Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1912: Boss is hard to do

With Lin Heihu's ability to help people properly improve some basic strength, it can still be done.

And if there is really a need, he can also get Forged Pill and Pei Yuandan from Feng Jun.

So he said to the swimmer in his dream: As long as you work hard enough, the A mark can be reached quickly, but this cause and effect is not small, you remember, after breaking the world record, you have to come alone and votive!

Today's most arduous prayer is a young couple. Their son was robbed by a trafficker a month ago, and the child was the child's grandmother. The old lady was snapping up discounted eggs, and the child was gone in a flash.

The old man was stupid on the spot, and then hurried to the police, but when the police arrived, the other party had disappeared.

Then the old man didn't pant in a single breath, passed out, and rescued him for three days.

These couples have to look after their elders while looking for their sons. The taste is really overwhelming. By now, the police think that the best time to solve the case has passed, and you have to think about it yourself.

The husband and wife are not rich, because of the son's affairs, the woman resigned, the man asked for leave, looking for someone to ask, a while ago in Maoshan incense, I heard that the blessing courtyard here is the most effective, so I hurried over, And waited for four days!

Some people say that with this waiting time, why not find another child?

It ’s not that I do n’t want to find it, but basically there is no hope. As long as there is a chance, they will all be clinging to it, fearing to miss it.

This request made Lin Heihu a little headache. When he was a land god, it was still very easy to figure out such a case-of course, the premise is that the missing child is best within his management.

As for now ... the two couples are from abroad, and the children are basically impossible to be around, but the death of Lin Heihu is also lost.

So he chose to ask the boss for help-I can't find it, and boss Feng may not be able to do it.

Feng Jun didn't have a break at the moment. He was looking at a note from Bao Dan—this note was bought by him on the Tianqin Plane. It is absolutely impossible for Kunhao Plane to openly sell this kind of thing.

After Feng Jun came out of the ninth floor, the time spent in the two planes was more than a year, and in another year, he could try Baodan-the safest option is that he postponed Baodan for three years.

No matter what the final choice is, his state of mind and cultivation must be kept up. He is now developing industry in the Kunhao plane, helping Huaxia improve all kinds of hands and ends in the earth world, and helping the people fulfill their wishes. the meaning of.

Anyway, it ’s not long before Baodan, the way others hold Dan may not be suitable for him, but the stone of the mountain can attack the jade, understand more, it ’s not a bad thing,

At this moment, he sensed Lin Heihu's help, exchanged his consciousness, and immediately understood what was going on. He thought about it and said, "This matter must be managed, do you have any suggestions?"

The earth **** hesitated and asked, "The technique of sperm blood tracking ... I don't know if you are familiar with this, boss?"

"Huh?" Feng Jun heard his eyes light up, "How do you know this technique?"

"This technique is strictly a deduction. In ancient times, in principle, it can be used during the dust period," Lin Heihu replied, "I am really not familiar with other techniques."

Is this also a deduction? Feng Jun thought for a moment, he really has the method of tracing the essence and blood, but he has not practiced before-because there is no similar demand, he has destroyed several houses, but he will not be bored to search with this technique. Fish in the net.

Inquired from the library, he quickly found three such books, one of which requires his own talent, and the other two are less accurate, but the requirements for cultivation are not high.

In fact, this is really not an arithmetic method. Strictly speaking, it has improved a sense of ability. Feng Jun looked at the two later books, but he found that he had some origins from the curse formation given to him by the big boss.

The cursed formation can curse Feng Yishu at the peak of Jindan. It is normal to have a little relationship with Jingxue.

So if you want to use this to stay away from finding people, it should not be a big problem, and then he will push forward a simple application-recently he has been engaged in research and development. Seeing new things, he ca n’t help but try to develop it.

Then, as soon as he raised his hand, he took a drop of his own blood, and then deduced it. As expected, there was a faint feeling in the direction of Chaoyang-that's where the father and mother were.

But there are still some messy feelings, but it is roughly corresponding to the amulet of fine blood sent by him, which is also ... not a surprise?

Next, he took a drop of blood from the woman and had a few more sensitive directions.

It was night at the moment. He took off and flew up and down without worrying about being discovered.

As he hurried, he secretly sighed. If Lin Heihu reminded me, I did n’t know it could be deduced on my own. It can be seen that blindly relying on foreign objects makes it easy to develop bad habits. Some tricks are good.

However, Feng Jun also has his own pains. In order to stabilize Luohua ’s tradition, he has collected a lot of spells, and before that, he spent most of his time on ascension and cultivation, and did not practice these spells too much. .

Miscellaneous but not refined is not a good thing, he does n’t want to waste time on some unused tricks-for the simplest example, he has also searched for souls, and he also has a soul search method, but he Never practiced.

Anyway, this accident made him feel a little bit emotional today, but do you want to master some other methods ... I will talk about it later.

He first flew to the man's hometown, determined that the breath was a woman's elder, and flew to Jin province, but found that the breath is a woman's brother, and finally in Bashu province, he found the boy.

The boy is in an urban-rural junction of a prefecture-level city, and there are seven or eight children of similar age around him.

Then he returned to Luohua and asked Yang Yuxin, "I found the child in Sanchuan City, Bashu Province, and there are seven or eight children around me. Do you have a suitable relationship there?"

Of course he can save people, but the divinity after saving people is not easy to disguise. If the police report, the police may not believe the headless news, so this credit is better given to acquaintances.

Yang Yuxin understands his concerns very well, and she also knows what the case is. As a mother, she can imagine the hatred of the traffickers, so she figured out her mobile phone, "I have an uncle who worked in Sanchuan City. He must have the right person. "

As soon as her mobile phone was connected to the Internet, they found out that Lin Meili, and even the usual time, even now, at three o'clock in the morning, everyone's spirit can't help but shake up-what happened?

Yang Yuxin ’s cousin was also ignorant when he received this call. He called at three in the morning? He glanced at the phone confusedly, and found that it was Yang Yuxin, and quickly took it.

Also has a lot of sobriety, "Yu Xin, what's the matter?"

Yang Yuxin said the situation wow wow wow, her cousin was quite speechless, "You can scare me to death, I thought you have something happened ... How do you know this news?"

"You don't need to ask the source anymore, I promise to be true," Yang Yuxin replied casually. "It just happened that you worked in Sanchuan City and let you sell your personal feelings, but I have a request ... Rescue the kidnapped children as much as possible. Is it a bad person? "

"Of course it's okay," Uncle Tang answered very succinctly, and added a sentence, "As long as your message is okay."

Beauty Lin they looked at each other, "Is this ... kidnapping? Luo Hua has started to manage this matter now?"

"It's a good thing for the society," a man yawned, "I am more admirable for this kind of responsible person."

Who can have no sense of justice in his heart? Lin Meili, they just focused on a certain front, so he didn't care about it.

Yang Yuxin's name is still very useful. Her cousin will never consider the intelligence to be fake, and then he notified a cooperating policeman, who happened to be the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of the branch where the joint department is located.

Uncle Tang is also a person of identity. The other party did not dare to neglect, but he still wanted to know where the news came from-there is no way. The team has recently received several cases and the players are all tired.

"Can't you believe me?" The uncle boss is not happy, "I tell you, to protect the kidnapped children, not to let a bad guy off ... you can do any of these two things ~ ~ Wait for the bad luck. "

But ... how could it be done? Feng Jun rushed to the scene again, although it was inconvenient to show up, but under the supervision of his consciousness, no accident would happen.

In the small blessing courtyard, the couple woke up and it was already bright. The two looked at each other, and the man said first, "Did you dream of anything?"

"It seems ... there seems to be a voice saying to me," the woman's eyes were a little trance, "said Xiaoqi found it."

The man's consciousness also trance, and then took a woman's right hand to look at it, "That voice said to me ... After taking a drop of blood from your right hand, which finger hurts?"

The woman froze for a moment, and finally saw a very small bleeding spot on the middle fingertip, "Is this dirty? Hey, it's really a bit painful, took my blood?"

The man's face was first filled with joy, and then he looked around, and he became alert again, "Wouldn't it be ... I'm coming in at midnight?"

"What about the people coming in?" The woman replied disapprovingly, "Go brush your teeth, apply incense, and ask someone to ask."

Regrettably, no one answered their questions in the blessing yard. There were a few staff members who didn't know what they were asking. There was a dark and strong young man who seemed to be the person in charge. communicate with. .

The man dared to step forward and asked, the young man looked at him, "Who took your wife's blood, I don't know, as long as there is a response, don't ask ... remember, what you encountered, Do n’t just tell anyone. ”

(Friendly recommend Wudou's new book "Witchcraft Lord", the old author, everyone should believe him. Well, the monthly ticket has dropped again, call out loudly, and tomorrow will be three more.)

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