Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1901: Power version of the road

Feng Jun and Gu Jiahui didn't argue, because it really didn't make sense, he just expressed what he wanted to express.

At this time, Dan Xiatian had another group of people, but they were the Daomen who left yesterday. They did not go far after going down the mountain. They lived directly in the county town and returned the next day. They wanted to know Magu. Blessed situation.

Dan Xiatian's disciples were instructed and said that this was an internal matter for us. When they should tell everyone, they would naturally say it.

Qing Xiaozi has a rather strong temper, shouting to find Guan Shanyue, Guan Zhizhang hides in Shifangtai and refuses to come out, but just asks them to maintain their image, not to make noise in Danxia days.

Qing Xiaozi said that you must see it at lunch. You do n’t tell us, we can always ask those believers?

After Feng Jun knew this news, he simply took them home before lunch, so as not to be entangled.

After lunch, he announced that he would retreat and think of new things.

This is really not an excuse, it is really to think about new things, Sofia said, she must also piously practice the formation.

Devotional array method ... In fact, it ’s better to change the devotion to sects to loyalty to the country. This is not very difficult. The change of the Juling array to electric drive is also pediatric, but the trouble is not limited to this. .

Since the Juling Array has changed its drive, does the Qiyu Array need to be changed? Do you want to change the defensive position?

Know that although the Taoist view of Amsdam is in a foreign country, Feng Jun also ignores it, but the conventional configuration is absolutely quite bullish, and even more powerful than Luohua's configuration.

There is no other reason. Australia is too far away from China. Although there is a shifting position, it is better to use less or less. Lowe naturally wants to equip Armstrong with everything it should have.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Taoist temple of Amsdam is a bit of a playful nature, but the people in the circle believe that this is Luohua ’s overseas college, so the situation of Taoism is not only the face of Luohua, but also the test of Luohua ’s. Comprehensive ability.

Let me put it this way ... At least praying for the rain array, which is not the standard of Luohua Manor. Although Feng Jun can come up with many formations at any time, the spirit stone needed for the daily drive of the formation method, the daily consumption of Sofia, really A lot.

The spirit stone produced in the sea is more than enough to supply Amsdam for thousands of years, but since it can be saved, why not?

Fortunately, Feng Jun has already created a power-driven piety circle in the previous burst. With this idea in mind, and then decomposing other formations, the difficulty will naturally be reduced a lot.

Four days later, he designed the drawings of the electrically-driven Juling Array, and he just received an inquiry from Dan Xiatian again. He wanted to know if he could go this time.

Feng Jun said that he would not go every time, but Lin Heihu could help in the past, anyway, Guan Zhizhang also knew the land god.

Guan Shanyue will of course be a bit sorry, but she also knows that it is impossible to trouble Feng Jun every time, and Ma Sanniang said that Lin Heihu is still a little capable, and it is also good to have his help.

Last time, Ma Sanniang watched Feng Jun's operation and saw that Lin Heihu was very good at this part of dreaming, so she also understood why Feng Jun wanted her to learn from Lin Heihu.

After pushing this thing away, Feng Jun continued to use electricity to drive other formations.

This process took him another twenty days, and then he finally proudly found out: he found a general trick.

It takes a long time to complete the general trick of turning the Lingshi drive into an electric drive. Feng Jun decided to suspend research and make the equipment first.

Equipment was not built overnight. Feng Jun spent another ten days debugging and perfecting, and trial-produced samples were used for a few more days. After the electric version of the Juling Array was completely finalized, Chaoyang ’s geographical transformation was completed.

Feng Jun looked at it in the past, and the transformation was really good. Around the small lake, the high-level gas refining can be practiced without gathering in the aura. However, the area is really small, that is, forty or fifty square meters, and then the reiki registration has fallen crazy.

So here, we need a defensive formation for now!

Feng Jun put away the Lingling array, leaving only a defensive array for his parents, the kind driven by the spirit stone, in fact, the electric version of the defensive array is about to be finalized, but it is really a bit remote here, if the cable is brought in and consumes a lot of power , Will look a little high-profile.

In fact, Feng Jun is more worried that if someone keeps staring at the amount of electricity used, he may find the mystery of the defensive array, which is related to the safety of his parents.

The great white goose was very afraid of the earth spirit. When the earth spirit was there, it did n’t dare to come over. Until Feng Jun appeared, it ran not far away, pointing at the center of the spirit land and screaming, indicating that he should also be there. Practice there.

"You step aside," Feng Jun said impatiently. "My parents have priority in the cultivation of this treasured land. They let you practice where you are, and you cultivate where you are!"

The big white goose yelled twice again, the meaning was more complicated, Feng Jun could not feel it for a while, what it meant to express

But the earth spirit understood, because during the construction of the earth's veins in the past two months, the goose often probed his brain in the distance.

Although it didn't dare to get close, it was annoying to make a few noises from time to time.

The earth spirit was too lazy to pay attention to this ant, but once it was really unbearable, he controlled the earth to bury the goose directly, leaving only one head outside, and burying it for three days and three nights.

Finally, Feng Wenhui came forward to plead, and the soil spirit let it out, so that it should not be noisy, otherwise it will eat stewed goose next time.

However, because of these noises, Xiao Huang also knew roughly what the other party's appeal was, "It said that this lake belongs to it!"

The swan lived for a long time and once practiced in this small lake. Later, there was less and less aura between heaven and earth. It fell asleep several times. After waking up, there was less aura between heaven and earth. Wake up and find that Reiki is almost nothing.

Then it found that a jury array appeared beside the small lake, because of the presence of the defensive array, it could not easily enter.

Although the swan is ignorant, it is not too dull. It instinctively believes that there is a capable person behind this gathering, and then it has been staring at the Feng Wenhui couple, and has found Lingmi again. Remember how long I have n’t eaten this.

It didn't leave much power in the snatch, which inspired the blood-talisman of Feng Wenhui, which scared it. The level of the talisman is not too high, but it shows that this person has a foot behind him!

So it took the initiative to soften, but secretly observed it secretly, and wanted to see who was behind it. It was not very interested in Feng Jun ’s Gathering Array-it was used by the mid-level of refining gas. Too.

I can't think of it. It can occasionally be mixed with a little rice. This thing is good to add aura, this day ... I will be able to pass it.

This time Feng Jun found the earth spirit to upgrade the earth's veins. The swan didn't understand it at first, but gradually understood it-this place will become a spiritual land!

Then it must be contested. Although it is not "since ancient times", but it uses this land, it is definitely far earlier than Feng Jun, so this is of course its territory!

"Don't even think about it!" Feng Jun looked at the big white goose and replied with a sneer, "Your site? Do you know how much spirit stone I spent in order to improve the earth's veins?"

Said that while he took out a talisman, he gave it to the earth spirit, "This is the later cost, there are forty thousand spirit stones in it!"

Is really only the late cost. The earth spirit can transform the earth veins. It was after the earth veins of the Alps were extracted that there was enough earth gas to transform the earth veins. That time the restoration of the Alps cost Feng Jun more than three million spirit stones.

These costs must of course be shared among the later projects.

"Forty thousand stone?" Tu Ling was dissatisfied with the boss, "Master Feng Shan, let's say it is fifty thousand!"

"I owe you 10,000 first, and I will give it to you when you turn around," Feng Jun replied casually, "Are you afraid I can't afford it?"

In fact, he can still collect seven or eight hundred thousand spirit stones in his hand-even if he does not use the spirit stones from the seabed spirit stone mine, it is enough to pay, but this time it is the price of the earth spirit. Not a big deal at all.

The key is not to be too good to this guy, you are good to it, it may think that these are all you deserve.

As expected, Tu Ling nodded for a moment, then nodded, "That line, owe it first, wait for you to remember me."

Feng Jun turned his head to look at the big white goose again, "Let's not say that the fist is big and reasonable, I will ask you ... Can you get so many spirit stones?"

Forty thousand spirit stones ... The big white goose is suddenly dull, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is not very sensitive to data, but it also knows that when it is most rich, it does not have more than one hundred spirit stones.

Moreover, although it is stupid, the intuition is not bad: even if I have 40,000 spirit stones, I can't admit it to you?

Once admitted, it is estimated that it will be a lot worse than without 40,000 spirit stones!

Feng Jun saw that it did not take a stand, so he was too lazy to take care of it, and then looked at his parents, "You don't have to get used to this guy, it is responsible for protecting your safety. If you are not obedient, you just tell me."

After leaving Chaoyang and returning to Luohua, Tu Ling asked Feng Jun, "Is this plane really the last dharma plane?"

There is no way. Although Feng Jun has been preventing it from obtaining information on the plane, the things that the big white goose tells are enough for the earth spirit to analyze where he is.

"It doesn't count, it can only be said that it was once the last dharma plane," Feng Jun replied with a smile, "It should be a plane revival now."

Fooled me again! Tu Ling secretly vomited, but with the other party's silver power rising, it dared not rectify any more moths, and could only ask in doubt, "It's all at the end of the dharma plane, can it be restored? I really am never heard of that."

After hearing this, Feng Jun couldn't help but say "fluke" in secret. Fortunately, he had just completed the power version of Juling Array, otherwise it would be really bad to blow this bull. .

Of course, it doesn't matter if you directly admit that the earth is the last dharma plane. Anyway, he came from the "reincarnation power", but Feng Jun doesn't want the other party to think that this is really the last dharma plane.

(Updated to the friendly recommendation of Pei Tugou giant giant meditation "Zhutian Daozong", more than one million words, can be killed, another: routinely ask for monthly tickets.)

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