carrying Taoism even dare not speak rude words, it can be seen that "shock Xiao Xiao" is still very effective.

In fact, Eric was really scared this time. He burned incense for three days, and his paralysis finally disappeared. Then on the fourth day, he came to burn incense again. He continued to burn incense for nineteen days.

On the twentieth day, he came to burn incense again. Before leaving, the little Taoist told her, "You can stop for a while."

The next day, Eric was surprised to find that his mouth was almost half skewed. Without saying a word, he ran to Taoist Temple again. After burning a joss stick, he hurried away to find a temporary job.

Burning incense can't be stopped. If the other party stops him, it's really stupid, but he has sold his only watch. If he wants to continue burning incense, he must first make money ...

The development of Mount Qingcheng in Qingcheng is proceeding in an orderly manner, while Daomen in China has begun to prepare for this year's grand event, the Longmen Conference, this time by Wudang.

This kind of convention is generally disregarded by Luohua. In the small cultivating yard, there is a lot of talk, because there are many people who want to participate in the competition, and then someone asked Dean May who is Luohua this time.

Good scenery will not participate in this kind of competition. Although she ranks very low in Luohua, she is a cultivator of the gas refining period. In addition, Feng Jun has a large number of fusi, pills and magic weapons in her hands. Taking the first place, Shen Qingyi may not be able to stop her.

But even at the first Longmen Conference, the gas refining period of the shot was nothing but Chen Shengwang, who won the first place with some surprise.

Everyone sees that he is the only successor of Fanghu Taoist princes. He didn't care much, and if he didn't even have a gas refining period at the first Longmen Conference, he seemed to be ashamed of the word "Dragon Gate".

In other words, if Luohua's gas refining period comes out this time, it is estimated that there is no problem in taking over the first four-even if Kunlun's gas refining period comes out, Luohua still has two masters who use martial arts.

Therefore, Teacher Mei said: No one is likely to participate in Luohua this time. Those who can fight have already entered the gas refining period, and those who have not entered the gas refining period will not be able to fight very much. The middle fault is more obvious.

That's how Good Scenery said, but the news was sent back to the mountain by Wudang disciples.

Hearing this news, Wudang, who was in charge of the palm and imaginary path, couldn't sit still. He took Elder Guo and rushed to Luohua together.

Wudang is in charge of the middle-level martial arts. He is in his early sixties. It seems to be less than fifty years old. He was busy practicing in the past few years, but in recent years he has been mainly responsible for affairs-that is, socializing.

Even when he came to Luohua, it was only the second time. The last time was Zhang Caixin ’s Jin-level gas-refining ceremony. He also wanted to come to this celebration of Luohua ’s fourth gas-refining ceremony, but the emperor had an important meeting.

The purpose of his coming this time is to ask Luohua to appoint a person-if you have no one to participate in the Longmen Conference, this Longmen Conference is too well-deserved?

But Feng Jun's idea, like Teacher Mei, Luohua's going out of the refining period is purely bullying. If it is below the refining period, then there is nothing to fight, it is better to watch everyone play.

But Wenxu stubbornly begged for help and said that it is important to participate, which is not good. You Luohua will have another gas refining period. Anyway, it is not the first time that there has been a gas refining period. .

Luohua has a gas refining period? Feng Jun really can't afford to lose that person. He is not Chen Shengwang's kind of skinless and faceless, but Gao Qiang is also inappropriate. "The last time Gao Qiang maintained order, is it appropriate for him to participate this time?"

"Suitable, what's wrong?" Wenxu Zhang replied without hesitation, "According to Luohua's secret technique, I think that Gao Daoyou may have to enter the innate within a year or two, after entering the innate, It will be inconvenient to participate in the Longmen Conference again. "

Feng Jun couldn't help but figure it out again. Is this not good for the lack of the conference, or is it a trick to hold the imagination?

Would n’t he want Wudang disciples to step on top of Gaoqiang?

He is quite confident in the strength of Gao Qiang. In the pure battle between martial arts, the probability of Gao Qiang winning the championship is greater than 40%-mainly because he is not afraid of injury, Luohua has many healing pills.

However, if you encounter a period of decay, if Gao Qiang can succeed, it is not easy to say, Dao Xiu and Wu Xiu are not the same way-even if the current symbols and magical instruments of each door are scarce, but there is no way to keep which one still has one. Two kinds.

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility, "Is Kunlun also going to participate in the Longmen Conference?"

Wen Xu Dao Dao heard Yan Yan, suddenly stunned, and then nodded, then nodded, "Yes, Kunlun intends to sign up, my request to them is ... gas refining practitioners can not participate."

Feng Jun heard that Kunlun was going to participate, but he was a little unhappy, but when the four Qi Qi disciples celebrated a while ago, Kunlun also asked Shen Qingyi to send four gifts, and the old hatred can almost be completely exposed.

Moreover, the Longmen Conference was operated by all kinds of people. Luo Hua was lazy and announced that he would not participate in the organization of the conference. Now that the organizer has agreed to participate in Kunlun, if he denies, is it too much to be a man?

Feng Jun was a little dissatisfied, but there was no way to worry about it. He snorted, "Kunlun wants to go to the gas refining period, and I also have Luohua."

"Don't do it," Wenxu Dao said with a frown on his face, "What else do you do when your two refining periods come out?"

Feng Jun just said that subconsciously just now. Hearing Wenxu's palm, he gave him a deep look. "So you just said, can Luohua be a refining practitioner?"

"Luohua is certainly not the same as Kunlun," Wen Xu said stubbornly and solemnly. "Luohua is the main sponsor of the Longmen Conference. It is a bit different. Isn't it normal?"

Feng Jun couldn't help but bemused, "Xin Xu is in charge, you Wudang is on the road of secularization, and you are going farther and farther."

What he said was a satire on the other side.

However, Xu Xu's stubborn palm did not mean anything. "Feng Daoyou, I put it back twenty years ago. I also think of you. But the older you are, the more you need to consider the development of the sect, and secularization is also a trend called sect."

"Forget it, I'm going to be a fan of Luohua again," Feng Jun sighed. "If there is no Kunlun, I'm not interested in winning the championship, but since Kunlun is going to participate in the Longmen Conference, this first place, I Luohua is really true No more! "

Wenxu Zhiwen smiled and said, "Yeah, that's right. Without Luohua and Kunlun, the Longmen Conference is a bit of a misnomer. Both of you can be cultivators under the gas refining period. That is true. Grand occasion. "

Feng Jun heard the words and couldn't help rolling his eyes. "How do I feel that you are intentional?"

"Daomen Daxing, shouldn't this be the case?" Wen Xu stubbornly spread his hands and answered very frankly, "Everyone must participate in it, otherwise it will not show unity!"

He is not good to accuse that Luohua has always been high up, not very gregarious, so he pulled Luohua in and participated deeply-Gao Qiang plus a mortal period, Luohua also paid attention to the conference.

Feng Jun also knows that this is indeed true. In the process of Daomen's revival, everyone should contribute. Luohua is too far away from everyone, which is really not suitable.

But then again, it wasn't him that was inflated, but if he really wanted to put Luohua in the position of "one of the branches of the Daomen of the Earth," how could he go to Kunhao to fight hard?

Being a man is not afraid of a low starting point, I am afraid of setting the goal too low ~ ~ Obviously a real dragon, if you have to fight in the small quagmire, is it also ashamed of your own potential?

So Feng Jun nodded and said seriously, "Unity is affirmed. Luo Hua signed two names this time, Gao Qiang and Li Shishi."

The core members of Luohua are not secrets in the Daomen. Everyone's evaluation of Gaoqiang is not low. Many people think that, with the same cultivation, Gazi can't beat Gaoqiang, and Li Shishi was once the chief executive of Luohua, and even contacted the outside world More.

But Li Shishi's combat power is not clear to everyone. Anyway, she can be sure that she is Dao Xiu.

Shen Qingyi knows Li Shishi's strength more clearly. She knows that this girl is more salty, and martial arts skills are so rare that she believes that the biggest opponent is Gao Qiang.

Even she believes that Feng Jun's registration for Li Shishi is Luo Hua's helpless choice-there are only two mortal periods in total. Luo Hua can't let Director Yang go to the Longmen Conference.

However, the facts are really a bit different from what she thought. After Feng Jun gave away the command of Xu Xu, he directly greeted Li Shishi to his training site, "I will give you a task. This year's Dragon Gate Conference, you have to win a championship. come back."

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