Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1664: make excuse

Feng Jun's life was quite stable for the next five months.

Two days to practice chaotic Kanli exercises with Nie Chifeng, and then took the collected crude oil, ran two trips to the earth, and then practiced two more days, then ran two more trips, and finally practiced with the three girls for two days, and then on their own Practice one day, and use one day to help others.

This is basically the case, a cycle of eight days, after two cycles, will practice with Mi Yunshan for a day, or drink wine.

In fact, this law is still a bit dissatisfying to others. First of all, Nie Chifeng is a little depressed. She is indeed unable to practice at full horsepower. It is inevitable to adapt to practice on and off first, but only four days in eight days ... a little bit less Right?

Dissatisfaction with the three daughters of the earth is also normal. They can only practice two days in eight days, or three people together. Even if there are six days left, they can practice on their own, but ... they are not as good as others.

People who come to the show are also depressed. Only eight days or even nine days can be used for concentration. We do n’t take it so casually.

How about dissatisfaction? Feng Jun himself still has resentment: I can only practice one day in eight days, are you still not satisfied?

In fact, he really is not only practicing one day. It should be said that in the other seven days, he also has six days of cultivation, but the cultivation with the three daughters and Mi Yunshan has not much effect.

His four-day practice with Nie Chifeng was also very helpful to the refining of his soul. In the past, his spirit was extensive and powerful enough, but the essence was slightly insufficient, and it was not particularly easy to use.

Of course, this "not particularly smooth" feeling was previously unknown to him. Now that he has refined his soul, over time, he finds that his soul is becoming more rounded and smooth, like his arms, so that he can feel the previous deficiencies.

The effect of refining the soul of the soul is not very great for improving cultivation, but it also has a positive meaning for the practitioners. No matter when the spirit is strong, it is always not a disadvantage. At least it is a life-saving card.

Like the current kind of tempering of souls of male and female nuns in the "canli" way, it can also stabilize the foundation and reduce hidden dangers during the promotion.

However, although things are good, doing this day after day, even enjoying can become a torment.

And Feng Jun still has a faint feeling, Nie Chifeng's spirit is still slightly weaker, a bit ... unbearable!

Of course, he can only think so, but can't say that, otherwise he will inevitably be frivolous.

It is the three daughters of the earth world and Mi Yunshan. They are quite satisfied with the cultivation results. I feel that Feng Jun is no longer disturbed by the outside world. It is the right way for everyone to concentrate on cultivation together.

Among them, the red sister and the good scenery are quite stable. When you look at it, you will enter the 8th floor from the beginning, and steadily rise to a state close to the peak.

Because the effect is so good, the three girls are too lazy to go back to the earth with Feng Jun, even if he smuggles in the earth.

In fact, where can Feng Jun take care of smuggling? In addition to transporting oil, there are many things to deal with on the plane of the earth.

It was less than a month after the earth, and more than five months had passed here, and it was mid-summer.

Seeing that it should be promoted again, Feng Jun felt that he had to find a reason to take the three daughters back. After thinking about it, he remembered something, "Mei Jiushan who cast Jianfeng still owes me ten thousand spirit stones, I have to find him to come back. "

Nie Chifeng felt a bit strange. Now she is in harmony with his yin and yang, and there are more women's softness in her speech.

She was reluctant to gradually feel closer to the peak. In fact, after five months, she felt that she had reached the peak state of the past. After two or three months of cultivation, she might even consider adjusting the time to directly impact the hug. Dan.

Of course, she was right. With Feng Jun ’s current influence, finding a few people to help with debt collection was just a matter of lip-shaking.

Is there more than ten thousand spirit stones? It is indeed quite a lot to leave the dusting families in general, especially the lame ones, but it is only the cost of several transmissions. Feng Jun deduces more than twenty people a day, and conservatively estimates that he can earn six. Seventy thousand spirit stones.

Therefore, for this long journey of this spirit stone, it is necessary to face possible delinquency or entanglement, which is really not worth it.

Feng Jun shook his head and answered positively, "I'm afraid this won't work. He personally accepted my late payment ... Asking someone to help me with the debt, this is not easy to make clear."

He didn't let Mei Jiushan owe money, in fact, this behavior is normal in Kunhao.

The daily transactions of ordinary people can be owed, but for those big forces and large families, it is an insult to let them owe them-may such a large foundation confuse your little money?

"Late payment," Nie Chifeng shook her head, and now she is also used to some new nouns of Feng Jun, "This little money ... Oh, forget it, I will **** you to take a trip."

"No more," Feng Jun shook his head. "Me and Qu Jindan just need to take a trip. Now you can make adjustments better. In case of fighting again, you have to continue to adjust, which is more troublesome."

He thought so, but Nie Chifeng lived for nearly 500 years before practicing with a man for the first time. Although it was not the kind of physical contact and cultivation, it was also a rare wonderful experience in life. How could he let him go out and take risks alone ?

So she said very seriously, "This is impossible. My first task is to protect you. This is a sect mission. The second is my cultivation. If you do n’t follow you, it ’s my negligence. I will report to Perry. Real people **** you together. "

Although she has selfishness, the reason is indeed very strong, and Feng Jun cannot refuse.

Chifeng knew that Feng Jun was going out, and paid special attention to it. He not only sent Qu Jianlei and Nie Chifeng, but also let Xiaomeng live with him, and sent five disciples to accompany him.

Xia Nishang had to accompany him, but after Taiqing heard the news, he also sent Su Miao and Gu Yue.

Considering that Bailitan also needs people to guard here, and if Xia Nishang is not there, Chifeng will not be a real person. In case of bad weather, it is not easy to parry, so she stayed to see the disciples.

Feng Jun felt that his travel was a bit exaggerated. There were actually four real people accompanying him, but the accompanying real people did not think so.

The current owner of Zhige Mountain seems to have a great influence, no one dares to provoke, but he has a lot of enemies, and his deduction technique is very coveted. There are definitely many people who secretly want to shoot him.

If he stayed at Bailitan, no one would dare to ignore the three factions and sneak in, but it is different when going out. The two real people Qu Jianlei and Xiaomeng may not protect him completely.

Yue Qing even said, “It ’s nothing more than debt collection. I ’ll help you take a trip.”

After being rejected by Feng Jun, Yue Zhenren also asked if he needed to follow him.

Yue Qing is a very casual person. He learned that Feng Jun did n’t need himself, he did n’t be hypocritical, he continued to stay in Bailitan, taking care of his apprentice Dong Qianjun. He actually did n’t want to return to Qinggang for the time being. Yi Shu Ning Ying runs back and forth.

However, even if there were no real people from the Qinggang School, Feng Jun was dispatched, and there were actually four real people gathered around him. This faction was also very scary. After seeing the monks in Mingshafang City, they were frightened to avoid them.

This time I went to Zhu Jianfeng, everyone was still in the teleportation array, Qu Jianlei said with a smile, "Master Feng, the interest you earned is not enough for our teleportation fee."

But Guyue Zhenren argued seriously, "You are not right, Qu Jindan, it is the same thing to pay and earn. Whether to collect debts is another thing. The key is not the number of spirit stones, but the attitude must be ... even if you lose money. , This debt also needs. "

Seeing that his partner was refuted, Xiaomeng lively coughed, "Guyue real man said so, but the loss of money is not enough. These travel expenses should be counted on Mei's family."

"Exactly," Su Miao nodded his head and spoke proudly, "I will wait for the **** of Feng Daoyou, but it will not only escort. If someone is ignorant, could we weaken the names of the four major schools?"

After everyone set their tone, they entered the teleportation array and sent them all the way, and they quickly came to the city of Ginkgo Fang-this is not far from Zhujianfeng, and the straight line distance does not exceed 500,000 miles.

Others also want to hurry up and go, Feng Jun said that we went to Fang City to stroll around and rest for one night before leaving.

Everyone thinks it doesn't matter. Although Jin Dan real people do not like this kind of square market, but the two factions also have disciples, and the disciples can also buy something casually.

What makes people cry and laugh is that Kong Ziyi actually exchanged for a Feng Jun's token, which was deduced for the gas refining period. She felt that it could be given as a gift and asked for quotation.

The other party offered a price of fifteen thousand, and Kong Ziyi directly bargained for one thousand. The other party did not know her identity and screamed that she was blind ...

Anyway, it's a kind of broken thing ~ ~ This person is connected with the related people in Gingkofang City, but after knowing Kong Ziyi's identity, he kneeled directly.

Kong Ziyi said, I did n’t want to bully you by identity, but if you have to smell bad, then do n’t blame me. Tell me, where did you get this token from, how dare you sell it for fifteen thousand?

The true value of this token should be around five thousand spirit stones, the price of Tiantong is six thousand five-the demand in the gas refining period, after all, the demand in the dust period cannot be obtained.

There is no shortage of local tyrants in Xiu Xianjie. Tiantong's price is 6,500, and it can still be sold, but it is not selling fast.

This one's asking price is obviously a bit excessive, but this is the case of the loose repair market. If you have no way to buy cheap, then you can honestly buy expensive ones-the threshold of Tiantong is not low, then you can enter without spirit The place.

In short, although Kong Ziyi's counter-offer was excessive, the price she offered was closer to the real price than the other party.

Even if her identity was revealed, she was not forced to buy and asked how the other party got it.

And this guy who sells things is also very slippery, so don't ask, don't I sell you a thousand dollars?

Kong Ziyi took out the elder token, directly took the person, and asked what happened.

The token that was in possession of this product was captured by murder and treasure.

(Updated to summon monthly pass.)

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