Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1328: Hidden question

Feng Jun is a bit strange, why did the big brother come back at this time?

In recent times, the big brother has been reassuring the fetus ... the state of nourishing the soul. Only when he enters the room will he talk to him-really like a fetus.

Feng Jun didn't pay much attention to this because he wanted to greet people from outside. He was originally a gangster's inn.

At this time, the big brother made a noise, and he passed the consciousness in surprise, "Senior you raise ... the soul is over?"

The big man groaned, "You are also famous, Kong Ziyi is here, do I dare to come and communicate with you? She has Jin Dan's mind on her body, and Sun Wufeng and Li only have secret techniques, I am not good Communicate with you casually. "

It turns out that you are still more afraid of them. Feng Jun understands, "Fortunately, Kong Ziyi left today, and others also left."

"You ask Du Wentian to go to Lantern Town," yīn soul's attitude is very firm, there is no room for negotiation, "I have something to tell you."

It really is "in the soul stone of yīn, you will know the world", even the name of Master Du.

Du Wentian went to the town to hire workers, and the only people in Bailitan were Feng Jun, Huangfu Wuxia and An Yuhong—they were watching the plot together, so Feng Jun entered the room.

It's quite frustrating to say, in fact, the room occupied by yīn soul is Feng Jun's master bedroom, which is in the middle of the second floor, but after it's occupied, Feng Jun can only go to another room to rest.

The good thing is that as long as people are coming in, they know that this is an important room. No one is coveting the host ’s own site. No one dares to touch this closed room even when Feng Jun is away.

The bad thing is: Feng Jun has to go to rest somewhere-the big brother seems to have a cleansing habit, but Feng Jun does not want to sleep in a room with such a guy!

Therefore, the three girls are very cryptic about this. In such a place where dust is everywhere, and gas is not as good as dogs, they dare not have any attacks, but they ca n’t help but complain in Mandarin-where do you sleep at night?

Feng Jun pushed open his room and asked directly, "What did the seniors tell me?"

No one is outside, everyone can communicate casually!

yīn did n’t follow him, and pointed out the point directly, "I dare to take Taiqing, I really admire your courage. There may be a Taiqing logo on it, do you know?"

Feng Jun was trained in this way when he entered the door, and there was a anger in his heart. "It's just that there may be it. Are you afraid of being too clear?"

The big brother became more and more angry. "Isn't it possible? Is it really there? Do you want me to point out the location?"

It is now a person on the same boat as Feng Jun. Although the ship sinks, it may not sink, but it is very uncomfortable with Feng Jun's inattentive attitude, and it does not admit that he is afraid of being too clear.

"It will be there," Feng Jun smiled indifferently, resting on the phone when he first came, he heard this news, and he would be scared out of ten, but now ... just get used to it.

It seems as if the people of the earth have not positioned him.

He was n’t sure. He must have positioned him on the other side of the earth. Yu Lao ’s position on food and refrigerator, he did n’t find it.

But he thought in his heart that it was impossible-if you didn't position me, you would look down on me.

In short, he doesn't care very much. I use it across planes. I want to position me. Three-dimensional is definitely not enough. Four-dimensional is also choking. How can I get started?

His indifference made yīn soul very puzzled, "Are you afraid?"

Feng Jun smiled, it was the kind of crying and laughing, "Do you think I will be afraid?"

"Also," yīn thought about it, thinking that the other party might have the ability to pass through the plane. This thing is really not a thing, "but I must remind you that the Taiqing School does this very badly. You have to be careful. "

Feng Jun smiled after thinking about it, "Okay, thank you for your reminder, I know, I will be very careful."

"I know you don't take it seriously," yīn's soul was a little annoyed, but it was a little helpless. "Well, you don't want to talk about it, just don't talk about it. What's going on with spiritual practice?"

"I didn't draw evidence from you, do I need to explain it to you?" Feng Jun felt that the attitude of the big brother was a bit inappropriate, but he didn't want to worry about it, seeking common ground while reserving differences. ? "

yīn soul was very happy to hear that he cared about himself, "Well, that's all, there is nothing to say, it is far from the peak period, but ... there is a staged result."

"What staged achievements?" Feng Jun was stunned for a while, and then his face was contemptuous. "This achievement is not very good, even the Taiqing School did not dare to provoke a few dusty periods."

yīn's soul suddenly has a tendency to run away, "Taicing ... what kind of thing? Don't say the Taiqing School, I don't even look at the Taiqing Gate, forget it, I can't tell you clearly."

"Taiqingmen ... I seem to hear something terrible," Feng Jun discovered new knowledge points, but obviously, he could not continue on this topic.

So he smiled slightly, "Well, this staged achievement is very powerful, are we going to have a celebration?"

"Too lazy to talk to you," the big brother can't stand his rhetoric, one after another, "I'll take a look at your spiritual practice."

You are really out of sight. Feng Jun took out the exercises and placed them next to the yīn soul stone. "Only during the gas refining period."

The big brother looked around for a while, "Well, it's okay, there are no traps, but this practice has no future, it's probably just stopping Jindan ..."

After watching it for a while, it gave a soft whisper, "It's a little interesting, I feel I can use the spirit to practice and raise the upper limit."

"Qi Ling Cultivation?" Feng Jun's thinking started again, and Ma San Niang seemed to be Qi Ling.

As for the golden halt, on the side of the earth, I really think too much. "There are no exercises during the dust-raising period. It's a little regret."

The big brother yelled at him angrily, "Aren't you going to deduce, come to deduce."

"Without reference, how do I deduce," Feng Jun replied, reaching for the exercises, "Is it done?"

The big brother left him to take the exercises and waited a while before asking again, "Are you really buying the exercises for that little Mao God?"

In its view, Feng Jun's cultivation is so scum that it can't be **** anymore, but the little Maoshen ... are real ants, even for Feng Zaz.

"There was no flower spirit stone, there was a piece of land," Feng Jun replied casually. "It must have been bought for it. The pseudo-celestial corpse is going to be given to you.

After a long silence, the big brother said, "Your blue brick next to the threshold, there is a piece of black stripes vaguely, that is too clear secret record, just take the blue brick."

Feng Jun froze for a moment, then said with a smile, "Thank you, Senior, it seems that you still care about me."

"It's not a matter of concern," the big brother replied lazily, "how can you be mixed with me, and my people are so bully? Tell you, the sign under the people's house is actually a problem for you. , You can imagine the consequences of not answering the question. "

Feng Jun was shocked for a moment, "I'll just go, so dangerous?"

He really didn't expect this hand. In his plan, no matter what the other party's plans are, he only needs a period of time to complete his journey back to earth. If there are any more tricks, he can't help him.

Anyone who thinks that people have a problem is the right one. The big one is right. It is the nature of the problem. If you do n’t answer it well, it will certainly have a big impact on the follow-up cooperation.

"It doesn't matter," the big man replied leisurely, "The strength is all from the school, and I didn't do it with you. It is already a goodwill, so I only took a look at your exercises. Fortunately, the exercises are fine ... Okay, you go, the poisonous cub of Chifeng is here. "

Feng Jun walked out of the door, and couldn't help but secretly rejoice, there was a big thick leg beside him, it was really easy to use.

Of course, thanks to his heavy commitment and trustworthiness, the gangster seems to appreciate it-especially the gangster's sense of security is not so strong.

Before going downstairs, someone knocked on the door. It was Chifeng Rongxun Qu Jianlei.

Feng Jun opened the courtyard door, but also a little surprised, "Senior Qu, is this ... something?"

Qu Jianlei hesitated and whispered, "Master Feng Shan, I presume to ask, can you deduce the exercises, can you deduct the items? I can pay a lot for each other."

"Articles ... can't be deduced far," Feng Jun replied in a deep voice ~ ~ a hundred or two hundred feet, it will be about a minute, if it is far away, it won't be done, you have lost something? "

"Then forget it," Qu Jianlei said recklessly, "I still think you can perform more than ten thousand miles."

"More than ten thousand miles ..." Feng Jun was suddenly speechless. At such a long distance, the fifth ring was not enough. I was afraid that it would have to be the sixth ring.

However, the other party has been silently protecting him. He misses this feeling very much. Since others have spoken, he also has to ask, "What are you trying to deduce? I may be able to help and ask, and I can pay attention to it on weekdays." "

"Thousand-year Yangzhi," Qu Jianlei sighed and smiled helplessly, "I am also in a hurry to go to the doctor. I think that Yangzhi is almost extinct now, let alone a thousand years."

Feng Jun knew that yīn Yangzhi was a holy medicine. The thousand-year yīn Yangzhi must have been even more so, so he figured out his mobile phone, "Are you injured? I can help you deduce and see if there are alternatives."

"No," Qu Jianlei shook his head, and his mouth grew longer, but he just stopped talking, "Forget it, then help me deduce it, can you post the account?"

"Can't post the account," Feng Jun answered with a smile, "but ... it's free."

He really hasn't played Qu Jianlei. The two of them have seen two sides in total. At other times, Qu Jianlei is secretly protecting him. The distance between the two is more than 60 meters most of the time.

When he went in to take a look this time, he couldn't help but whisper, "Hey, the cultivation is very high."

Qu Jianlei is four hundred and twenty years old, and theoretically can live up to eighty years old. Taking the life span of one hundred years as an example, he is also eighty-four years old, but his cultivation practices are very well maintained, and it is still out of the dust peak.

(It's still dazed, but it's still updated, summon the monthly ticket.)

Wonderful book house

. Watch "Big Data Cultivation of Immortals" and come

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