Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1913: 0 state

Of course, the young man is Gazi, and his request for "don't just say anything" is not to completely stop the other party from talking. If there is something similar to the kidnapped child, the other party can of course exchange information.

So, really, just don't just say that these strange and chaotic things spread and cause strong reactions, which is not good.

The man is still to ask questions. His cell phone rang, but the police officer who sent the lock from his mother's jurisdiction called.

"Is it Wang Zhiqi? The Sanchuan City Police said that a bunch of traffickers were caught this morning, and one of them was a child, probably your son. I will give you a contact information for the other party. Please communicate first."

It was said that he was rescued at four o'clock in the morning. It is impossible to notify his family so quickly. The police will first suppress the news to see if it can expand the results-in case there is a fish that escapes the net, it is also a disaster.

But Yang Yuxin's phone is too useful. The police are very worried about the children in the group. So they should first contact the children's family. It is always right to report the news early.

The little wizard is two years and nine months old, but he still knows the home address and the name of his parents.

As soon as the two parties contact each other, as soon as the video is viewed, the child's identity is instantly determined.

The husband and wife were ecstatic and ran out after packing, but before going out, the man was cautious and turned back to burn a joss stick and heavily knocked nine heads, "Thank you Bodhisattva for blessing, when we settle the child, we must Come back and wish. "

Lin Heihu was about to start the live broadcast. Feeling this idea, he shook his head in tears, "Bodhisattva ... Alas, it's better to have a black tiger statue.

The next moment, Feng Jun's voice sounded in his head, "If you really want to die, it's better to cut with Luohua first."

Lin Heihu laughed, "Actually, I just talk about it casually."

This night, many people in the blessing yard had fulfilled their wishes, and the swimmers also felt refreshed. The past injuries seemed to have disappeared, but the couple's incident caused a sensation.

Many people know that they came to pray for the purpose of seeking children, and it cannot be said that the worst in a group of people is at least relatively miserable-this is the pain of separation.

Is such a thing useful for asking God to worship Buddha? Hopefully ... Everyone also hopes that the couple will have a good result.

However, after staying all night, the child was found, which is amazing.

The couple left in a hurry to see their children, but the fire of other people's gossip was too powerful.

A middle-aged woman stepped forward and said with a smile, "The child has found it? Congratulations ... I don't think you two are generous. It's fate to meet each other. Add WeChat. I'll give you some money. A gift from the child's meeting, I wish him a happy death. "

The husband and wife are indeed not generous, but they are also embarrassed to ask others for their money, to shed a few days, and then come a few people, and also a variety of blessings, they are also embarrassed to refuse all the blessings, "That line, each person turned to nine Mao Jiu will do. "

But such a big person, bless the children, who is so sorry to take nine cents out? The least is ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents. With regard to the effort of adding WeChat transfers, everyone asked the whole story clearly.

Knowing that the child was really rescued in the early morning, the expression on the faces of the people, how terrifying it really was-how terrifying was this small blessing courtyard?

Many of the people who came to pray for blessings believed in divinity, and some of them said, "I also heard that there are divinities in some places, but if you are looking for someone, you can at most estimate the possible position. The child was rescued? "

Will it happen? Some people really think so, but no one dares to say it.

Then someone said aloud, "Who has an acquaintance in Mikawa City? I want to know what happened."

It's enough if no one proposes that. There are close to 60 people on the scene. Who doesn't have a few classmates and friends, and their classmates and friends naturally have classmates and friends.

So the truth was quickly heard. At three o'clock in the morning today, the police received a report and tried their best to kill a criminal gang who kidnapped children.

Then everyone stopped talking, the line report at three o'clock in the morning ... it was really terrible!

Finally, a young man uttered his voice, "I feel confident, I will definitely pass this year!"

The swimmer's eyeballs were rolling, and his mouth murmured softly, "World record ... world record ..."

The Blessing for the Little Family opened on the first day, and there were no particularly stunning events-for example, blind people saw something, but the news of looking for children who were trafficked, although not amazing enough, was amazing enough.

The courtyard was cleared at noon the next day. Those who did not want to leave must also leave. This is a rule.

However, when the next three or sixty-nine comes again, there are three more families looking for the missing child in the small yard-when the last couple was looking for their son, they added a lot of mutual help groups.

They recovered Xiaoqi, and naturally spoke in the group. They also thanked the police in Sanchuan City, and strictly followed the warning of the small courtyard, and did not announce the news publicly.

But some people who have helped them will chat with them privately, congratulating them when they found the child, and feeling that their children have not been traced, the couple will point out Zheng Yang, point Luohua, say you can go there Try your luck.

I have to admit that the couple is quite cautious. No matter how much the other party asks, they will not say much. They just explain it in a polite way. There is a very clever divinity there. We dare not talk nonsense. Luck.

Father with a child has a very strong executive ability. He found their two hometowns and stopped people from asking questions. You have to make it clear what is strange and well said. You are my great benefactor.

Xiaoqi's parents saw that he had actually found it, and then checked whether there was any recording on the other person's body, and then told the things from the beginning to the end, and emphasized that we are so cautious, also for the children.

No one can get it back, but it is awful, and Eunqiu is no longer good, let alone a disaster for the child.

The person who came to the door, thank you very much for the information provided by them, and he is very concerned about the blood collection. After going back, he will discuss with his wife. You have to go with me because people want to take blood.

Of course his wife would not resist, and after she knew the news, she quietly notified another poor father.

So this time I came to the three family members. When I burned incense and asked for advice, I said I wanted to find a child.

A mother's sorrow was excessive, when she actually kowtowed, she fainted.

The sound of exclamation sounded all around, the figure flashed, a young man appeared in front of everyone, and said with a black face, "What's going on?"

The husband of the woman explained while treating, saying that after the child was lost, she fell into the root of the disease and became fainted easily when she was excited.

Gazi also suffers from epilepsy, and sympathizes with this woman, but since the small courtyard is under his responsibility, he must maintain this solemn and solemn, so he directly said, "I ca n’t control my emotions, I can come again next time. , Do n’t offend the gods. "

The man wanted to justify, but think about the strange figure of the other party just now, and feel the solemn atmosphere of the small courtyard, so he stopped talking and silently pinched his wife.

Not much time later, he rescued people, and sat with her to take a breath, then mixed with her and slowly left.

As for Gazi, they had already stepped away. He didn't believe anyone would dare to do anything here.

The same is true, seeing the strangeness of Ga Zi's sudden appearance, everyone more and more remembered the legend about Luohua.

But things under the world will never be satisfactory, the routine is used to break.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Ga Zi came to supervise the lock of the small courtyard, but was entangled by the woman who fainted in the morning. As soon as she saw him, she fell to her knees and choked with words, "Adult, we really didn't mean to offend you. "

"Some words stand up and talk!" Ga Zi Shensheng said. He was influenced by Feng Jun, and he didn't like to see others kneeling. "You are in a wrong state now. Come again in three days. People must have awe. heart!"

"But ..." The woman choked back, "Then my daughter will suffer three more days!"

Gazi pondered and asked, "How long has she been missing?"

The woman choked back and answered, "Three years ... four days in four months."

Gazi was speechless, and sighed for a long time, "Our small courtyard does good deeds, and you can't let you mess up the atmosphere like this. UU Reading Books"

He had wanted to say that he had disappeared for so long, not to wait for three more days, but the other party remembered the number of days, he was not embarrassed to say so much too much-no one is easy?

"I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong," the woman nodded, "I beg you to give me another chance."

Gazi was soft-hearted, and after sighing, he said, "Put fifty dollars into the merit box ... You are not allowed to talk casually after going out, saying you have been delayed for three days, have you heard?

The woman didn't respond to what this meant, but the man nodded incessantly, "Thank you, thank you, we know."

These are still small twists and turns. The biggest twist is still the dawn of the next day. Someone rushed out of the room and shouted out loud, "Brother ... not a younger brother or a person, it is so charming sister-in-law!"

His voice was too loud, and he shouted continuously. Someone felt light and was awakened alive.

The person who was awakened wanted to scold, but was amazed by the story expounded by outsiders.

This is a murder case, the person who yells is the murderer, and the brother in his mouth is his former boss, he is the driver.

The boss died of a car shock and found a small model. After drinking enough, he drove in the car and rained. As for the driver ... he was swiped out of the parking lot to brush his phone.

No one has ever known that the boss hung up because the quick-acting rescue pills in his car were taken away by the driver. .

A group of awakened guests really feel eye-opening-lying trough, can they still be so murderous?

(First, He Meng, "I did not write well", mid-term, who sees the new monthly ticket?)

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