Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1903: Queen Faner

Sofia is now in Australia, she has been halfway through the sky, and she has become so popular in China that she does not want too many people who want to inquire about her secret.

However, there are many people who want to know the secret, but no one dared to stiffen her head.

Some time ago, some people reported that she had appeared in Huaxia and had participated in Daomen activities without the record of leaving the country. Many people took photos with her on Weibo, saying "the most beautiful master was surprised at Huaxia." Someone also retweeted the photo on Twitter.

Such a report with pictures and truth, the police refused to accept it, saying that it was not sure that it was me, or even the possibility of PS was not ruled out. Anyway, the collective spoofing of P pictures by Huaxia people appeared more than once.

For example, the whole world has watched the XX expeditions, and the fight is awesome.

Ambitious people ca n’t use the bar, it ’s normal to play eavesdropping quietly.

After the dealer wanted to understand this, he immediately said that it had nothing to do with him, and stated that the sign was removed under his own eyes, so he took over the follow-up service of the equipment-if you are not satisfied, you can change it. can.

Sophia made a clear statement. What you said is what you should do. My requirement is that you must find out the people who do it, otherwise it is not just a problem of not paying the final payment.

Dealers were surprised for a while: "Do you plan to pay the remaining amount?"

Sofia frowned slightly, and said impatiently, "It seems that you still don't realize what kind of person you are offending ... actually thinking about money?"

The dealer ’s heart is full, and there is no shortage of heads in the Australians. "Only money ca n’t joke, you ’re going to judge me."

"I can judge your family," Sofia said coldly, "offended the guardian and died ... have you decided?"

The dealer finally calmed down completely, but this one has the ability to harm the whole family.

At this time, it would be meaningless to say anything tough, "Sorry, respected Ms. Jensen, I am a little impulsive. In fact, you understand that when it comes to money, a little impulse is inevitable ... However, you must let Am I going back to the book? "

Sophia looked coldly, and didn't speak. After a while, he said, "I'm not bad, but as an adult, I must learn to pay for my mistakes."

The dealer hesitated for a while and finally gritted his teeth, "Okay, I will write down the suspect's name."

He made a big deal. The generator bought by Taoist Temple is priced at 700,000 Australian dollars. He still has 30% of the final payment, which is 210,000 Australian dollars, and all of his gross profit is not. To 210,000, this single loss exceeded 70,000 Australian dollars.

So he hated those who do things, and directly listed a long list.

So Feng Jun had something to do, originally came to modify the formation, but now he has to go to catch people.

However, it is very regrettable that although the bugs were not destroyed by themselves, the process of obtaining evidence was heard by the other party. The three related persons booked the closest flight through a special channel and fled Australia, leaving for Australia. .

When Feng Jun investigated these three people, the plane was already flying in the sky.

Of course he is capable of killing the plane, but ... he is not as desperate as the Mai Guo people after all, so it is sometimes a bit extreme to say that the immortal fixer regards his life as ants-at least not completely applicable to him.

But the identity of these three people, it is not difficult to guess, either FBI or Xi Ai ... or they bought it.

Feng Jun think about it, go back and discuss with Sofia, do you want me to deal with the heads of these two organizations in Australia?

Gave him his previous temper, and immediately killed the two-after eating so much, it ’s not a long memory, right?

As for saying that one of them may be wronged, Feng Jun won't care about it. FBI is honestly responsible for the federal investigation. You are not busy with Mai Guo's affairs? Tossing around overseas, the limelight is almost catching up with Xi Ai, let you hurt.

Western mourn, it is even more of a mistake. The global intelligence gathering is still so high-profile. Who are you not doing?

But considering that Sofia is a Mai Guo, he thought it was better to ask her for advice.

In addition to her Guojia identity, he also noticed a new knowledge point-peer revenge.

This is a word that Feng Jun heard from Lin Meili after the last time Zhang Caixin killed in Australia.

What does roughly mean? They are all engaged in intelligence work. You have some people in the bright place, and I also have some people in the bright place-no matter what military officer or reporter, what your true identity is, everyone knows.

Retaliation is: if you dare to expel my people, I will expel your people; if you dare to catch me, I will capture your people; if you dare to kill me ... I will dare to kill you, of course.

At that time Zhang Caixin shot to kill, and was complained, saying that she shot too hard, and China's intelligence personnel may be retaliated.

Anyway, Feng Jun went back hard, saying that you just announced that it was done by Luohua, let them come to trouble Luohua!

So the matter passed, Lin Meili did not later say that she had received no revenge, Luo Hua had not been entangled, but Feng Jun still remembered this statement in his heart.

So he told Sophia that if I killed those two, you might encounter reciprocal revenge from the other side-are you afraid?

Sophia thought about it and answered, "If you give me another one, your amulet of fine blood ... Then I am not afraid."

This requirement ... really makes sense! Feng Jun thought about it and asked, "But they are Mai Guo."

Sofia raised her eyebrows in disapproval, "It is also the Mai people who are blocking me from going abroad, the guardian of the offender ... die!"

"Then I'll kill them," Feng Jun said very simply, "This is your choice."

"Please wait, I have a question," Sofia hurriedly said, "Which of the three ran away?"

"Look at what you mean," Feng Jun replied casually. In fact, in China, he was the most annoying kind of help and follow-up. I feel that without them, many things have not developed without a limit, but the specific situation is now. That's different.

So he explained two sentences, "Those people just acted on orders. Seriously, the FBI and Xi'ao have found you a lot of trouble. They still don't repent and continue to kill the little ones. of."

He really thinks so. The warning to kill a little means more, but the level of these people is too low, that is, they have received some benefits when doing things-Guojia machines require them to do it, can they object?

After all, killing them is a limited battle. After all, it is so endlessly tossing that no one can bear it.

As for saying that after killing the big one, do you want to pursue these little ones? He thinks that there is no need to kill. These people will live in panic in the rest of their lives. Is such a result not enough to be relieved?

Sophia thought for a while, "Can't you all kill?"

Feng Jun was surprised when he heard the words, "It's an accident, you are more cruel than me!"

"If the heart is not cruel, how can the Mayflower survive?" Sofia replied lightly. At the next moment, she had a full face and spoke directly, "Dare to offend the guardian ... must die!"

This is a bit like Queen Faner, Feng Jun secretly adjusted her evaluation, "Then ... I will replace the formation for you first."

The replacement is not a complete replacement. The first thing to replace is the Lingling Formation, but he just collected the Spirit Stone and handed it to Chen Shengwang, and let him give it to the next class of caretaker-In case of power failure, the Spirit Stone Edition Juling array can continue to use.

Connect the line of the power version of the Spirit Array. The next replacement is the defensive array. It also just picks up the spirit stone and replaces it with the power version of the defensive array. However, this formation method consumes the most electricity-usually nothing is fine, once it is attacked , Electricity consumption will soar.

So when it took this line of formation, Feng Jun spent a lot of time.

As for the Qiyu array, Feng Jun does not intend to replace it. Although he has also developed the electric version of the Qiyu array, but it is really too pitful to use this Taoist concept-once the array is launched, the power consumption will increase dramatically. When the rain stops, the electricity consumption will fall back in real time.

At the beginning, Feng Jun also wanted to use the electric drive of the Gathering Array, Defensive Array, and Qiyu Array as a set of power assembly-at least it can save a lot of materials, and later the power assembly was not easy to do, and then he also Vaguely feel ~ ~ This may cause some inconvenience.

It was not until he was in Chaoyang that he insisted that his parents use the Lingshi version of the Lingshen Formation, and he thoroughly thought about this-not because he did not want to save materials, but because someone checked the electricity consumption, it was too easy to expose.

So pray for the rain array ... still use the spirit stone, although it is a bit regretful, but the replacement of those two formations has already saved a lot.

Finally is the piety test array. This is definitely the power version, because as soon as you start it, everyone knows that Taoist temples begin to choose people. At this time, power fluctuations are not normal?

But he hasn't started the installation yet, the alarm clock set on the phone starts to ring-there is no way, there are too many things, sometimes you have to set an alarm clock.

He apologized and said, "I'm sorry, the plane that the three people are flying on is about to land in San Francisco. I have to go ... you are going to kill them."

"It's me who should be embarrassed. You did it at my request," Sofia replied with a smile. In fact, she checked the flight. "It seems that there is another hour."

"What if it is ahead of time?" Feng Jun always pursues perfection in his work. "This is a 13-hour flight. It is also possible to arrive one hour in advance. I don't want them to be scattered into the sea after arriving, although it is not difficult to find them. But it ’s always a waste of time. "

"Well, you go," Sophia at the moment, thoughts full of revenge.

Feng Jun is in San Francisco, really has no footprints, just want to rush over before dawn, and I will talk about it again.

But, unfortunately, when he rushed to San Francisco Airport, I heard that this flight ... it was late!

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