Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1904: Bad strategy

The plane was late ... It was a sad news, but Feng Jun did not want to delay the time. After counting the time, he simply went back to Australia and went to the two leaders.

However, the FBI and Xi Ai are in the international arena, and how can the real person in charge make a comeback?

The two leaders that Feng Jun was looking for were actually "suspected", and they were officially recognized by Australia-at least privately, which should be the leaders of the FBI and Xi Ai.

Moore's footprint, Feng Jun is there. After the past, he simply and violently captured the two people and directly returned to Taoist Temple, let Chen Shengwang help the soul search, and see if these two are puppets.

Chen Sheng Wang is just idle, because Taoist Temple is doing a switch to gather the spirit array, stop the stone version, and load the electric version.

He is not always in the Lingling array, the impact is not big, just wait for Feng Jun to find him to help Soul.

His ability to search for souls is a bit worse than Lin Heihu, so it takes a little more effort to search for the souls of these two people-in fact, this is not entirely his problem, the two have received relevant training, although Can't resist the Soul Search, but it's more stubborn.

After searching through the souls of these two people, I was finally able to determine that Feng Jun did not injustice them, and installed a bug in the Taoist temple of Sofia, which Xi'an has been doing. To this time, the FBI first got the news and then shot of.

As for the one in Australia, there is no big guy behind them, neither of them is very clear, because if they ca n’t make a decision, they will ask the superior, but the person who made the decision is in Australia. It's hard to tell.

The boss of West Ai has a guess. Perhaps a member of Australia is his superior-there is no need to be surprised. There are many foreigners in the West Ai, and there are many in the allies.

Most of these people have a very prominent status, the real "being in Cao Ying's heart in Han."

Feng Jun told Sophia the result of Soul Search, asking if he would kill the member of parliament.

Sophia asked straightforwardly, "Why not?"

Therefore, Feng Jun had to go again, without any hassle, directly remembering the attack of consciousness directly, and it was over.

The three people who fled onto the plane finally waited for the plane to land, but when the plane was still taxiing on the runway, the bodies of the three people were shocked one after another, and then collapsed softly into their seats.

None of the people who got off the plane found that the three were wrong. Until the flight attendant urged everyone to get off the plane, they found that the three were dead.

The strange killing method appeared again in Maiguo. The last time this kind of death occurred, it was still in the laboratory of Bairui Pharmaceutical.

Hearing the death of the three people, the FBI contacted the head of Australia frantically, but there was no connection between life and death.

Two hours later, they found that not only the person in charge of his family had disappeared, but also the person in charge of Xi'ao had disappeared. At the same time, an Australian MP had died at home.

In fact, whether it is the FBI or Xi'ai, Sofia can be determined to be related to Lova, but their biggest task now is to investigate the black young man. How could Sofia use such a ruthless method?

They first notified the old Jensen that your granddaughter is now mixed with the Orientals who attacked Berry Pharmaceuticals, and now caused a lot of losses to the Federation, including the death of at least three people, you do n’t think you should do something ?

In fact, the Jensen family cares more about Sofia than others.

To say that when she was in Maiguo, everyone felt that she was only fond of her, then now, she has embarked on her own path and is becoming a shining legend. It is not impossible to become a legend in the future.

Old Jensen is a businessman who is best at analyzing the interests. He has a certain degree of loyalty to the country, but as long as there are enough chips, it is okay to betray occasionally, so he does not want to interfere with her growth at all.

In fact, Sofia's ability and influence are now far beyond anyone in the Jensen family, and she can only be compared to her as a grandfather.

The FBI is extremely annoyed at the old Jensen, but in Mai Guo, money can indeed do whatever they want, so they coldly said that maybe she will have an accident!

After half a day, they got the whereabouts of the two persons in charge-the person was not dead, but idiot!

In fact, the death of that member of parliament is the most harmful to the Mai people. It is not that he is responsible for Xi Ai, but that this person ’s status is really crucial. To cultivate a true self within the allies, it is also at risk. .

And this person's death method is exactly the same as the three people on the plane, so there is no need to guess who moved it.

However, even if it happened, the Maiguo people gave up on him very decisively, and just greeted his family symbolically-the dead had no meaning to Maiguo ’s interests.

It's those idiots, this hatred must be reported, no one can offend Mai Guo without paying any price.

But how should I report it? This is a difficult problem. Australia is an ally of Maiguo. It is impossible to use the egg to fry. As for assassination? It was estimated to be a food delivery, it has not been done before.

Put pressure on the local police ... It is estimated that it is useless. The local police knows Sofia better than the Mai people.

Think about it, or ... or surrender?

This is a normal idea. If he ca n’t beat him, he will join him. As long as he can be tempted, Sofia is willing to cooperate, but I do n’t believe she can resist the calculations of elites of all walks of life. Row!

Mai people do this kind of thing, it is really too familiar with the road, the chief financial officer of Huawei is not aware of it for a while, but can he be detained? One of the Persian major generals was killed by a lead abroad.

The plan was finally settled, but then the question came again: who would lobby her?

Sofia's enmity with Mai Guo is really not small, she has more than three or five lives on her hand, the probability of turning her face on the spot is too high, and any trial or the like, the dead people are all dead. It is impossible for the police to deal with supernatural events!

Through her behavior, she can accurately judge her heart-nothing more than installing a bug, she can kill four people without any effort, and also make two idiots.

So contacting him is really a risky thing.

But this little thing can't help the Mai people, they have too many ways to operate.

First of all, we must make sure that we will not retaliate immediately ... The intelligence agencies in Maiguo are not blindly superstitious about "revenge is not overnight," and they pay more attention to grasping opportunities and strength.

The way they pursue is: to achieve the most accurate strike with the least cost, causing the most damage to the opponent.

So they chose a slower method-beautiful male plan.

Speaking of this, everyone loves to say Ivan's "swallows" and "crows". Xi'ai also lacks such people. Before carrying out the operation, they also formally warned the FBI about Sofia. .

These two intelligence agencies originally had competition in cooperation. This time it was the FBI's failure, but it caused Xi'ao to suffer heavy losses. They were already dissatisfied in their hearts and just took the opportunity to express it.

The FBI ca n’t eat this set. When Sofia was in China, he was already stared at by us. Why should you say rob?

West lamented and sneered. They were stared at by you. They can still go to Australia. You say this, are you really ashamed?

The two quarreled, and finally agreed that when Sofia was abroad, the FBI should not intervene. In China, the FBI is the main one-after all, take the people down first.

Once the decision was made, the response was quick. Two days later, a young and tall Gaul appeared in Taoist Temple.

This person calls himself Daniel and speaks fluent London English. He expresses his interest in Taoist culture and is willing to learn more and want to communicate with others.

His goal was not Sofia, but ... Actually, he had a good conversation with Lord Lin, and he also met with a few Daomen who came from China, and he also refuted certain ideas of the Daodejing.

Such people are not lacking in Australia, but there are really not many. After seeing him wholeheartedly, everyone is willing to communicate more with him.

As for saying that he dangles in front of the Taoist temple every day, no one feels an accident. There is nothing else in Australia, but there are many idlers.

Finally, one day, he saw Sophia, and then he was shocked by heaven and took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

Sofia was not surprised by this behavior. When she was in the country, she saw more, but the Jansen family had more rules. UU reads, so she just thinks this is a "rough" behavior.

However, she already has a foundation in Australia, and the average person does not have the courage to talk to her like this, so when she sees this scene, she feels a little friendly.

But she still didn't give her a good face-not even the cultivator, it was impossible for her to be a dish, and she is now a guardian who can't tolerate offense.

Later, she was told that this person was a Gaul, and she was more relieved in her heart. After all, Gaul and Roman men are the same name, and they are all two-legged animals with male hormones.

Sofia ’s rejection did not discourage Daniel. He even happily said to Lord Lin that I finally found the most worthy woman in my life.

Sir Lin did not hesitate to laugh at him, saying that Sofia's family has billions of dollars, and he has a magical spell. It is not something you can remember at all. It is better to be a down-to-earth person.

Danielle didn't care what he said. After disappearing for two days, he came up with a picture clip on his back and said that he wanted to give a picture of the goddess in his heart.

Unfortunately, after waiting a whole day, he never saw Sofia again.

Volunteer Daisy was very fond of him, and quietly told him that someone from the Hou Tian Taoist Temple preached. After the preaching, the audience must come out, but when the time comes ... you can't just offend.

Danielle's eyes rolled back, "I heard that after preaching, there may be a chance of" whatever I want "?".

Daisy nodded, "Yeah, if you can be selected, then you are so lucky ... you have to cheer!"

(See also three shifts, ask for monthly ticket support.)

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