Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1640: On-hook mining

Once the mining array is activated, it will stabilize and no longer emit that kind of vibration.

Otherwise, how can the goal of "piracy" be achieved with such a loud noise?

In addition to no longer shaking, there is a gap above the big clock that only the consciousness can perceive, this is the place where the middle grade spirit stone is placed.

The spirits in Feng Jun's hands were not many, but the Dantai family sent a wave of spirits because of their arrogance.

The ten thousand psychic gangsters are going to go halfway. At present, it is only temporarily handed over to him for custody, but Feng Jun ’s own psychic spirits are also many, and this mining formation method consumes one to three psychic spirits per day. At its maximum, it can reach a rate of five yuan per day.

Feng Jun first put a hundred spirits into it, and he said that it could last for twenty days.

Then he quietly left, letting the large array run automatically.

Immediately after that, he went to the sea area where the Soul Clock was cast to see what happened.

"Huh, what did I see?" Feng Jun actually saw two destroyers, two frigates and a medical supply ship here, his fingers could not help moving, "I really want to get them out of place Face. "

The people here are still looking for the mysterious sonic attack, and the unbelievers observed it silently for a while, then turned around and left.

Feng Jun appeared in Taoist Temple again and urged Sofia to carry out the next step of construction. At present Taoist Temple has only one Zhenwu Palace, and the Qinglong, White Tiger and Suzaku will be built one after another.

Xuanwu is an image of the north. It should be said that it should not be built at the earliest. According to the saying of sitting north and facing south, the image of the south should be built first, that is, the Xuannv Palace-this palace is the one closest to the gate.

However, Australia is the southern hemisphere, instead of sitting north to south, but sitting south to north ...

In short, Taoist temples have a foothold in the local area, and the construction of the second stage will also start planning.

After Feng Jun confessed clearly, he ate three Tianxiang fruits intermittently. While he cultivated himself for promotion, he also helped everyone advance. In a blink of an eye, twenty days passed, and he felt that he should take a look at the harvest.

First, I checked the middle-grade spirit stones used as power. One hundred pieces of spirits used 37 pieces, and 63 pieces. The average daily consumption is 1.85 pieces.

This figure is not very significant, because in the early mining period, the consumption of Zhongling is inevitable, and the output is not high.

This is a bit like looking for a network on a mobile phone. When searching for a network, it costs the most electricity. When the network is stable, uploading or downloading data, it is not so much electricity.

Feng Jun took a look at the harvest in the big clock, and it turned out that about 3,000 pieces of various large and small spirit stones, if cut into standard spirit stones, would be about 15 to 20,000 pieces.

The exchange price of the spirit in the thirty-seven blocks is 3,700 spirits, but on the black market, the exchange rate is about 15 to 20,000.

Feng Jun felt a little helpless. Such hard work was only a break-even. It is really a bit disappointing. If I put these time in the deduction, I don't know how many spirit stones I can earn.

Of course, he also knows that the early gains in mining may not be very high, but the emotion of disappointment is difficult to control, especially since there has not been found a middle grade spirit stone.

Well, in fact, he also knows that it is difficult to mine middle-grade spirit stones-they are surrounded by a lot of ordinary spirit stones, but ... he is really a little bit irritable, after all, the big brother said, this kind of mine There is a high probability of a middle grade spirit stone.

It seems that these twenty days of hardship have not lowered a restless heart. Feng Jun secretly blamed himself, put away the collected spirit stone and put it in 137 pieces to taste spirits Shi, he decided to come here two months later.

The biggest enemy of the cultivator is never the foreign enemy, but himself! He thought it necessary to control his impatience.

Next, he intends to travel to Europe. Since he can find a spirit stone mine here, there may be other places.

When he came back to Luohua, he went to apply for a visa to go to the Czech Republic. In fact, it doesn't matter where he goes. The important thing is that if he chooses a Schengen country, he can wander around.

Unfortunately, he only got on the phone of the travel company to find out how to apply for this visa. If it is long-term, what process would he have to take? As a result, the phone was directly cut off halfway.

The tour company heard blind voices, but Feng Jun heard a sudden male voice, "Mr. Feng, I'm very sorry, I must interrupt you, you can't be allowed to go out ... I mean normal way."

"Then I want to go out ... what should I do?" Feng Jun snorted softly, "Do you help me stow it?"

The man apparently knew that Feng Jun was not irritating, and he answered very politely, "Why do you come to us if you stole? I can ask ... What do you want to do when you go abroad?"

"Just walk around, Schengen visa can go to a few more countries," Feng Jun replied casually, "Well, if possible, I would also consider helping Daomen to promote overseas."

The man hesitated and said, "According to our information, if you go abroad with your own identity, you will not only get little convenience, but you may also encounter unexpected troubles ... You have already been sent to the departments of Xi'ai, MI6, Mossad, etc. Followed. "

"Mossad?" Feng Jun raised his eyebrows, and said that I didn't intersect with this group of guys, "Is this bloated, a country with big farts, want to intervene in anything?"

"It's not surprising," the man said lightly. "If you don't know to follow you, it's negligence in reporting work."

Feng Jun did not care about this level of flattery, "I think I can handle it."

"I believe what you say, but if you do that, there will be an uncontrollable situation," the man's tone has always been very polite. "I just want to make sure, is it an unchangeable decision to go out and relax?"

"Of course it may change," Feng Jun replied casually, "I'm just idle now."

The other party fell into silence-probably cursed in a small circle, and after a while, the opposite side spoke out, "If possible, we are willing to arrange a new identity for you."

Feng Jun was previously listed on the blacklist for going abroad, but now he can enjoy official fraud-in fact, this statement is not very correct, as long as it is an officially recognized identity, it is a real identity!

Feng Jun felt a little stunned, "Forget it, I won't go if I don't go out?"

He can change his appearance and cooperate with counterfeiting, and he believes that the other party has heard the news a little bit, so ... he does not want to prove to the other party whether the rumor is correct.

So Feng Jun decided to fly out in private, but it would be a white man.

But before that, he also needs to understand the anomalies around the world, and then guess where the spirit stone mine is more likely to be. This is called sharpening the woodworker.

However, it is really not easy to master these things. There are too many miscellaneous news, and Feng Jun does not want to use the power of the Daomen to find it. It is easy to bear all kinds of causes and consequences.

So, he could only choose to read various books, or even search online, and unconsciously, it was summer.

Feng Jun has selected several locations, and when he is planning to put it into action, Yu Zhiyuan comes to the door again-he hopes that Feng Jun can supply a large amount of crude oil in a short period of time, and then pay the money first!

Feng Jun is no longer raw melon eggs, the first reaction to hear this is, "What happened?"

"This ..." Yu Zhiyuan only hesitated a little and replied frankly, "The above intention to promote the settlement of Huaxia currency and crude oil futures, of course, to increase some crude oil reserves, don't say it."

"I'll just go," Feng Jun was shocked when he heard that. He also learned business administration. The concept of "petroleum dollar" is still quite clear.

To settle with Huaxia coins and crude oil, it is simply to smash the rice bowl of Mai Guo people and shake the foundation of Mai Guo!

In fact, this kind of voice appeared a long time ago. Three seniors have tried to end the "oil dollar" in the world. They are the stupid big wood in Iraq, Cadazo in Libya and Chavez in Venezuela.

As for the results of these three, it goes without saying that the people of the world know.

This shows how close the Mai Guo people are to this one.

Huaxia has also made this call in recent years, but there has been no sign of action ~ ~ After all, this method is no different from tearing the face, although Huaxia is qualified to say "I am not afraid", but in the end , But also consider the issue of worth.

Of course, the three mentioned above are added together and multiplied by ten.

Feng Jun knew the importance of the matter, so he couldn't help but ask, "Is it taken out as a chip to frighten me, or is it true?"

Yu Zhiyuan looked at him embarrassedly, "You question ... how can I answer?"

Feng Jun nodded, "Understood, a red heart is prepared with both hands ... is that right?"

Yu Zhiyuan smiled bitterly and sighed helplessly, "Now is a rare opportunity for development. There are three points. Who wants to tear his face? But in the long run, this is an inevitable trend ... The difference is only when it happens."

This is no longer true. PetroChina has been scrambling for wool from all over the world. Sooner or later, Feng Jun knows that Huaxia intends to promote this matter and is really willing to help.

Even if it was only used as a chip exchange, he did not hesitate to shoot, no one would like to see his compatriots being exploited by aliens.

So he nodded very simply, "Dare you dare to do, we dare to accompany, say, how much do you want?"

"How much is needed," Yu Zhiyuan replied very positively, "As long as it is settled in Huaxia currency, you will come to a billion tons, and I can eat it."

"Oh," Feng Jun smiled. He provided light crude oil, which was relatively disadvantageous in terms of tons. However, this does not matter. It is only these billion tons. But trillions of Chinese dollars.

So he simply asked, "How many tons of reserve space do you have now?"

(Updated to summon monthly tickets.)

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