Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1949: Provoke

The person who said that the Chinese gods were attacked was actually the nursery that Zhang Dongyuan was looking for, but Zhang Zhizhang was so good at making such hints that the nursery did not realize that he was a nursery.

Many people sneered at these words. This is Europa. It is far away from China. Others say that China is not atheistic?

However, after another day, the stroke did not get better. The doctors felt a little strange facial nerve palsy. The initial recovery should be relatively fast, and it is normal to be slow in the middle and late stages.

The Chinese medicine doctor in charge of acupuncture is also very curious, saying that the first two results should be very quick, why is there no reaction?

At this time, the patient asked: "Well, I might have run into the gods in your Taoist temple ... Is there such a saying?"

Traditional Chinese medicine is inseparable from Daomen, whether it is "Su Wen", "Lingshu Jing", or Ge Hong who wrote "Elbow Reserve Urgent Fang" and "Bao Puzi".

This Chinese medicine is actually Gaul, but when I heard that this is the case, I said that this is really difficult to tell. You should go to Taoist Temple and ask. Although I only acupuncture and cupping, I will not prescribe Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine is not only medicine, but also philosophy and metaphysics.

On the fourth day of the incident, only the first person went to Taoist Temple, wondering if he was skewed or not, if he did something wrong.

The Gauls are very proud, but their mouths are slanted and their eyes slanted, and their saliva keeps flowing. This feels really bad.

Zhang Dongyuan had already arranged it for a long time, so a small Taoist said that you are offending the gods, burning incense for three days, 80% within one month. If you continue to burn incense, you may be cured within 15 days.

As soon as he heard this, he said without saying a word, I want to burn incense.

The Taoist temple has not been completely sorted out. This kind of atonement is 19,98 euros.

The man burned the incense once and got up early in the morning the next day, and his symptoms were significantly alleviated. Without saying anything, he went to burn incense again.

In fact, for those who work odd jobs in the town of Gaul, twenty euros is really not small. They may not be able to earn fifty euros a day. Even in Paris, the monthly salary can exceed two thousand five. Above average line.

This price is really not low, but the key is effective!

The next day he was a little better, and then he told his familiar friends. On the third day, he burned another incense and then stopped.

This is how the Gauls do things. They think that the eight recovery achievements are good, and the remaining 20% ​​can be recovered slowly and naturally.

There are also some people who are more concerned about the image, and burned the incense for five days, the recovery effect is greatly improved, basically healed in twenty days, but few people choose this way. Gauls are not used to saving money and continue to take It is difficult to come out with so many euros.

Anyway, there is a incense slowly in Taoist temple here. Some people who refuse to come to see others are getting better. They ca n’t stop their saliva, and they can only come to burn incense against their original intentions.

However, if you don't accept it, it won't work. If you don't burn incense, it won't work. If you burn incense, it will work. Do you say you can't burn?

Burning incense to the twelfth day, Feng Jun found Zhang Dongyuan, indicating that the day is the last day, and burning incense has no effect. I have spent a lot of time with you, and it is impossible to continue to stay with me.

But tomorrow, the Holy See will come, Feng Jun gave Zhang Dongyuan a disc with a diameter of 20 centimeters and a tai chi fish on it, saying that you hang next to the hall, and evil spirits do not invade. The word "Lova".

In fact, this is a rune of the dusty period, which can inspire three times, but only locks Zhang Dongyuan ’s mind, others ca n’t drive it.

The next day, as expected, the Holy See came, and wanted to know what magic technique Taoism used, and actually twisted the mouth of the person.

Zhang Dongyuan directly refused to meet, and the people of the Holy See were also prepared. This time they came with two punishers and a light knight.

To put it simply, the punisher is a mortal period. When the two punishers are together, the apostate Keane has to hide, and the light knight is even more terrible. It is selected from the twelve round table knights.

The twelve round table knights are basically high-end, and they are very powerful, but the knight of light is basically a period of gas refining.

In the Holy See, the knight of light is a knight who protects the road. It does not appear at a critical juncture. It rarely appears, ranging from one to three, and no more.

Ignoring the little Taoist's obstruction, the three men broke into Taoist Temple directly. However, a white light flashed and the three of them were directly hit and flew outside the door of Taoist Temple. At the same time, there was a deep voice and a very short sentence .

None of them understands Chinese, but it was okay. Some of the people who came with them knew that it was "the trespasser died."

After the three learned the situation, they discussed each other, and a penalizer stepped forward to speak loudly, "We are not malicious, and also asked Hua Xiazong to ask the person in charge to come out and see."

The figure flashed, and a man of nearly thirty years old came out, with the waist-waisted ape arm full of agile feeling.

He is a martial arts warrior in Qingcheng and said proudly, "We are in charge and are not interested in meeting you. You are still too late to walk. If you don't leave, you may not be able to leave ... We didn't invite you."

The light knight took a step and sneered and said, "Is this threatening us?"

He actually did not want to come forward, because he represented the ultimate combat power of the Holy See, and how bad the Chinese Taoism was, he knew very well that there were more records in the Holy See.

Daomen is a local sect called Huaxia. Cultivating oneself does not cultivate foreign objects. This is completely in conflict with Western civilization. Western civilization is about worshiping foreign objects without repairing oneself. Their own piety.

So when the flood came, the east was Dayu to control the water, and the west was that we bought a ticket for the ark.

In the era when Ru Mao drank blood, raw meat was unhealthy to eat. In the east, wood was used for fire, and in the west, Prometheus stole fire.

Hercules Hercules in the West is the son of Zeus and Alkmen, the God of War in the East ... whose son is Chiyou? Whose son is Baiqi? Whose son is Guan Yu?

The West emphasizes blood lineage, and the East weighs power. Has the East weighed more than blood? That's not true!

However, the nobles have long since disappeared, so there are no nobles in the East, only the civil examination electors, you can go as long as you have the ability!

These words went farther. After all, Daomen wants to be stubborn. This seems to indicate that they don't care about blood relationship?

However, in fact, the more he emphasizes that he doesn't care, he should be the one who cares the most, otherwise why should he emphasize? Just ignore it.

And the thing that matters most is the foundation of civilization.

Many people say that Chinese people have no faith, but are they really not? They believed in their ancestors and thanked them for bringing themselves into this world, and thanking them all the way to live in a relatively good environment.

Do Westerners thank ancestors? Thanks too, but about ... only thanks to the pedigree I was born in a noble house.

Needless to say, those born as civilians ... should be humble.

To put it simply, Westerners are more grateful to the Lord, but the reason why people are ... is it really because of the Lord?

These are far away. In short, China is a person who dares to struggle, and there are many good players in the Daomen.

Not to mention the past, only to say that now, the light knight knows in his heart: after the Sofia Mai has become an apostate, how powerful the means are.

However, this threat has to be said, otherwise how to explain to other people?

The martial artist sneered, "I'm standing in my place of call ... Talking about this as a threat? Or do you think that only Sofia in Australia will be a good player?"

The light knight heard a tremble in his heart. Sophia's Leifa, really believe it, can you learn?

Anyway, someone watching next to him, he can't just leave like this, "Come here today and would like to ask Hua Xia Kungfu."

As he said, his hand was pressed against the thin sword at his waist. "It's okay to fight with instruments."

"Dare to draw swords in Taoist Temple, die!" The martial arts whispered coldly, "I learn Kung Fu to eliminate evil and maintain Taoism. I will not compete with others. If you bear evil yourself, please express yourself ! "

Where will the light knight recognize this? So he snorted dismissively, turned and left, "Coward!"

Not only the Taoist people saw these behaviors, but there were seven or eight outside the door.

In fact, some people were reluctant to spend money to buy the incense of atonement, so they went to the Holy See and asked the Holy See to eradicate evil.

And the Holy See is also trying to get a sense of the details of Taoism, so three people were sent to test. Of course, such a strong lineup is not just a test. If it is possible to strike smoothly, it will definitely be shot.

Regrettably, this test did not say anything, and did not reach the real seabed of the other party.

The skewed master stepped forward and asked vaguely, "My face ... what should I do?"

The light knight did not look at him, and walked away directly. The two penalizers did not want to ignore this person, but in the end, one stopped and answered briefly, "Hot, drink more hot water."

The stunned man finally reacted. He probably was abandoned and could not help but yell, "Damn, don't you want us to try it? Don't care now?"

He scolded him ~ ~ The three of them got in the car and left the master who couldn't even tell the words, who cares?

For a long time, this man froze before stepping forward, and said vaguely to a little Taoist, "Atonement for Atonement ... I want to be incense."

"Sorry, things have passed," the little Taoist also got Zhang Dongyuan's instructions. "Now burning incense is no longer useful."

"No!" The man stepped forward, holding the collar of the little Taoist, and shouted, "You can't refuse my confession!"

The little priest calmly glanced sideways at the top of the gate, not struggling with a monitor there.

The man finally reacted, loosened his collar, and then coughed, "I apologize for my impulse."

"For this matter, you can ask for atonement," the little priest said eloquently. "You can do it if you don't please, but if you encounter other troubles, you may regret it later."

(The first change in May is to double the guaranteed monthly pass. The rules have been changed. You can vote as much as you want.)

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