Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1907: Hot hands and anticipation

Of course, Danielle ca n’t leave. If such a person is not found, it ’s easy to say, once it ’s found, the result is unknown.

Disappeared in the parking lot of Xue Mu. Feng Jun originally wanted to win him in the small town of Amsdam, but this guy drove to Xue Mu and parked his car in an open parking lot.

There was surveillance at the entrance of the parking lot, but there was nothing inside. It happened to be raining and the visibility was not high. Feng Jun shot decisively at the moment he got out of the car and packed the person into a beast bag.

Then he changed to look like Daniel, holding an umbrella, Shi Shiran left the parking lot-if you look closely, the similarity is still a bit different, but no one will look carefully.

This guy has some bezoar dog treasure, Feng Jun has already checked it-in addition to the mobile phone, there is a locator on the watch.

Feng Jun crushed the locator, smashed the phone, threw it into the trash, and then took the person back to Luohua.

Danielle opened his eyes and found that he was a Chinese person in front of him, his face suddenly changed, "What are you doing?"

Lin Heihu had no interest in answering at all, so he directly went to search for the soul.

The result of Soul Search made Feng Jun a little surprised. The co-author of Danielle came from a disbanded organization, "Tower."

This organization was originally a movement for national independence and was widely active in southern Gaul and northern Visigoth, but they later planned many assassinations and caused many tragedies against civilians, which is notorious.

It must be pointed out that this organization has actually been disbanded and Danielle is also free. This time his former leader found him, hoping that he can use his previous ability to complete a more difficult challenge-the reward is also It will be very high.

Danielle did not know who the employer was-he was certainly aware of this taboo, but he also had speculations in his heart that 9 out of 9 were Mai people and would be Mai ’s intelligence organizations.

Is ridiculous to say. The Tower is listed as a terrorist organization internationally, and Mai people can actually control their internal lists-even if they have been dissolved, but in theory, Mai can not know.

Feng Jun couldn't help but shook his head: They all said that the Brito people were **** sticks, but in fact, Maiguo was the biggest **** stick!

Danielle ’s pre-event funding is 100,000 MYR, if not enough, you can continue to apply.

Feng Jun sighed and shook his head, this is really ... the endless.

Then accompany him in the end, he counted the time, Gaul is still late at night, so he came to Gaul again, want to find Danielel's superior contact.

However, it is very regrettable that the organization next to the tower itself is very tight. After being listed as a terrorist organization, the more attention is paid to information security, so the other party ’s contact person is not easy to find.

Feng Jun has the ability to trace back time, but it has been a week since Danielle took the task at this moment. He is not incapable of investigating, but the investigation time will be longer.

He didn't want to waste too much time on this matter, so he simply threw Danielle into the Seine.

Danielle himself can swim, but this is useless, and soon he stopped struggling.

In fact, his mobile phone signal disappeared within ten minutes, which caused Xi Ai's attention, and then when he checked his locator and found it was gone, he knew that something had happened-so Feng Jun did not continue to investigate. It is also correct.

However, Xi Ai did not expect to dream that one day later, the body of Daniel was found on the Seine.

The autopsy result showed that he died by drowning. According to the analysis of the water quality in his lungs, the Seine River was the first death scene. There was no problem of carrying the body after death, and the time of his death was not difficult to infer.

So ... I was terrified. How did he arrive in Paris within two to three hours from the snow?

Even more terrible is that in Danielle ’s pocket, there is a very rudimentary iron product with a "tower" sign on it.

The most severe thing to track down the tower was Visigoth, but in fact, Gaul was not soft on cracking down on them, so in Gaul, there was an uproar in the country, demanding a thorough investigation of the identity of the deceased-whether it was a tower member, or by the ETA organization harm?

Seeing this, Xi Ai was also ignorant, and immediately killed the middleman. They did not want to let Sofia go viral again—and once the Gauls found out that they were connected to the next-to-tower organization, it was even more true. scandal.

As for how to get in touch with Sofia ... I'm not in a hurry, let's just leave it for a while.

Feng Jun's work in Australia is also finished, but once Luohua, he found that ... he was surrounded by other veins of the Daomen.

This matter still needs to start from Dan Xiatian's pious formation method. Guan Shanyue said casually that this is a magical instrument, driven by electricity, and everyone's mind is alive.

Zhang Dongyuan first contacted Dong Zenghong, who was in Gaul, and wanted to know whether this theory can realize the electric version of the Lingling array.

Dong Zenghong himself has a Gathering Array, and from time to time he can get some Spirit Stones from Feng Jun. The demand for Gathering Array is not so urgent, but Zhang Dongyuan mentioned that his eyes light up-he has a Ghost Stone But is it not good to save?

He deliberately returned from Gaulfei, and went to Luohua to see Feng Jun, but in reluctance, he could only wait.

However, Dong Zenghong followed Guigu's veins and was very good at judging the situation. After careful analysis, he felt that he might not be able to persuade Feng Jun, so he found Maoshan and hoped to join forces with Tang Wangsun.

Old Master Tang is also thinking about this. Maoshan also has a Gathering Array, but its effect is far inferior to that of Dong Zenghong. More importantly, there are too few spirit stones in Maoshan, and it cannot be used openly at all.

As for the current Huaxia Daomen, except for Kunlun, only Maoshan retains a few pieces of its own spirit stones. Although Tang Wenji hinted that when he was repaired high, he could also help Maoshan get a few pieces of spirit stones, but ... if he can use electricity , Who is willing to use spirit stones?

In their eyes, the spirit stone uses one less piece, if electricity is used ... how much?

So Mr. Tang made another phone call to his daughter, and wanted to finalize whether Feng Jun could build an electrically-powered gathering array.

And Tang Wenji's answer was inexplicable. She said that Feng Bo was not in Luohua recently. I don't know exactly what you asked, but he was doing some industrial design.

Little Heaven Master has promised to be Mr. Feng, who concentrates on being Luohua, of course, will not gossip, but in her answer, there is a certain vein to follow.

Tang Wangsun was confused, but Dong Zenghong started to inquire immediately after he heard what he said. Recently, Luo Hua made some big moves.

Outside Luohua Manor, there is a place where small buildings are being built, but the projects there can be visited at will. It can be seen that Feng Jun is not worrying about it, but ... How about Luohua Bieyuan?

There is only one other house in Luohua, that is, overseas Amsdam, and Sofia ’s application for power expansion has been heard. Recently, I heard that it has bought a high-power generator.

Everything is afraid of thinking, Feng Jun has been very careful, and even the Qiyu array did not dare to use the spirit stone to drive, but when he was placed under the magnifying glass to observe it bit by bit, there are always traces of clues-Luohua Bieyuan ’s recent Power consumption has increased significantly.

Because they were asked by the Torofu Mountain Taoist priests, the Taoist priests had an extra eye and checked the power growth curve, and found that the original surge of power surged again on the morning of the day when there was a response.

That is to say, the pious degree array method can consume a lot of electricity, but before that, Taoist temples already had electrical appliances with extremely large power consumption.

This discovery shocked Qing Xiaozi again. His temperament was straight, and he simply called Tang Tianshi, "What are you and Dong Zenghong thinking about, are you thinking about the power-driven gathering?"

No one is a fool, even if you can't think of it, others show such obvious signs, and you can't think of it as an IQ problem.

So now there are a few people outside the Luohua Gate who are squatting, and they apply to see Feng Jun regularly every day.

After hearing about it, Feng Jun estimated that it was probably those things, so he simply walked to the gate of the mountain and took the people in ... Without going inside, he was waiting at the kiosk of No. 1 Pump.

Now is late autumn again, the sun is good these two days, the autumn is cool and the temperature is pleasant.

Looking at the many priests in front of him, Feng Jun asked them to take a seat with tea and drank a few bubbles before speaking out with a smile, "Speak, what are you doing with me?"

Everyone twisted and squeezed for a while, and they all looked at Tang Wangsun, but Tang Tianshi spoke to his mouth, and UU reading didn't know what to say.

Can't always say, Master Feng Shan, I heard that you have come up with a power version of Juling Array, let's share it with all the friends?

Or Qing Xiaozi's heart is straightforward, "Master Feng Shan, we have a question. Since you can be a piety array instrument driven by electricity, can you also consider the power-driven gathering array?"

Feng Jun smiled and said lightly, "I have made the electric version of Juling Array."

"Since it's already ..." Qing Xiaozi said half of his words, suddenly dumbfounded, "Has it been done?"

"Yes," Feng Jun nodded and answered frankly, "It is not easy to collect materials, but samples are already in use."

Qiao Xiaozi frowned slightly, "Are you in Australia? Oh, I'm not questioning you, just curious ... well, curious."

"It's in Australia," Feng Jun did not deny, "You also know that the Taoist view of Armstrong, I count the Luohua Overseas Academy, as far as security is concerned. You should be assured of my ability. "

Qing Xiaozi nodded and said with a smile, "No wonder the order nephew said that there has been a large increase in power there recently, thank you for your notification!"

After saying this, he glanced at the others and said nothing.

I have already implemented some things, and you should be in your early stage. You ca n’t let me as an old guy keep relying on the old and selling the old.

Zhang Dongyuan blinked his eyes and asked Shen Sheng, "Dare to ask Feng Shanzhu, what materials are more difficult to find? I am Qingcheng willing to help, please give us a chance."

'S attitude is good, but not enough. Feng Jun glanced at him and whispered, "The material is more difficult to find than the spirit stone."

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