Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1917: Also tested

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Facing Ga Zi's words, a handsome boy raised his hand, and after asking permission, he asked out loud, "If you don't listen to your arrangement, it is an unwelcome person? Then can I leave now, will I be ordered to delete the video ? "

"You better delete the video," Ga Zi looked at him and smiled, and said that it was nice to be young. "Actually, we are not afraid of you posting on the Internet. At most it is a little trouble, but you may be in big trouble ... if you don't believe it , You can go now. "

The handsome boy was just about to say something. A strong man next to him hugged him, "Handsome, I know you have a sense of justice. This is good. The society now needs positive energy, but my son has not yet found ... Do you want to close this place? "

The brawny face of the strong man, his arms are particularly strong, so that people can not breathe.

"Brother, don't do it, let's say no?" The handsome guy quickly raised his hands. "I studied law, and there is a law firm at home ... I always think he hurts casually. Isn't this good?"

"Then you can go," Gazi said with a blank expression. "Send it online, young, nothing wrong ... It is possible to open another law firm."

This is really not stupid. Lu Xiaoning is not as clever as Feng Jun, but he also knows what kind of influence Luohua is now. They are always staring at Lin Mei. Now Luohua is not easy to do something good. With rhythm ...

It's all light to delete posts and titles, you should wait for the law firm to be ravaged by all kinds of peace-if this can't be done, Luo Hua will not only be chilled, but will consider ... can allow this Is there any change in this phenomenon?

So he simply said-you dare to send it out, you can consider opening a new law firm at home.

Of course, if you can't drive it, it's another matter.

The handsome guy was stunned. He also came with someone who was struck by lightning, but it was just a relationship of classmates, and came over to join in a lively. Just now the classmates besieged each other, he was a little bit toothless, so he did not get involved without involvement.

In fact, if his family can open a law firm, there is certainly no shortage of contacts-no matter in which country, if you want to open this kind of intermediary company, it is impossible to develop too well without any ability. After all, in ancient China, this Occupation is called litigation.

The handsome guy has a great academic background and knows the importance of it-he did n’t do it just now, and the questions he asked later were also meaningless, so it ’s inevitable that Gazi ca n’t easily deal with him.

But the other party is now threatening that his own law firm may not be able to open, he is really annoyed, "Is that true? Then I can ... now can I go?"

"It's time to go," Gazi nodded and spoke blankly. "But you don't cooperate with us in doing this, so ... please show me your ID."

Presenting an ID card is not a big deal, but the average person is not qualified to ask for it. Gazi does this, it sounds like excessive, but obviously he wants to register on the blacklist.

However, the handsome guy didn't think so. He was born in a family like that, and his eyes are generally higher than the top, but he now realizes that once his ID card is registered, it is likely to bring great trouble to the family.

He was n’t sure if the young people on the opposite side understood how hard it was for the people who opened the law firm, but at the same time he was not sure how much energy the other side had.

At this time, of course, it is surely the first, so he decisively deleted the video on the phone, "I deleted the video, you can check ... Can I go now?"

"I'm not interested in checking," Gazi sternly went back. "You have to leave now, just take out your ID card."

The handsome guy doesn't squeak anymore, come on. Can I walk again later?

When Ga Zi saw that he wasn't making a fuss, he didn't bother to take care of him, but said with a deep voice, "I came here today to find a lot of children. I can understand your mood, but I can only stay in a hundred accommodations ... our place here It ’s small and ca n’t handle so many things. ”

There are people who want to talk, but when they think about the thunder and thunder just now, they are really brave.

Ga Zi went on to say, "So who left who left, we have to do a simple test, do not accept questions ... If anyone can not accept the results, you can leave now."

A man raised his hand and asked after asking for permission, "What is the test standard?"

"There is no standard that can be published," Ga Zi replied blankly. "We believe that it is appropriate. We are not an official institution ... I emphasize again, that there is no doubt, and those who do not believe can leave."

The following people are silent, although there are more than 200 people waiting to find their children, but no one dares to jump out at this time-it does n’t matter what the blacklist is. Once you leave, it may really be no longer. The child cannot be recovered.

The handsome guy couldn't help whispering, "It's understandable that the child has disappeared and is doing something a little too aggressive."

"Boy, you are right," the strong man beside him stretched out his hand, hugged his neck again, and said with a grin, "But you have to be clear, more than one child in his family has disappeared ... our Should the child be the denominator? "

His arms are getting tighter and tighter, as if to suffocate people, "You can be too aggressive, then guess what, can I be too aggressive?"

There is no shortage of people in the life of the stab, especially those who rely on the crowd, who shout five or six, always feel that they are unambiguous.

But this one really understands, and looks not like a good person-he should not be a good person, but obviously, this is a person who has suffered a loss, knowing to inquire in advance, understand who is annoying, what People are not easy to mess with.

So he sees it thoroughly, knowing that letting these people make trouble will affect the efficiency of retrieving his own daughter-that is what Feng Jun said. Some people's unreasonableness will delay the reasonable appeal of many people and will increase the cost of Luohua. .

Ordinary people may recognize this kind of situation, but he can't recognize it-a dog-like thing, I do n’t want to provoke you, it is too lazy to care, but if you want to come here, then do n’t blame Laozi.

In fact, most people still understand things in their minds. When they see someone coming forward, they immediately support it out loudly, "Here are the small blessing courtyards, which are divine, not a place for you to toss."

They really aroused public outrage, and then someone followed up, "Go forward with piety, and get rid of those without piety!"

Opinion fell on the ground to support the small blessing courtyard, but once entered the small courtyard test, the degree of piety was still very different-since playing Feng Jun to consider the explosion here, a set of formation has been installed here.

Many people's piety reached more than 90%, but some people's piety is too scary, only 40% to 50%.

In fact, this phenomenon is quite normal. Some people believe it, but others do not. Some people come here. The wife ’s piety can reach more than 95%, while the husband ’s piety is about 40%.

It ’s not that men do n’t want to get their children back, but that they have too much hope and have been hit by enough disappointment. They often dare not hope.

In fact, in the first four batches, Feng Jun believes that there are also people with insufficient piety, but he does not need to be because of this card person-you help others find their children, and piety will naturally increase.

Did not do anything, expect people to show their piety, it is not to find believers, but to find the brain fan.

But now that there are many people, and word of mouth has spread, it is inevitable to take pious Duka people.

Feng Jun ’s pious degree array method is also connected to a computer, and there are many related indicators. It is not only the trust in the small courtyard, but also other factors, and he has a set of algorithms.

In addition to this, the person to be tested must register their true identity, and the identity will be entered into Lova's database.

If you ca n’t get your ID card, then you do n’t even have a chance to test it, and you cut off some people ’s idea of ​​watching it.

Soon after more than two hundred tests were completed, Gazi selected the top 100, and after using the printer to print out the list, arranged the management staff to post it. This is the parent of the child who can stay this time.

In the eyes of others, Gazi is the person in charge. No one dared to contact him. Someone approached the manager and handed a cigarette over. When he saw the other person waving his hand with cold face, he still asked with a scalp, "This old man, let me inquire , What are the rules for this selection? "

The administrator is a real wage earner, counted as Yang Yuxin's employee, but after spending so long in the Qifu small courtyard, he has already turned the road. When he heard this question from the other party, he answered with a stretched face, "I am also very strange, You have no sincerity in your heart, what are you doing here? "

"It's impossible not to be sincere!" The woman next to the man was anxious. "Brother, as long as I can find the child, I will go bankrupt and all my belongings will be donated to you ... I swear in my wonder, if I can't do it, my whole family will not die!" "

"Huh?" The manager frowned, UU reading books www.uukanshu. com said unpleasantly, "This is where you are going wild?"

The man quickly dragged the woman behind him and said with a smile on his face, "Don't be angry, since the child was lost, her mentality has been not normal, her offense ... I won't pay you."

The manager waved his hand and said lightly, "It's all pitiful people, I can't mind, but the gods can't offend, not even loud noises, you have to bet the swear ... Who are you going to kidnap?"

"Yes, it's her," the man said with a smile on his face. "We will go away with another incense stick."

"It's not that she's wrong, but you're wrong!" I don't know when Ga Zi came over. He knew that the woman's piety was very high, but unfortunately this man had a problem with the trust of the small courtyard.

So he is going to point this out, "Your wife is fine, you are not sincere enough, you dragged her down!"

The manager changed his face when he heard the words, and quietly shrank to the side-is it the wrong person to co-operate?

This man who is very smooth and very talkative, really does not trust the small courtyard?

(Updated to summon monthly tickets.)

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