Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1327: Spiritual practice

Sun Wufeng was in a hurry, and he really couldn't find the right way.

At the low end, he can get two, but it is worse than Feng Jun's, and he can't take it.

In the end, it was still true that the real person didn't know where to get a new line of business, and directly threw it to Sun's first seat. "Seize the opportunity to learn from Feng Jun, and the master of the peak has not many possessions."

This time, there were still four real people who paid off, but Lu Wanfeng was replaced with An Yuhong, and there were none of his disciples.

Sun Wufeng felt that Li was not suitable to go anymore, but Li said that he was not going to fight this time. Even if we did n’t fight last time, I wanted to listen to Feng Daoyou ’s argument. Enlightenment opportunity.

Xie Qingyun also promised that Li Zongshen was only a little offensive to Feng Jun ’s tongue, and even said that he would suppress Xiu as a battle. After losing, he would leave, although it was a bit arrogant, but with his own understanding of Lord Feng Shan , People will not care.

When Feng Jun saw Li Zuojing again, he really felt a little bit crooked, but the other party could let go of the past, and he would n’t hold back, especially ... Sun Wufeng ’s behavior was more like him than he originally did. The line is still much bigger.

After the bank was accepted, the negotiations were quite smooth, and the preliminary fees for the gas refining period of 3,000 and the dust discharge period of 4,000 were set.

As for whether to receive the spirit stone or to receive the letter, he does not care. These people sent by the Taiqing are already quite core disciples, but after all, he ca n’t be such a big master. He waits for the other party ’s final reply.

To Feng Jun's surprise, Xie Qingyun dragged him aside and quietly handed over a set of "Nine Heavens" exercises, but he was looking for spiritual cultivation exercises.

He whispered, "This is what Xiaosong real people heard you are looking for spiritual practice, and entrust me to bring it. Although there is only part of the gas refining period, it points directly to the practice of the avenue."

No wonder he dared to bring Li alone, co-authored this kind of backhand.

Feng Jun put it away without hesitation, "Thank you, how many spirit stones?"

"No spirit stone," Xie Qingyun replied with a smile, "Last time we came in a hurry, the attitude was not very good, it was a bit inappropriate. The meaning of Master Feng is to be an apology."

"That won't work," Feng Jun shook his head, and then figured out the set of exercises, which meant that he would go back.

Feng Jun didn't like unreasonably taking advantage of people, let alone taking advantage of the behemoths of the Taiqing School.

The other party may really want to apologize, but he can't accept it safely. It's important to stick to his heart. If he can't realize this, he will die himself sooner or later after he gradually expands.

So he was saying, "The first gift of Sun has already been done. I think Taiqing Jiufeng is one."

Xie Qingyun's reaction to him was also expected, so he smiled and said, "In this way, we plan to build several houses on the land of Lord Feng Shan, for the Taiqing disciples to settle down. This is the rent. . "

"This is okay," Feng Jun nodded sternly. "I'll give you 100 acres of land for you. You can also build Juling Array or something, but the crude oil in the ground can't be pumped casually ... That's right It ’s over ten miles. "

"It doesn't matter the distance, mainly because I don't want to be too close to Lantern Town," Xie Qingyun replied with a smile. "Master Feng Shan, you are patrolled here, most people can't come in, we also want to be quiet."

After a pause, he asked again, "Master Feng Shan, is your crude oil used to extract diesel?"

Feng Jun was startled, then nodded and answered with a smile, "Yes."

His smile was a bit helpless. Before, he explained fatelessly that I only used crude oil because it was useful. Others did n’t believe it. Now, I do n’t need to say anything at all. Others can guess that this "oily corpse" can extract diesel oil. .

Therefore, time is the best way to convince people. Rao is your supernatural supernatural being, which is not enough for the passage of time.

As for Xie Qingyun's question, was he coveting this oil field? He would not consider this aspect at all. Oil is not an energy source, but spirit stone is also an energy source. The unit energy of the two is very different.

In a country where coal is used as an energy source, will it covet the production area of ​​firewood? Or does it mean that practitioners can use oil to practice?

If Feng Jun did not have a sense of responsibility for the earth, he would not care much about these two oil fields. At most, he would jointly develop with Tiantong and let the Huangfu family take charge. When he needed it, he would use some of his own industry. .

But having said that, he doesn't think that Tiantong Business League must be worthy of this kind of business.

As for You Longzi's troubles behind her back, the main purpose is estimated to be intentionally disgusting people. In addition, if there are indeed some gains, then the servant will stir up the flames, but later disappeared.

Xie Qingyun nodded, then hesitated and asked again, "But I heard that the opening and closing time of this oil field is not necessarily?"

Feng Jun nodded again, "I don't have time to develop it specifically, but ... go back and let them engage in more oil depots."

In the past, he felt that there were quite a few ten million cubic meters of oil depots, but he had to travel around and could not stay here all the time. Once the demand on the earth side was in demand, the amount of goods required was not small, which would easily lead to a poor turnover.

So he planned to ask Du Wentian to build ten more oil depots, so that the workers could do something. Anyway, this is the work of repairing the fairy plane and building the oil depot. It is really too simple, just use manpower.

Xie Qingyun asked again, "How long will it be before you leave Baili Beach and travel?"

Feng Jun frowned, and finally turned to look at him, "I don't know exactly what you mean, what the **** do you want to ask?"

"I was asking about the waiting time that disciples in Taiqing might encounter," Xie Qingyun replied with a smile, "Isn't this what I want to build a house? The longest need to wait for half a year, and wait for one year, the number of disciples waiting, is Different."

"If you wait for half a year at most, the size of the house can be built smaller. If you wait for a year, it will be bigger. There are also supporting juling array, Yanwuchang, etc., and various living facilities."

"You think so much," Feng Jun glanced at him with a smile. "Just leave a few disciples to report. It's not enough to give you 100 acres of land? Even the dwelling's residence can be cleaned up. Once I come back , Just let them inform the disciples. "

Xie Qingyun shook his head with tears and laughs, "Master Feng Shan, this is what you want to send. Most of the disciples in the school go out to rely on the flying boat ... There are really few teleporters, and this flight is just a few. Moon, after you arrived, what would you do? "

"Haha," Feng Jun laughed, and then just said, "You're wrong if you think this way. I borrowed this place for you. It was to make your Taiqing disciples take a break, not to say that they should wait here. Me, I do n’t promise to rule them ... "

"As for my whereabouts, I want to go wherever I want. The Chifeng faction is also chasing me instead of waiting for me in a fixed place. You Taiqing is already more favorable than them and should not ask too much."

Xie Qingyun nodded after thinking about it, "Okay, I know."

Feng Jun glanced at him with a smile, "A little more temptation?"

Xie Qingyun smiled, he did not deny, "Since it is cooperation, to enhance mutual understanding, I think it is necessary, at least know that this is not the root of Lord Feng Shan, but only one of the industry, I return to the school Help analyze one or two. "

Feng Jun replied indifferently, "Then you ask directly, why should you turn around? It is already very difficult to practise monasticism, and it is too difficult to think about people's hearts from time to time."

Xie Qingyun laughed again, "Then I asked directly, I don't know where is the real foothold of Lord Feng Shan?"

"Of course Zongmen," Feng Jun replied without hesitation. "I'm in Zhige Mountain, Bailitan and Qingfengling, there are some industries, and I will take a look from time to time, but Zongmen is My roots. "

Xie Qingyun was speechless. There was nothing wrong with the answer. The standard was too long to be standard, but the problem was that no one knew where your sect was. He pondered and decided to continue to ask in vain, "Dare to ask the lord Zongmen where?"

Feng Jun's answer is also standard, "I came out to refine my heart, so ... sorry."

Things have been discussed properly, and the next day, Taiqing ’s disciples left, and even Kong Ziyi left—if Taiqing is required to make martial arts tokens ~ ~ she is also a key witness, and She knew more about Feng Jun.

As a disciple of the big faction, enjoying the prestige, of course, there will be some unshirkable responsibilities.

The entire Taiqing faction only left An Yuhong alone. She now needs to regulate her qi and blood, and does not have much cultivation needs, so she just helped Taiqing to choose a site. As for living ... then live in Huangfu Flawless business.

Bai Litan was a little clearer, Feng Jun asked Du Wentian, hoping to continue to build the oil depot, and he planned to transform this place into a garden model, once he lived comfortably, secondly ... the workers did n’t just No need to go out of business?

Feng Jun felt that he could not see the whole Baili Beach before the Jindan period-it was choking before the Yuan infant period, but could the transformation be done little by little?

Du Wentian heard that, but it was a bit unexpected, "Brother Dao, you said earlier, why did you delay so much time? When I was not working, I dismissed them with a lot of tongues."

Du Shangren did a very good job at this point, maybe he was bullied too much by the three brothers of the Lu family. He did n’t like to put on people ’s racks for those weak people, so when the workers did n’t live home , Also complained a few words-who dare to change individual masters?

Feng Jun said a little bit, "There are too many things. I didn't remember it for a while. It's not too late. Anyway, I have a lot of work, and I'm not bad at all."

He does have a lot of things, but the most important thing is that he did not expect to turn around in Xiuxian Realm, which was actually recognized by the Chifeng School and the Taiqing School. This temporary purchased oil field, he did not intend to operate seriously-can Just get the crude oil, but now ... the Taiqing faction is about to take root?

Du Wentian nodded, "Then I'm going to the town to recruit workers, will you go together?"

At this moment, the idea of ​​the big brother passed on, "No go!"

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