Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1663: Big curiosity

Cultivation is not actually an industry, it is just a period of experience for cultivators, but people with a good family will only be temporarily requisitioned a few times, and some people will do tactical repairs for most of their lives.

That is to say, there are all kinds of people in the war training, there are people who do things in a down-to-earth manner, and some are idlers.

Many people who are willing to earn a small amount of money in a down-to-earth manner have chosen to help Zhigeshan, but Zhigeshan can't digest all of the war repairs, especially when some war repairs can be used to sell their lives, but they can't stand loneliness and can't work hard. .

This is the case of the war repairs of reselling the relics. Relying on a somewhat indispensable relationship with Feng Jun, I came to Bailitan to pay a visit to the pier and asked if the business could be done. However, the current Bailitan is not that they can go in at all Yes, we can only start the business first.

So when Du asked Tian Xia to check them, they did not show anything unequivocal, that is, they revealed their identity very honestly.

Du Shangren clarified the identity of the other party, naturally knowing that this matter should not be true, and asked carefully, but also a little admired these people-Feng Jun ’s tokens are not affordable for ordinary war repairs, and most of the time they need to come together buy.

In order to earn those profits, Zhan Xiu had to rush for millions of miles and wandered to Bailitan—these people were reluctant to teleport.

Anyway, it's not easy.

Du Wentian warned them that even if you do this kind of thing, you should do it sneakily. In Lantern Town, such a magnificent trade of the master's tokens. Someone who knows you have business acumen, if you don't know, think Master Feng Love money!

As he said this, the war repairers did not dare not listen to it, and could only do their underground trading with their heads down.

However, Du Wentian firmly strengthened his determination to buy and sell at his own home: Can the Du family do it if the war repair is done?

Of course, the Du family can't come forward in this kind of thing, or the influence on Master Feng will be worse, so they can only find someone to operate it.

Next, without knowing it, Lantern Town was close to Bailitan, and a group of idlers gathered together. Then, there were some scattered stalls, selling not only daily necessities, but also some rare things. child.

Du Wentian is very concerned about this. The gathering of a large number of idle people is easy to mix into people with ulterior motives, increasing the difficulty of security.

But he is not suitable to expel the opponent-unless the opponent is very close to Bailitan, so he invited Qu Jianlei.

Qu Jianlei was not afraid of offending people. He directly marked out the isolation zone of fifty miles, and left the name "Chifeng Qu Jianlei". Anyone who dares to cross the line is disrespectful to him, Jin Dan.

Not to mention war repairs, even the people of Mingshafang City would not dare to come close at will, even if this isolation zone is an unowned land.

Feng Jun didn't care to pay attention to the outside because he had a trouble: Nie Chifeng had adjusted his state.

After adjustment, you will be able to practice "Chaos Kanli Secret", but now there is a problem: three women are coming from the earth.

This kind of practice cannot be accomplished overnight. It is destined to be a long process. Nie Rongxun will push the cultivation practice back to the peak bit by bit during the cultivation, rest for a period of time, adjust the physical condition to the best, and start the final sprint.

During this time, Feng Jun and her would practice the Chaos Kanli secret method many times with her. Each time will not be too short, and it is impossible to hide the three Zhang Caixin.

Since he could not hide it, he chose to be honest. On the evening of the same day, he took the three girls to inspect the oil well and walked to an unmanned place. I practice together. "

The three women heard all the words silently. How could these three people not hear?

After about ten seconds, Zhang Caixin snorted, "I remember she is more than 400 years old?"

Feng Jun secretly said a fluke: Fortunately, he repeatedly stressed that he cannot speak Mandarin on the mobile phone plane, and he can't at any time.

It seems that the four of them are now, but in fact there is a big ghost who is following.

Feng Jun was worried about what was happening, and felt that it was better to take the big guy with him. He gave the Spirit Beast Bag containing the Soul Stone to a good scenery, so that once she was in danger, she could withdraw from Hongjie and Zhang Caixin. He didn't need to transfer this Spirit Beast Bag anymore.

Actually brought the big brother to the earth, he also felt a little tricky, but now the two are getting better and better, with the big guy self-defense, but does not consider each other's life and death, it seems not very suitable.

So the small cabbage heart is jealous, it will definitely be noticed by the big brother, he is a bit big, but he nodded, "Yes, almost five hundred years old."

Zhang Cai snorted, "Boss, I didn't expect your taste to be so heavy."

"Okay," Feng Jun snorted softly, and Shen Sheng said, "For cultivators, is age a problem? Nie Rongxun cut the red dragon young, and I have always been very respectful. Besides, I just practiced with her on the soul , And it will be of great benefit to me. "

"Huh?" Zhang Caixin said that he was not happy. You have done this kind of thing. Even if we are powerless to object, will you not even complain? So she sneered, "Oh, boss, if you want to fix your soul, you can find us ..."

"Okay," Sister Red snorted softly, "What does the boss want to do, there is his reason, you shut up!"

Zhang Caixin was surprised for a while, then looked at his sister in disbelief, blinked several times in a row, and moved his mouth a few times, and finally said nothing.

The sisters have had a lot of contact since childhood, and they have been together in recent years.

After patrolling for a while, she glanced at her sister again, but found that her sister lowered her eyelids and handed a very obscure code.

After that, the two of them stayed in the oil well for reasons. Zhang Caixin picked up a branch and marked a question mark on the ground.

Sister Hong wiped the question mark blankly and drew an eye on the ground.

The two of them are not talking here. After Feng Jun went back to work, the big brother couldn't help it. He asked curiously, "In your sect, can Qi Qi disciples talk to Master Chu Chen like that? ? "

It's really bad. Feng Jun hated it in his heart, but he couldn't show any expression on his face. He seemed to answer casually, "This is normal. She is my woman, can't it be special?"

"Of course not," the big brother replied very simply, "Unless she is your elder, the subordinate cannot arbitrarily offend the superior, even if she is your woman, the rules are very important."

Strictly speaking, the Kunhao plane is also a patriarchal society, but the good thing is that this is also a power-only society. A pair of spiritual partners can basically guarantee equal dialogue if they are of equal strength.

If the female training is stronger, she is qualified to be stronger, and the male training is stronger, basically qualified to decide most things for the husband and wife.

However, Nvxiu is on the fourth floor of Qi Qi, and dare to eat seven layers of vinegar, and will show it openly, which is more surprising to the big brothers-even in the Kunxiu school Chifeng school. This may happen.

Feng Jun knew this was due to cultural conflicts, but he could only answer casually, "My sect is not purely self-cultivation, but also emphasizes the nature of Taoism, she is my woman, and I am willing to spoil her, which is very Is it strange? "

"Of course weird," the gangster's eyesight is still very poisonous, "She should be pure water physique ...... Isn't it your furnace tripod?"

"Of course not a furnace," Feng Jun replied very positively, "Actually, I intentionally accepted her as a disciple."

The fact that Shuangxiu couples are disciples is really not uncommon in Kunhao-this is not to say that the teacher ’s dignity is not taught here, but the teacher-student love is not prohibited.

The big brother was more and more surprised, "Is the disciple so respectful to the master? Your rules are really strange."

It seemed to digest the news. After a while, he asked again, "Will your love for her be interfered with by your peers?"

Obviously, this is also a problem involving cultural cognitive conflicts.

But Feng Jun does n’t want to change his strings anymore-you think it ’s weird, then weird is good. ! "

The reaction of the big brother is a little weird, "So do other people ... also love your partner like you?"

Feng Jun thought about it and replied, "Most people will spoil their partners, but you also know that there is no shortage of **** anywhere!"

"Your sect is really ... weird," the big brother thought for a long time and gave an evaluation.

But then, it asked again, "So, who are you who was talking about the eighth floor?"

Feng Jun replied hesitantly, "It's also my woman ~ ~ Don't look at his two planes running back and forth, but when you add up, you are in their early thirties. The real age of Red Sister is still a little older than him.

He considered whether the age of Red Sister could match him, but the big brother thought differently. He sighed, "Dare the eighth floor dare to talk to the fourth floor of Qi Refining. One is stranger than the other ... is this unbearable? "

This is ... really! Feng Jun found out that what the four people said just now was not normal, and Zhang Caixin dare to eat his vinegar too much, and Hong Jie could stop Zhang Caixin!

But in the end, he answered daringly, "Among my women, right or wrong is not more about cultivating behavior, but who is more reasonable ... Isn't that normal?"

The big brother laughed loudly, "Haha, actually a sect that doesn't bully Kunxiu very much ... I like it!"

Do n’t make trouble, gangster? Feng Jun rolled his eyes helplessly, "Do you like it? That's okay, wait for you to resume repairing to see."

"You'll be able to calculate, and when I restore it, I will be repulsed by the power of the plane," the big brother pointed out his little abacus, and it said proudly, "I want to see it now."

Feng Jun smiled slightly, and asked quickly, "Then you are not afraid to enter my sect, can you never come out again?"

The big brother suddenly fell silent.

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