Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1908: Generous

Feng Jun is a little stunned, this question is not very good шщЩ..1a

Xu Leigang and Wang Haifeng certainly helped him, for example, after he was invited by the police to get rid of people ...

But after careful calculation, the two of them did not really help too much, and they did not even add up to Hongjie.

Sister Hong not only caught him personally, helped him to suppress Liu Hong and others, but still manages his business for him.

Comparatively, Zhou Xiaotong only helped him one thing, but this matter is of great significance to him.

Although Zhou Xiaotong may say that this matter may only be a relief, Feng Jun himself cannot think so.

Just like his forging body Dan, although there are a lot of them, he will not tolerate others to treat it as a big deal.

After a pause, Feng Jun replied in a deep voice, "You are right, but I taught them, and I have also issued a password. The difference is only ... I am a kung fu, I only teach men not women."

Zhou Xiaotong blinked his eyes and asked thoughtfully, "Don't you want to teach women?"

Don't you be so smart, okay? Feng Jun blew his teeth and said helplessly, "It's very hard to practice, and ... is it fun for girls to kill?"

Zhou Xiaotong's chin lifted slightly, "What if I want to learn?"

"Impossible," Feng Jun shook his head and replied very surely, "Let's not say if you can work hard, your problem is ... too clever, don't you understand?"

Just continue your drunken life and death, if you like sensual dogs and horses, why should you wrong yourself?

Unexpectedly, Zhou Xiaotong also nodded, a sympathetic look, "My biggest problem is indeed too smart, but I really want to know what you can teach them."

"This is not necessary," Feng Jun shook his head. After looking at her, he sighed again. "Are you relieved to be your elder lady, okay? I am my mountain idler ... well, I still owe you one thing. "

Zhou Xiaotong looked at him and spoke lightly, "I know you have some secrets, I don't want people to know, I could have covered it for you, why should you push me away?"

Feng Jun pondered for a while and asked aloud, "What the **** do you know?"

"Peach Blossom Valley is caught in abnormal dogs and crows," Zhou Xiaotong looked at him openly, "Others may think that it is a coincidence, but I am very sure that it is not a coincidence ... how did you do it?"

Feng Jun looked at her for a while, and then spoke out, "Five Forged Pills, Five Pei Yuan Pills ... Do you want?"

"No!" Zhou Xiaotong shook his head without hesitation and looked at him with big eyes, "You will want me to disappear in front of you in the future, right?"

I finally know why Yuan Huapeng has such a headache for you! Feng Jun turned around and left, "You are forbidden to enter the backyard, I hope you do it yourself ... I'm good at making coincidences, you understand."

"I'll just stand here and watch for a while?" Zhou Xiaotong turned around and asked.

Feng Jun did not respond, but turned and left.

Zhou Xiaotong is a wise man after all, she bullies others unscrupulously, but she also knows how to raise her eyebrows.

After watching it for about ten minutes, she quietly retreated, and found Feng Jun in the villa in front, "Well, it's not early, I want to leave."

So conscious? Feng Jun glanced at her suspiciously, "I told you not to come again after I left."

Zhou Xiaotong smiled at him, "Since you can't bear me to go, then I won't go tonight."

Feng Jun heard the words and rolled his eyes helplessly, "I found ... Yuan Huapeng is the most effective way to deal with you."

He really has no good way to take her, but Zhou Xiaotong is like a fish.

She wandered around the villa, met an electrician, and even asked him to use a motorcycle to carry two large trolley boxes from the mountain gate.

Seeing this scene, Feng Jun was quite speechless, but he was not good at blaming the electrician for anything. Zhou Xiaotong paid for it and asked him to help him with two boxes of clothes.

That night, the five people in the villa had a dinner to celebrate Master Feng ’s housewarming. Zhou Xiaotong magically took out two bottles of Maotai, which was thirty years old, as a gift.

Feng Jun is really a little thankful for her wine, but Wang Haifeng, Xu Leigang and Lu Xiaoning all have straight eyes-this is simply not available on the market.

So everyone shared a bottle together, and the remaining bottle, Ga Zi suggested that Brother Jun take home to drink for the old man.

Zhou Xiaotong had a good drink. He drank more than half a catty of white wine and drank seven or eight bottles of beer. His tongue was slightly bigger, but he didn't see any drunkenness.

Drinking at nine o'clock, Feng Jun forbids Zhou Xiaotong to drink any more, saying you can't go anymore.

Zhou Xiaotong said carelessly that I had no plans to leave, don't you think I brought all my clothes?

Feng Jun is really a little worried about her two big suitcases. If you have clothes inside, why did you run out of Maotai?

Well, it is not surprising that some high-tech products appear again.

Therefore, Feng Jun almost dragged her into the agricultural vehicle, and the two large trolley boxes were also put into the bucket.

Sitting in a farm car, Zhou Xiaotong is still complaining, saying that I have n’t had enough, and you will just push me away, then I will come over tomorrow.

Feng Jun drank too much, but also watched the mountain road carefully, he was a little absent-minded, saying that if you come again tomorrow, it is better than living here.

As soon as he spoke, he regretted it and said that this wine is really not a good thing. Why did he allow the other party to come again?

Fortunately, the next day, Zhou Xiaotong did not appear.

In the next few days, Feng Jun was busy with the planning of the manor. In addition to the road construction and the three warehouses, he was determined to create an isolation zone around the area to prevent others from entering his site.

This is very necessary, because the barren mountains are bordered by the land of other villagers. Many villagers lack firewood in their homes, so they go to the mountains to pick up.

Depends on the mountains to eat the mountains and the water to eat the water. In their view, this is a normal thing. There are similar things in the mobile phone plane.

More people drove the sheep to the mountains to release them, which is even worse, because Zheng Yang keeps goats here.

Goats eat grass not only leaves but also juicy grass roots. They also eat grass roots. They also like to bite the bark.

People live with trees and skin, and trees without skin will die.

The man who contracted the barren mountain before encountered similar things, and the conflict with the local villagers continued. He even pulled up barbed wire on his own border.

Leaving aside some uncrossable, natural trenches, not to mention, he pulled five or six kilometers of wire fence alone.

Such a big investment is definitely a bit useful, but someone cuts the wire fence with pliers and drills in to continue to pick up firewood and sheep.

Cooperated with the local police again and sent many people who went to the police station without permission, which stabilized the situation.

Even if it is so, this kind of thing cannot be completely cut off.

Feng Jun absolutely does not want people to break into his territory, and the method he chooses is also very simple and rough-building walls.

It is said that there is a wall in the green mountains and rivers, which is unbelievable. How many parks in the city have already dismantled the wall and changed it into an iron fence. Even the villas in Peach Blossom Valley have only an iron fence and no fence.

But Feng Jun doesn't think so, why is the existence of the wall obscured? Because it is not beautiful enough.

Then, just make the wall more beautiful.

What is the most beautiful? Nature is the most beautiful. Isn't it over to make the wall look like a naturally generated landscape?

Of course, it is absolutely not natural. The top of the wall must be covered with glazed tiles, which proves that this is a wall, not a view. It saves some villagers from making excuses.

Such a wall is expensive to make, not to mention contracting a barren mountain, and the boss of a contracting coal mine may not be willing to spend so much money.

But Feng Jun doesn't think it's worth it. He doesn't like trouble, and it doesn't matter how much money he spends.

Even if the cost of the wall reaches 20,000, 5 or 6 kilometers per meter, it is just over 100 million yuan.

Is rich, just so capricious!

Feng Jun made a decision and asked Wang Haifeng to help find the design unit and construction unit.

The Wang Haifeng family is definitely a land-holding household in Zhengyang. Dad is the earliest million-dollar household. Now he is a billionaire. His elder brother is a young and practical office. .

Feng Jun believes that the qualifications of the Wang family are enough to do this kind of thing.

Things were not particularly smooth at the beginning. Although the project was relatively large, it was a private industry. No matter how strong the land is, the state contracted it. Feng Jun was also privately contracted, and it was a fifty-year period.

Major design institutes are skeptical of this level of construction. They have not designed for private enterprises, but that is either a factory or real estate development. Private companies can borrow these buildings to make money after the construction is completed. UU reading

Feng Jun had to spend tens of millions to build a fence for the barren mountain, and the mountains he surrounded, in addition to planting trees, at most made a farmhouse or something-although this farmhouse may be a little bigger.

As for travel? This is a hot spot, but as a tourist area, the area here is smaller.

Especially if the other party does not intend to engage in a playground, then there is no hot spot.

Thinking this way, this wall is built and the investment is so large that there is no possibility of paying back.

The head-to-head trading was done by someone, but the loss-making trading was not done by anyone.

So most design companies are full of doubts about this list, and they do not believe Wang Haifeng's explanation-this is just that the contractor does not want to be disturbed.

Some people even passed Wang Haifeng ’s Lao Zhang ’s family and handed over the question: Do you want to play with the capital operation through this project design and part of the subsequent construction?

Wang Haifeng was a bit crying about it: We, Mr. Feng, really did not lose money. This piece of land was obtained by 150 million transfers. Spend more money and build a fence.

As a result, his answer attracted more thoughtful eyes: Oh, this barren mountain ... has already involved 150 million yuan of funds?

(Updated to tomorrow ’s plot to speed up, good news, the wind is coming soon, just about to start a high ha, the wind laughs out of the few manuscripts, everyone more monthly tickets.)

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