Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1923: Guest House

After Tang Wenji asked what was going on, she was really angry and funny: you should listen to Feng Bo's preaching, just like a meeting?

In her view, such people simply do not know how many pounds they have, and there are more than 4,000 people on the scene. How many such people are there?

However, this matter was not suitable for immediate handling, so she arranged for Gu Jiahui to take people seriously and went in again.

Two hours after Feng Jun preached, it passed in a blink of an eye, and the more appropriate description is-"no urine spot during the whole journey."

You know, this is just preaching, not telling stories and watching movies. Relatively boring things can keep 4,000 people from moving. The weather is still very cold, showing how attractive it is.

After the lecture, Feng Jun asked everyone to ponder their thoughts, and he began answering questions in two minutes.

What, when is the toilet? Sorry, there is no such thing. You are willing to listen or go to the toilet. Your choice is never a light one. No one will leave a chance to go to the toilet while preaching.

But Qing Xiaozi finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was really too old, and beside him was Chen Shengwang.

Chen Shengwang is Fanghu Dumiao. He recently found four good disciples. In addition, he also has four buddhist friends who have broken the lotus root. This time he preached, he brought all eight people, and he made a special trip from Australia. It's back-of course by moving the array.

Chen Shengwang is half of Luo Hua himself, and he also has his own storage bag, so he listened to it while making a pot of hot water and drinking tea-the tea he rushed out, worthy to drink with him Yes, there are only Qingxiaozi in China several times.

Qing Xiaozi sighed, "Master Feng Shan is going to ... rebuild a system? This kind of subdivision, I really haven't heard of it."

"He is about to rebuild the system, what about you?" Chen Sheng Wang Bai glanced at him, "Is he not qualified to rebuild?"

"Don't lift the bar," Qing Xiaozi was not angry and picked up a cup of tea to drink. "I'm just a little surprised."

Chen Shengwang sneered, Fang Hu is a Taoist ancestor, and does not enter the ten big caves, thirty-six small caves, and seventy-two blessings. He has a "powerless resistance" feeling.

"I am now thinking about whether to incorporate Fang Hudao into Luohua."

Qing Xiaozi was immediately embarrassed. After a long time, he turned to look at him, and said in surprise, "Fang, Fang ... That's a square pot. . "

"Zhu Ming Yao Zhen Tian, ​​compare with my three overseas mountains?" Chen Shengwang sneered disdainfully, "I have no intention of disrespecting Luofu Mountain, and I will not say too much ... when did you set up the dojo?"

Qing Xiaozi was furious, "But you are overseas Miaoman!"

"I'm going to hit you with black eyes!" Chen Shengwang raised his fist and was ready to start.

At this moment, someone began to ask questions, and the voices were together, and the fine conversation around them suddenly ended.

But the question is about 120 people, more than 4,000 listen to the sermons, most of them can only listen, and even have no qualifications to ask questions, yes, only those who practice in the small cultivation center are qualified Ask questions.

The first question is Wudang Wang Dapeng. He has been confused about the difference between Wuxiu and Daoxiu for a long time. What Feng Jun is talking about today is exactly what he wants to know.

As for the basic theory of Daomen, he actually does not understand, but these can ask others, but the problems in front of him can only ask the people before them.

Feng Jun has a corresponding answer to his mentality ... Forget it, it is still out of water.

In fact, there are many questions that four thousand people want to ask, but the 120 people want to ask, not many-not without problems, but everyone really didn't expect that the first thing they talked about was these things.

So the two hours of questioning time I prepared later asked more than half an hour-120 new tenders, how many questions can I ask?

The scene was big enough, but there were too few people asking questions. Feng Jun simply announced that no one asked any questions and disbanded after two minutes.

At this moment, the people watching could not help but Qingxiaozi stood up and raised his hand at the good scenery.

Upon seeing this, Director Mei knew that there was something to say, so he floated over and asked softly, "Dare to ask Senior what?"

Qing Xiaozi didn't dare to take it up in front of her, but he was able to afford it with a "predecessor", so he whispered, "It's a rare visit for all Taoists, and the time hasn't arrived yet. I want to bother you to ask Feng Shan Lord, can you ask us two questions? "

Teacher Mei also feels that the time is a bit short, the key is that it is not easy for so many people to get together.

So she flew forward and floated into the pavilion of the rockery under the eyes of all eyes, repeating the meaning of Qing Xiaozi.

In fact, with Feng Jun's consciousness, Qing Xiaozi's words have long been felt, but this transition still has to go.

He glanced in the direction of Qing Xiaozi and nodded slightly, "Well, it's still early, dare to ask what Qing Xiaozi's senior wants to ask?"

What Qing Xiaozi wants to ask is-how Wu Xiu entered the Dao after being born.

This question sounds a bit nonsense, but Luo Fushan really encountered this situation. More than a thousand years ago, Zhu Mingyao had a congenital master, but he didn't set foot on the road.

The predecessor was also a brilliant and talented person, and he did not embark on a journey. As a result, the later Luofu disciples all had a dilemma in martial arts training. Qualified disciples generally tended to cultivate the path.

There are also Luofu disciples who first took martial arts training, but once they had the conditions for monasticism, they turned their heads to monasticism.

Qing Xiaozi's question is actually a bit risky. It can be said that this is simply the secret of Luohua. He even raised it in the dojo of so many people.

But Feng Jun did not care, but pointed out three key points. First, the age of the cultivator is very important, and secondly ... It is better to have a leader to lead the way, and again, it is necessary to pay attention to the fit of his qualifications and exercises.

Qing Xiaozi wanted to understand a little more thoroughly, but Feng Jun refused to speak, but said with a smile, "The avenue is arguable. For things that are too detailed, it is still a matter of worrying about the predecessors of Qingxu. It is time anyway."

What he meant was that Luofu Mountain didn't even have a high-level martial arts master now. I think it's a bit early.

Qing Xiaozi spoke in a straight voice, "I don't know what the preaching of this small cultivation center will be, and if Luohua allows it, I will also be willing to participate in the preaching and make progress with all the Taoists."

He didn't mean to win the favor, but he just wanted to do a little help to narrow down the rules with Lowe.

My dojo, let you talk about what is going on? Feng Jun smiled and shook his head. "He can't preach too often here, otherwise it will disturb everyone's cultivation. I plan to preach once a month, but next time, I might have to screen people."

The listeners this time were also screened. However, there are still those who do not turn off the ringtones of mobile phones, so next time they will be stricter.

At this time, someone raised his hand. It was Wu Dang's disciple Wang Dapeng. After being allowed to ask questions, he spoke out, "Lord Qiqiushan, Luo Fu's understanding of Taoism is still very subtle. The trail is originally Wuxiu, Yu Daoism is really not fine, daring, daring ... "

He was "courageous" twice, and finally he didn't talk about it, and his desire for Taoism could not break the fear of Feng Jun.

Feng Jun understood, he nodded with a smile, "That's easy to say, please invite Senior Qing Xiaozi to be a guest secretary in the small courtyard, come and go freely, and the internal preaching also follows ... I don't know what the senior intended?"

"It's incumbent!" Qing Xiaozi stood up, raised his hand, and spoke aloud. Although he was an old man, his voice was terrible, "Here can be regarded as the seed of my Daomen, everyone is responsible for ZTE Daomen!"

"Then thank senior Gao Yi," Feng Jun raised his hand, then Shen Sheng asked, "Who still has questions?"

Many people raised their hands again, and Feng Jun selected an acquaintance, "Senior Senior Nan Nanqiu, you say it."

Chief Qiu Dao stood up and spoke aloud, "I was a part-time man, and the law of Dao is not subtle enough, and the inheritance is also nomadic. It is not as good as the big faction here, but it is also a bit good, that is, in the process of cultivation ... ... enough problems encountered! "

"So I am brave to discuss a guest with Master Feng Shan. It may not be enough to instruct the disciples, but I still find the problem better."

He spoke very modestly, but Feng Jun knew in his heart that Qiu Dao had inheritance, and that it was not necessarily a deceitful inheritance. It was probably a righteousness inheritance. It was nothing more than complete.

But this seat of guest secretary, he can't just do that. First, he still has to understand the roots of this person, and secondly ... he can't let Luo Hua's guest secretary be too cheap.

Among the more than 4,000 people on the scene, there are more than half of Taoism and Taoism. Feng Jun has never heard of it. Would n’t it be bad if everyone gathered and followed suit?

So he nodded slightly, "I know the meaning of Senior Qiu. Let's discuss when the sermon is over."

This is the difference! Qiu Daochang's face was slightly red, and finally the light was too bad, and most people couldn't notice it.

However, the high-ranking people in several big schools heard, but they were thrilled-it seems that it is not bad to be a guest of Xianyunyehe?

There is aura for the cultivation center ~ ~ This is great, not to mention that there are students and disciples practicing inside.

If the teachers of other families can preach in the small courtyard, but they can't do it at home, wouldn't the disciples be shorter than others?

After another ten minutes, the horizon had vaguely begun to shine. Feng Jun announced the end of today's sermon.

Then the good scenery came up, asked everyone to exit in order, and announced that the prayer blessing courtyard has prepared Su Zhai.

Most of the monks are relatively loose, but today the Daomen gangsters are gathered, and the people of Luohua are also full of spirits, so when they get up and leave, they are in order and there is no confusion.

However, there are also some people who did not leave. For example, Tang Wangsun and the like, Tai Bai ’s Feng Zhizhi took the initiative to say, "My Daoist, I do n’t know what you are, how can I be treated? I am also an undergraduate."

(Updated to summon monthly tickets.)

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