Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1639: Suspicion

Feng Jun went to the Lingshi Mine in the early evening, because he set up a footprint, and even saved his way.

When he arrived in the sea, it was not dark yet. He slowly rose from the water. When he was about to reach the sea level, he found a fishing boat less than a kilometer away.

The horizon on the sea level is very good, and even some people look at the distance with a telescope. Feng Jun did not dare to show his head. He dived more than 3,000 meters under the water before he appeared out of the sea and released the consciousness around him.

It only took a moment to realize that being obedient is not enough. Within a hundred square kilometers, there are 14 or 5 ships.

Feng Jun sighed, three months later, the heat here hasn't decreased much.

However, the dozen ships are not evenly distributed, he can still operate, so he chose a relatively blank area-there is a point here, it is more suitable to place a small bell, which he surveyed before.

It took almost ten hours for Feng Jun to place this bell. Because of a large movement, it would attract the attention of other ships, and he did not want to be scanned anymore.

Even so, because of the slightly larger movements at the end, they caught the attention of the two ships, changed their direction, and drove towards him.

At this point, Feng Jun wants to leave, he must be cautious, otherwise in case he is chased again and again, scans constantly, it is not easy to get out or it is a trivial matter, and if it is discovered that there is any major action on the seabed, it is called real trouble. .

He sneaked away carefully and spent more than an hour waiting for him to appear on the water again, and it was almost dawn.

This time he simply flew close to the water and flew out for more than a thousand kilometers. When the sky was dark, he dived again into the water and released the wide-backed python killed by the power of the plane.

The width of the wide-backed python is quite large, because it was killed by the force of the plane in the cage folding fan. It did not bleed. Feng Jun dragged its huge body and galloped in the sea.

The strength of the high-level duster is definitely not to be underestimated. Feng Jun's promotion this time has used up a total of eleven days of fragrant fruit. Although he lost some aura and "shared" it with others, he absorbed most of it.

You know, he was on the fourth floor and the fifth floor, but he used four Tianxiang fruits. From the top of the fifth floor to the sixth floor, he only used seven. This time the number is the sum of the two, and it has not yet arrived. Seven peaks of dust.

Dragging a huge wide-backed python, he was cruising in the sea at a speed of more than fifty kilometers per hour-not faster anymore, but even faster, it was far beyond ordinary people's cognition.

In the marine life of the earth, there are many fish with a speed of more than 100 per hour, but the size is so large that the speed is usually not very fast, and the size and weight of the wide-backed python exceeds the largest animal in the earth-blue whale.

Sure enough, such a behemoth shuttled fast in the sea and was relatively close to the water surface. About five hours later, a fishing boat's radar found anomalies, "My God, what is that?"

Then the fishing boat caught up, but unfortunately, because the speed was slower, it chased further and further away.

This fishing boat has friends at sea—strictly speaking, the relationship between collaborators and competitors. After chasing a period of discovery, it is difficult to find the power, so it calls friends to stop.

When the sky was dark, five fishing boats involved in the containment had passed. Seeing that the unknown giant creature was surrounded by the encircling circle, the smaller and smaller, I did not want the other party to quickly dive into the deep sea. Because of the complex hydrological conditions, it soon disappeared Too.

When the behemoth appeared again in the early morning of the next day, everyone was ready to write down its radar characteristics, and as expected, it disappeared again after more than an hour.

By noon, it appeared on the outside of the encircling circle again and was "discovered" again.

Three days later, there were seven or eight fishing boats gathered here, as well as a scientific research ship, who wanted to capture pictures of the mysterious behemoth ... This ship was in the sea where the Lingshi mine was located.

Feng Jun finally transferred the ships from there, and then ran a thousand kilometers away, using a storage bag to load a large stone weighing more than a thousand tons from the bottom of the sea, flying to a height of about two kilometers, and throwing the stone To the sea.

To prevent being discovered by satellites or ships, he performed this operation at night.

Thousands of tons of stones dropped from this height, that kind of shock ... interested students can roughly calculate how much impact it will cause.

Of course, throwing it on the sea is always better than throwing it on land, but the huge impact is still caused.

Everyone is guessing what caused such a huge impact, so there is one more unsolved mystery in this film.

By this time, the sea area where Feng Jun was staring had greatly weakened. When he arrived again the next day, there were only some sonar buoys left, and the ship was gone.

Feng Jun finally had a more relaxed operating environment, so he rushed to work day and night, spent three days and three nights, and without disturbing the sonar, completed the entire eight bells.

He was busy setting up the formation, and naturally had no time to go to the other two places to continue the suspicion, and the personnel and ships in those two places searched for three days without success, and they also planned to leave.

At this moment, the first fishing boat left was out of touch, and then two other fishing boats were out of touch—strictly speaking, the people on these three ships were out of touch, and the satellite phone signal was still there.

However, no one cares about this kind of thing-except for the family members of the crew, people are at sea, maybe they have encountered something. Once they are busy, it is possible to not answer the phone temporarily.

The fourth ship, a lucky crew member, escaped the disaster. At that time, he was repairing the equipment under the deck, and then suddenly felt a nauseous, dizzy and drowsy, and it took a long time to slow down. His hands and feet climbed softly to the deck.

Then he was surprised to find that the eight people on the ship, including the captain and the first officer, passed out seven, and only he was sober. Under the horror, he picked up the captain's satellite phone and asked for help.

As for what happened at that moment, he has some vague memories, "It seems like a bell is coming, I am a little trance ... Is there a NASDAQ exchange at sea?"

His reaction caused great concern to the scientific research ship. The helicopter on the ship took off and found the ship. It turned out that one crew member was depressed and the other seven were unconscious.

Helicopters are not allowed to land on the fishing boat. The two people who came down are not doctors. Although they have superficial knowledge of ambulance, this situation is obviously not something they can control.

The scientific research ship received reports from the two people that the location of the other missing ship was also determined. The helicopter left the ship and flew towards the other ship.

The only sober crew begged, hoping that they could save their colleagues, but the two said coldly, "We have reason to believe that when they wake up and face the high cost of rescue, they would rather coma again. . "

This is not their cold blood, but the doctor of Maiguo is so noble. If you fall into the water, the person on the scientific research ship may help you up, but you will not be comatose ... sorry, no one wants to treat you for free, and the cost of first aid It's really scary expensive.

In fact, they are not cold-blooded, "Hey, man, do n’t be so sad, at least we can be witnesses to prove that you have actually tried to save their lives. This is good news for you, is n’t it? ? "

Soon, the helicopter arrived at the location of the second ship and descended again, and found that as expected, a total of eleven crew members on the ship were all in a coma.

The scientific research ship realized that he might have encountered a big surprise, and he couldn't even look for it anymore. In the end, what was falling from the sky started directly at full speed and went straight to the second ship.

This time, they are planning to save people, they are saving people with a research attitude.

The expedition ship was still on the way, and the news of the third ship was sent, and all nine crew members were in a coma ...

This news even alarmed the military of Maiguo, the bell ... Is any country testing the newly-invented sonic weapon?

It is fortunate that the comatose crews were able to guarantee their lives and safety because of the military's high attention.

Just when the chickens and dogs jumped here, the creators had put away the Soul Soul Clock and followed the footsteps to the position where the large array was located. ~ ~ Pinch a string of complicated laws, "Fight!

There was a slight but frequent shaking of the whole seabed, but the average person couldn't feel it at all. Standing at the bottom of the sea at this moment, feeling sensitive like Feng Jun, he would only feel a little uncomfortable.

"It feels a bit like ultrasound," Feng Jun shot with all his strength, holding the big clock in the middle.

After the array has been fully stimulated, some changes have taken place in the middle clock. The size has not changed, but there is a slight space distortion inside, just like a storage bag.

However, it is impossible for the storage bag to take the initiative, and this clock can be used, so it is more appropriate to describe it with a micro black hole.

In fact, the same is true for the remaining seven bells, which are considered to be ultra-micro black holes, and they will transport the spirit stones they grab to the big clock in the middle. This is the general effect of the formation.

The tremors from the seven bells were also transmitted to the middle clock, so Feng Jun's task was to try to seize the middle clock.

As the big brother said, this kind of detention is really not light, and Feng Jun must maintain a very high aura output in order to make the vibration of the big bell subtle.

The large array was successfully activated, and it took almost half an hour. At this time, Feng Jun ’s aura was less than 40%, that is, he consumed more than 60% of the aura in his body, so that the formation was fully opened and stabilized. .

He currently has seven layers of dust, more than 60% of the aura, more than all the auras when the six layers of dust, and considering the ability of the middle level of the dust to control the aura, it is far less handy than the high level of the dust.

To be sure, the big brother is worthy of being the big brother. It is not good to say that the middle level of the dust is true, and it really is not. Even if Feng Jun is among the same practitioners, the aura is stronger.

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