Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1916: Identity

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Early the next morning, the man who found the wrong daughter put down ten hundred-dollar bills at the Qifu small courtyard and walked away with ease.

Someone still asked him the result with curiosity, and he answered blankly, "The child is dead ... Could you let it go."

Hearing this, who dares to stop him again? Someone frowned incomprehensible, "Dead ... Give a thousand dollars?"

"Released," someone knows the relationship between the man and his ex-wife, "he also said yesterday that the mother-in-law at home is not a thing. Now that his daughter is dead, he can put everything down completely."

"Alas," someone sighed next to him, "I knew it was such a result, this child might as well not find it, find it to get such a result ... might as well have a thought in my heart, thinking she is still alive."

Hearing this, someone next to me said that human traffickers are really very vicious, and sometimes they will kill children to avoid exposing themselves, "They are not humans at all."

At this moment, a woman uttered, "This is not true, your own child ... to live to see someone, to die to see a dead body!"

She was the one in Zhongyi City, and she rested in the small courtyard again yesterday, but this time it was Gazi free.

During the talk, the parents of those children also came out one after another. When the woman saw it, she stepped forward and said, "Will you help?"

A new phenomenon has gradually emerged in the praying blessings, that is, the interaction and help between praying people has increased, mainly for families who have lost their children, and everyone is willing to extend more helping hands.

It must be pointed out that the kidnapped children are often related to the carelessness of the guardian, but it is undeniable that most of these families who have lost their children have poor economic conditions.

Whether the children let the elderly bring them, or the children play on their own in public places, it is parents who have to go to work and can only reduce the company of the children. If the family conditions are better, there will of course be a more appropriate solution.

These people's own economic conditions are not very good, and they have encountered human tragedies. Naturally, it is easier to stimulate the compassion of others.

But on the other hand, praying for blessings was originally just a place to burn incense and make a wish. In this kind of place, everyone burned the incense and knelt their heads to make a wish and give alms. rare.

The willingness of the believers to communicate independently is a kind of recognition of the small courtyard. It is believed that the people who come and go here are credible, and even the heart is willing to help-this sense of identity is too rare in today's society.

Women are willing to help others so actively, one is out of sympathy, and the other is the dream of the mysterious voice yesterday-you helped rescue a child, and once your husband encounters an accident, there is a one in five chance Will get my help.

Is this collecting gem fragments? The woman has a feeling of entering the online game, but she still asks, "Do you do good things five times, you can save my husband once?"

Lin Heihu playing these little tricks is actually quite good-those days when he was a land god, this is how it came.

So he asked mercilessly, "Shouldn't being kind to others be a good character, or ... do you think you are qualified to bargain with me?"

The woman is actually a very cheerful character. He quickly apologized and said that I just played online games a lot, and thought it was a simple superposition.

Lin Heihu also taught her the rules and did not intend to pursue responsibility. "An old saying" though good intentions do not reward the good, but evil do not punish the evil. " But quantify ... How should merit be quantified? "

A woman really understands this, "It turns out that there is no merit in saving a child, and how many merits are different!"

So she remembered that it was always right to do good deeds, so this time she helped the operation to save the two children, and used her influence to dig out a gang selling women and children.

The case is still pending, and there are suspects at large, but Lin Heihu ’s reward has come down, "You have a recommended quota for a cancer care center that can be used by those in need. Of course, to meet Lova ’s requirements ... related costs No reduction. "

As soon as the woman was happy, she was introduced by other Daomen. The preciousness of the nursing center quota is too clear. She can have a mobile quota in her hand. It is simply ... feeling happier than a lottery ticket.

Someone in her circle of friends has cancer, and is also struggling to find the indicators of the care center. If you take it out at this time, how much is it!

She didn't mean to monetize the indicators, but just wanted to help her friends simply-it was not bad to fall in love.

But when she was planning to send out the indicators, she was worried-it seemed that more than one had cancer, who should it be?

At this moment, she reacted to why Lover was so strong: such a difficult thing is not strong.

She is also very strong, but in the circle of friends ... there is no way to be strong, so in the end it can only be decided-shelved!

Who made her have only one indicator? I will see who can't bear it first, and then make a choice.

In fact, these troubles are a big deal for her, but for Gazi or Lin Heihu, it is no small matter.

Lin Heihu is willing to care for her, but because she has a chivalrous heart, and she is caring and loyal enough to her husband-for the land god, this is a virtue that women should have.

Another point is the selfishness of the land god: he tried to train a few agents to come out.

Because Feng Jun clearly opposed it several times to establish a statue, but the existing incense and belief still made Lin Heihu feel a little insufficient, so it is necessary to cultivate a few agents to help yourself promote it.

It is difficult to say whether this woman can be a qualified agent, but it is worthwhile to support this kind of character.

To make a long story short, because of the successful rescues of the previous few times, the fifth time the Qifu small hospital was opened, the number of families who came to find the missing child far exceeded the one hundred that Feng Jun envisioned, reaching 300 small ones.

The rooms in the courtyard are not enough to live directly! The total number of rooms in the yard is only in the early 200s.

In fact, the first four rescues were not completely successful. Except for the girl who had been abandoned by her parents, there were children who were really dead, and some were injured and disabled. Not all comedy ends.

But generally speaking, almost all the children's whereabouts have been confessed, which is enough to make people come and go very far.

When the small courtyard does not open the door, it is just a matter of fact. Most people wait for it honestly, but when the door opens, it will be troublesome. Everyone wants to go in, saying that they ca n’t live in the guest room, and they can hit the floor.

Feng Jun was a little disturbed, but the last time, he expected that the future data would be exploded, so he made a special arrangement: to find the family of the missing child, only one hundred were allowed-the remaining one hundred, but also Leave it to other blessers.

He has a very big picture, and he can't let this be a "small kidnapping courtyard" after all.

Daze can help the world, and the poor can only take care of himself ... Between the two, he can only do a little bit of strength.

But the parents of the child did not agree, even when there was no hope. Now that there is hope, who does n’t want to know the whereabouts of the child earlier?

And there are really unreasonable and ambiguous ones among the parents of the children. There are many people coming from the house. I heard that I can only enter one hundred homes, and I will not do it right away. The stance of group events.

These people are so tossed, not really for the family of all three hundred missing children, they just want to use this to show that-no matter how you choose, my family will definitely occupy one of the 100 places!

Ga Zi also guessed that there might be something going on, so he breathed in the good scenery. Teacher Mei is now in charge of the Xiuzhen small courtyard, not far from the Qifu small courtyard.

She hung her scarf and arrived in a flash. When she saw that the scene was a bit out of control, she shook her hands and played a dozen thunder signs.

Thunder and lightning flashed, and a dozen people fell to the ground. However, more than a dozen people were in trouble. Teacher Mei held out more than one hundred thunder signs and continued to hit them one by one.

The people present were stupid. Others said that the blessing of the small courtyard was strange and convinced, but I saw with my own eyes that a woman in a veil was struck by thunder. The visual effects were not really shocking.

Some people ate a thunder, and after getting up, they found that there was no big problem, and they clamored more fiercely, to show their bravery, and Teacher Mei's consideration was: Is the thunder symbol of the ordinary period enough? Then change the gas refining period!

The thunderbolt of the gas refining period hit, it can not be recovered in ten or eight seconds, no matter how fierce people eat two even, feel the gap between them, and absolutely do not want to eat the third one!

This is the case with the so-called squeaky feather duster. The group that is used to winning more often has just a few main hearts, and they have slashed their heads. After the Jin-order refining period, her mind and reaction improved a lot, and she split the noisy people one by one before slowly entering the Qifu small courtyard.

Ga Zi raised his finger and said blankly, "Those who were struck by thunder just now squatted down to the root of the wall, and you will become a blacklist ... Pray for the small courtyard to help the believers and not welcome the black sheep."

Before the words fell, the two young men ran away, so many people, I do n’t believe you can catch everyone!

Others hadn't responded yet, Gazi hit two stones in his hand and pierced the thighs of the two.

Another four or five people were influenced by them. They unconsciously pulled their legs and ran away. Unexpectedly, they all covered their thighs and fell to the ground to wailing.

Someone took a mobile phone to start a video and wanted to forward it to a circle of friends or the Internet, but was surprised to find that there is no Internet here!

Ga Zi looked around and spoke slowly, "No one ran away? Then I said a few words ... First of all, you can't expose online for the time being, there is a jammer; secondly, the land you are standing at is not Public land has a master! "

"Since it is a land of ownership, you must come in and accept the arrangement of the owner, otherwise you will be declared an unwelcome person."

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