Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1924: Do nothing

Qingqing's treatment? Feng Junbai glanced at Feng in charge and replied angrily, "There is aura in the small courtyard. With such a condition, there is no salary and welfare, and activities are also restricted. You can't leave the small courtyard when you are idle."

Feng Zhijun actually thought of this, he wondered, "What about Lingtian?"

"Of course there will be Lingtian," Feng Jun said helplessly, "but your family asked about tea, and there have been several plants cut!"

Among the 120 practitioners in the small courtyard, there are six disciples in Taibai Mountain, and four disciples are asking for tea.

Qing Xiaozi heard the words and couldn't help but say, "Feng is in charge, don't you want this aura?"

Feng held the hands, but he said, "Why, why not ... There are so many disciples in Taibai, so I'm so eager to hold the hands to grab?"

Yang Zhi, who is in Chicheng Dongtian, bowed to Feng Jun. "Master Feng Shan, there are elders in the door, and they have a high level of qi ... It can help prevent the Xiaoxiao from being small. I wonder if it can be used?"

"Prevent Xiao Xiao ..." Feng Jun was also very speechless. He really couldn't figure out which Xiao Xiao dare to put his mind on his head.

Moreover, the gas refining period in his hand has already approached double digits-Sister Zhang, Xiao Tianshi, Good Scenery, Huahua, Lin Heihu, Chen Shengwang, Da Bai Ge, Tu Ling, which is still not congenital. Wuxiu.

Even the nine-layer Mofan, he has three, how can this high-rank Mofan be so confident? "He doesn't preach?"

Yang Zhizhang hesitated before answering, "Elder Hui Yan was once a bitter monk. His Taoism is very profound, but he doesn't have much contact with people."

"Serious cultivation?" Feng Jun was a little surprised, and he replied with a deep thought, "There are actually ascending monks this year ... I can let him practice in the small courtyard for half a year, and I admire his persistence."

This is not a back door. No matter which Taoist door is encountered, it is normal to meet some admirable Taoist friends. It is normal to transfer some resources-like when Maoshan just picked up the Lingling Array, other Daomen went to rub one after another, and Maoshan could not all refuse .

Ascetic monks were not mainstream in the past. Many people had to become monks for avoiding chaos or disasters. Now, in the information society, the Taoist elites in the small monastery have to brush their mobile phones for two hours every day. Monk?

Feng Jun gave half a year of cultivation time without talking about Ke Qing.

Yang Zhizhang still wanted to say something, but he didn't dare-people have already given face.

In fact, apart from Qing Xiaozi, other Daomen practitioners who apply for the guest secretary are rarely in charge, but the Taoism is relatively sophisticated and has an obvious commonality: they are all older.

When Feng Jun saw these people, he reacted: He co-authored these guests, all of whom came to cultivate the small courtyard to nurture the days.

However, this can't be more normal. Reiki could have been able to delay aging, and its effect on monks is particularly obvious. Regardless of the Taoist gate, Reiki is not enough. It is just placed in the small cultivating courtyard. A door seed.

But the elder Hui Yan was a little weird. He was almost seventy years old, and his blood was still quite strong. But this exuberance was a bit decayed. It should have been injured when he fell into the ninth floor. It has not been very good so far, so it looks like It can withstand eight layers.

The man was tall, thin, and tanned, and his appearance was a bit unreliable. When he saw Feng Jun, his attitude was respectful, but he was always a little awkward.

Feng Jun didn't care too much. He checked it with his mobile phone and knew that there was nothing wrong with this person, so he didn't pay any attention to it. The physical properties of the soil were very difficult to get to this point in the age of the last law.

Next, most of his energy was still spent in the blessing yard. Don't look at receiving only one hundred families at a time, and opening the door ten times a month can solve the problem of a thousand families.

In fact, the clues he found in a month can be far more than a thousand families ... With the gangs being pulled out, he can benefit more than two thousand families in a month.

However, the number of people who come to search for people has not decreased, and there is an increasing trend. It is said that even the police in some places will suggest that the child in your family has been missing for too long.

Well, that's fine, the problem now is that not only Chinese people, but even foreigners have found them.

The Australians were found, the couple worked in China, the man was a university foreigner and the woman was a wine distributor.

What they are looking for is not a child, but a man's younger brother-the little one disappeared when he was three years old. If he is alive now, it should be thirty-three years old.

Now that the man ’s mother has cancer, she has been washing her face with tears all day long, just thinking about seeing her missing son before she dies.

The couple didn't actually know the prayer blessing courtyard. They first went to the Taoist Temple in Amsdam. Because the men taught in Huaxia, they knew a little about Taoism, so they had given some charity and heard sermons.

Because both of them are discussing life in China, Sofia also talked to them.

This time, they wanted to ask Sofia if they were sure of finding someone. As a result, Sofia told them that since you are in China, go to Zhengyang to find a wonderful place.

The couple was more cautious, first inquired about the small courtyard, knowing that the small courtyard is indeed magical, decided to spend more money to help her mother achieve her wish.

On the day when the door opened, the long dragons in the line directly scared people. The man thought about it, and wanted to walk directly to the courtyard. University professors are not completely rude, but in China, there is generally no need to line up.

As a result, before approaching, someone next to them scolded them. When the guards at the door that kept order discovered the situation, they pointed at them and waved out.

The couple saw that they knew that they wouldn't eat this set. Although they were a little surprised, they were not surprised, so they lined up honestly-of course, they must be a little frustrated.

However, even more frustrating is still behind. The two of them stood in the cold wind for five hours. Finally, at one noon, they lined up to the door. The guard pointed at them and waved back.

The man couldn't help it, because teaching at the university, he would stutter and speak Chinese, "We are in line!"

"What's the use of queuing?" The guard murmured disdainfully, and then spoke slowly word by word, "Foreigners, stop!"

The man was anxious, "Why? Taoism ... I like Taoism!"

The guard was stunned. A foreigner said, I like Taoism?

The woman hurriedly said, "Amsdam, Sofia."

The guard is even more embarrassed. Although he is not from Luohua, he usually likes to chew these gods. He vaguely knows that Luohua has a branch in Australia, and the person in charge is Sofia.

Everyone even joked that if you go to Australia to play in the future, you must take a look at your industry.

So he asked in doubt, "Introduced by Sofia?"

"Yes, introduction," the man stammered. "We've been to Armsdam. Sophia ... is very familiar."

"Then wait a minute," the guard picked up the intercom and called Master Lu-he couldn't do anything about it.

Ga Zi arrived soon. After understanding the situation, he asked Feng Jun again with Shennian, and then said, "This is sorry, we really can't receive here ... This is not a matter of money."

It's really not a question of money. Gazi is very sure, so many Chinese people are still waiting in line to draw lots. If he promises to stay with these two people, Junge will never spare him.

In fact, he thought about something else-the man's mother had cancer, and opened the mouth, maybe cancer indicators will increase.

The only thing he is not sure about is how Feng Jun intends to deal with it. Now that he knows the answer, he will give suggestions.

"In fact, Sofia can do this too. She just wants you to work in China and is close to us, but she didn't expect that your brother may be far away from us, so I think it's more appropriate for you to find her."

"Is that true?" The man called Sofia suspiciously.

Sophia was also a bit puzzled when she received the call. When she figured out who the person was, she said happily, "Well, then come back, I'm here on the 1st and 15th ... you can come Give it a try. "

The man hesitated and asked me to let my sister go for a trip. We are in China and it is not very convenient.

Sofia warned the other side seriously, "This involves the issue of piety and trust. If someone else comes, it may not be able to activate certain necessary conditions ... Even if you come, you may not be able to activate."

After the man hung up the phone, he was still inconceivable, "This ... needs activation conditions?"

Several believers stood aside and listened for a long time. One of the ladies could not bear it. She answered in fairly fluent English, "Of course, certain conditions need to be met, even here, why do you think you will be an exception?"

The man couldn't help but whispered in English softly, "God loves the world."

The female believers heard this sentence and countered it in English, "Burn Bruno ... or Crusades?"

"Sorry," the woman came up to persuade, "Sorry, my husband has been under a lot of pressure recently, he is unintentional."

"No need to apologize to me ~ ~ Female believers answered with a smile," I just want to remind you that this mentality is wrong ... If you want to find a loved one, change your mindset. "

Later that day, Sofia ran to Luohua again to find Feng Jun, asking him to confirm personally whether she wanted to help herself with what she had asked for.

Feng Jun confirmed the news, and he stated that he was unwilling to squeeze any Chinese resources to help foreigners-Gazi did not even test the two Australians because no matter what the result was, the blessing of the small courtyard May make an exception.

As for the occasional trip to Australia, it is nothing to Feng Jun. Daomen also talked about saving the world. As long as he does not become a daily task, he does not mind helping.

Even then, he will be a little tired, but it is better than putting foreigners in the prayer blessing courtyard. China only has more than a billion people, and foreigners can go to the sea.

At the same time, he did not forget to tell Sofia, "I will not necessarily help those two people unless they pass your test."

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