Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1900: Ma Gu

Feng Jun's words sound like to pretend to be forced, but it really is not, he does have an insight-Zhang Xiaoli will die today.

Just as she dreamed in her dream, her mother took her to the uncle ’s birthday party, and she jumped from the top of the building.

The difference is that she did not accept the "Ma Gu blessing", so it is a small assumption that her mother rushed early in the morning.

As for her mother committing suicide, her father was killed by a car ... that belongs to Feng Jun's temporarily unpredictable things.

After the fourth ring, he had certain predictions about the development of things, but he was not magical to that point-at least he had to see himself to be able to deduce it, and he could not deduce it to a particularly far future.

But this does not hinder, he designed a script, because this girl ... actually got into the horns.

Feng Jun is just a liberal arts monk. He really does n’t know much about medicine. As far as he knows, there are many types of depression. For example, some people even reach the level of severe amnesia, he does n’t know how to save it-maybe you can try Match drugs on site.

But the girl is obviously one step after another, and it can even be said to be "compensatory suicide".

If you can treat the symptoms, break the heart, and then slowly repair her two shortcomings, you can save a life.

After all, the girl is young and ignorant. When she realizes that her death will cause the destruction of a family, as long as she has a conscience, will she not be so stubborn?

Therefore, Feng Jun felt that what he did was still meaningful.

In addition, he was also very curious about the upper limit of Lin Heihu. Feng Jun admitted that he can also influence others subconsciously through dreams, but it is far less important than Lin Heihu.

The earth **** can not only talk to each other in the other person's dream, to draw out the other person's heart, but also create an extremely realistic dream, which makes the other person unaware.

Feng Jun feels that he can't do this even in the Jindan period, so he must admit that the art industry really specializes!

This long dream made him feel Lin Heihu's ability more clearly. In fact, the process of creating the entire dream by the land **** was less than half an hour.

Perhaps ... Should Lin Heihu improve his cultivation skills?

He was thinking, but the land **** was urging him, "Boss, I have to go back to Luohua, and I will start broadcasting soon."

Feng Jun touched his forehead silently. He said that I forgot. This is still an anchor. "Oh, Luohua wants to build a small blessing courtyard. The initial plan is to let Gazi take care of it. Are you interested in hosting?"

"I'm so interested," Lin Heihu replied without hesitation. "Actually, I've made some live broadcasts and I've also made some money. Together with the silver and gold I saved, I'm wondering if I want to make a small one myself. hospital."

"How many dishes do you drink like this?" Feng Jun took out a cigarette and lit it. "How can I forget the dead words?"

"I'm definitely not building a temple. I understand the rules of China," Lin Heihu replied helplessly, "I can't eat a few dishes, I can't put them on the table ... I went to Australia, I think that Sofia kind of incense It ’s not bad to be a god. I do n’t want to go to the gods system. "

"You can see clearly," Feng Jun nodded, "I will send you back after smoking this cigarette ... I have to come again, alas."

Feng Jun didn't mind taking Zhang Caixin and them back together, but Sofia wanted to brush a sense of presence again-yesterday she wore a robe and helped to send out the questionnaire, but she also absorbed a little faith without the formation.

This made her quite excited. She even said that she might be "killed at home and abroad" and wanted to rub her faith.

You are a foreigner, would you like to expand like this? Feng Jun felt a little ridiculous at first, but when I thought about it, the word "Chinese and foreign killing" actually brought a little subjective position-except that China is a foreign country, she obviously did not regard herself as a Chinese.

Think again about the old man who once said, "We must engage our friends a lot, and the enemy a lot."

So he thought that Lowa officially recognized Sofia's identity is also good-football can have naturalized players, I can't have "naturalized Taoist friends"?

Of course, this "official recognition" is only a private recognition, and you should pay attention to external publicity. In this way, Sofia Daoyou can better complete the task of cultural output.

So Feng Jun discussed with everyone and decided to take them back at night to let Sofia brush another sense of presence.

In fact, none of the believers who had been blessed by Magu left. After finishing the incense, everyone went to breakfast, but no one was willing to leave, sitting together and chatting, telling about the magic they felt.

Unconsciously, the distance between the people has been reduced a lot. Everyone not only admired Dan Xiatian, but also became the first group of lucky people blessed by Magu. This is the first class of students. It's all fate.

Feng Jun couldn't help but think of "the first stage of cancer nursing group".

For outsiders, they are inconvenient to talk about blessings, but for classmates, it is true that they can tell the details, and save themselves from damaging themselves-everyone is the same person.

Only Zhang Xiaoli said half and left half. She really didn't want to say that she had become a ghost, and saw what happened to her family with her own eyes-mainly her mother was present.

Baldhead author nodded and said seriously, "Dan Xiatian is so powerful that you can unearth your past and present ... Then, you don't want to commit suicide anymore?"

Not only the previous life and this life, I am also born again! Zhang Xiaoli said with a smile, "My stomach is also very comfortable today, and my legs are a little hot. I believe that tomorrow will be better ... There are some small details, so I won't say more."

There are more than forty Danxiatian disciples beside him, who are more blessed than they were blessed. They are also curious, what happened in this "Ma Gu blessing"-this is their own glory, I don't know How can it work?

Guan Shanyue also acquiesced in the behavior of the disciples-this is an opportunity to enhance the cohesion of Dan Xiatian, so there are only two disciples left in Taoist temple, and the other disciples all ran to Shifangtai.

Hearing Zhang Xiaoli say this, a little aunt made a voice, "What you didn't say is the point, you are ... Ma Gu ordered it!"

But she saw with her own eyes that Zhang Xiaoli was added by Feng Jun, but Guan Zhizhang said that Feng Jun's behavior represented Magu's wishes.

"Ah?" Zhang Xiaoli stunned and opened his mouth, "I am so honored?"

"It turned out to be a wild card player," the bald saber laughed again, obviously a player who could adjust the atmosphere. "Then I will pay more respect to you in the future, but ... can't you hide it?"

Zhang Xiaoli frowned, wondering how she should deal with it-she was a little smaller after all.

The middle-aged people with kidney failure are a little overwhelmed, so they looked at Sophia in the distance, "Ms. Jensen, we have all heard about your situation in Australia. May I ask Magnus to bless you with what you want ... what's the matter? Does it matter? "

"Any response?" Sofia laughed. "I don't know. I still have such a nickname. I only know that you call me" the most beautiful master. "In fact, Guan Guan is also very beautiful. I am just a little younger than her.

The Guan Yuan palm farther away smiled with a slit in his eyes, "This child ... is really hypocritical!"

"I don't mean that," the middle-aged man said with a smile. "You are also a Taoist, can you talk about the difference between Australia and Danxiatian?"

He was actually a bit puzzled. He always felt that Sofia appeared here. It was a little strange, but the blessing of the aunt was also somewhat responsive-will there be any connection between the two?

Sofia knew that this was the best opportunity to rub a hot spot, but she knew better that this hot spot could not be rubbed casually-whether it was Magu ’s divine power or her own divine power, they all came from Feng Jun, and Feng Junjue Won't promise to confuse the two.

So she smiled and said, "My request is relatively simple, most people ask for money, you are more complicated here, most people are asking for officials, this kind of thing ... I am not good at handling."

Said she was not good at it, but she also pointed out that she could basically grasp the demands of the Chinese believers, giving people unlimited room for imagination.

In fact, her statement is valid-Feng Jun was still sighing just now.

Renal failure was stunned for a while before nodding, UU reading "Miss Jensen's summary ... really brilliant."

"It's not exactly what she said," Gu Jiahui in the distance couldn't help but whispered to Feng Jun, "I have asked Guan Guan to control, most of the people who ask for officials are not too religious. ... almost none of this group of people. "

"People who come to the door to ask for blessings and promotion, of course, will not be very pious," Feng Jun feels that this summary is basically equivalent to not saying, he said disdainfully, "there is a mother who is a mother, how much do you expect him to have Ethics? "

But at the next moment, he commented again, "But Lin Heihu talked to them like this kidney failure ... It is this middle-aged man who is also a state-owned enterprise leader. After he cured kidney failure, he still wanted to go up."

"However, the prevalence of Westerners' worship of gold, the prevalence of China's officialdom ... This is also a fact. One is to profit, the other is to master the rules. Who is more noble? I think it is not difficult to judge."

Gu Jiahui blinked his eyes, "I don't think it's easy to judge ... Is it better to be profitable?"

"Your thought is a little dangerous," Feng Jun commented directly.

"Mastering the rules is to rely on influencing people to achieve their own goals. If profit is the only thing, there is only profit in the eyes ... One is people who need to rely on influence and need to be alive, and the other is that they do n’t mind selling hanged ropes, who is more in line with survival. Way? "

Gu Jiahui is a decent student, and there is no problem in doing this kind of question. "You mean, money is supreme, you can only play yourself in the end?"

"I don't mean anything," Feng Jun smiled, "I just want to ask, do you think a profitable society would be noble ... Is this ideologically dangerous or not dangerous?"

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