Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1309: Modify the method

In the face of people who keep saying "Survival", sometimes they have to be hard-hearted.

Chen Shengwang said these words, as a weather-beaten old man, there is no problem at all, but let women like Li Shishi or Yang Yuxin feel a bit ruthless and heartfelt.

This news of fighting with Chen Shengwang is also embarrassing and indignant. "We are all dying people. If you force us again, you will inevitably do irrational things ... I am afraid of dying people. what?"

This is another point where things are tricky. The terminally ill patients toss up and give everyone a headache.

But Chen Shengwang was really not afraid. He stepped forward and grabbed the opponent's collar with his hands, and said with a smile, "Something to say again?"

There are more than a dozen people here. His master, who looks like a middle-aged man, took the initiative to provoke provocations, which was really shocking.

The young man, who was so anxious, had come over and shoved him and even started, but the youngest patient yelled, "Don't be impulsive, say something."

If you do it here, you can take advantage of it for a while, but even the construction site may not be able to run, let alone run out of Zheng Yang.

As if he had n’t seen anyone else, Chen Shengwang carried the other party ’s collar and spoke lightly, “Believe it or not, I ’m out of the storm, you ca n’t see tomorrow ’s sun? Who else is going to die ... who scared? ? "

After hearing this, this man was finally guilty. "Master, I don't mean that, I just want to live."

Chen Shengwang only let go, and then glanced left and right, "In ten minutes, get out, I let this old man go, otherwise you will wait for the corpse tomorrow."

He casually said "Yinfeng Desperate Technique", which really scared a person. There are many superstitious legends in Baiyue, especially the boss Hu, who is still trembling and pale, trying to ask Rao Can't even speak.

So the man got into the car in a hurry, and then asked timidly, "Master, then we are sick ..."

"Find your own way," Chen Shengwang waved his hand and spoke lightly, "This time I will give Qing Xiaozi a face, and then dare to make trouble, I will put you on the Luohua blacklist!"

Everyone heard that there was still a chance to heal. They left in a hurry. They still had to find a way to get indicators from other places. They couldn't try it again at Luohua.

After walking out of the construction area and walking for more than a kilometer, leaving the expanded area, four cars stopped beside a piece of farmland.

It did n’t take long for Boss Hu ’s body to exhale for a while, and then he broke his mouth and yelled, “This dare to beat the street, dare to use Taoism to harm people ... jerk, almost freeze me.”

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but marvel at it again, and then someone persuaded him, "Brother Hu said carefully, that's a man with great mana. Isn't it normal for you to be disrespectful to others? Isn't it what I said about you, This temper should be changed. "

Boss Hu is going to be strong all his life, and he still refuses to retreat after hearing the words, "Is it right that he used Dao Law to harm others? This hatred should not be used as a human being!"

The young patient finally couldn't help it, "Boss Hu, you scolded people first. If people don't take back the overcast wind and take their lives, you can't see the sun of tomorrow. Can people with great mana be treated casually?"

Boss Hu is really a bit dazed. Other than that, he has more money than him. He has a net worth of 7.8 billion yuan. He is a chartered public, and he is doing import and export business. The identity and status are not so slight.

So he replied depressedly, "Brother Kwong, I just think these people are too disrespectful."

"People come to the court to get money and go to the casino. Let's all be like this. What respect do we need?" Brother Kwong sighed and got out his mobile phone. "I'll call Master Qing Xiaozi again."

As soon as Qing Xiaozi heard their description, he knew who came forward. "That's Chen Daoyou of Fang Hu, and he is the second person of the Chinese Taoist Daomen. Bursting with others? "

"Even if you don't talk about power, you only say that the net worth of others is more than the three of you. Why do you fight against others?"

Upon hearing this, boss Hu was a little bit dissatisfied. "What does he do?"

Qing Xiaozi has a good relationship with Chen Shengwang and knows each other. "He has houses in major cities in China, and he has a whole real estate, a real estate in Ou Mai, and a farm in Australia and Kana ... Your money is really not enough. "

Hearing this, boss Hu was really shocked. "Such a person is actually responsible for the doorman at Luohua?"

"Because Feng Jun is much stronger than him, a hundred of him can't reach Feng Daochang's finger," Qing Xiaozi sighed quietly, "Master Chen can stay in Luohua, he asked for it, otherwise, you think Can Feng Jun look at him? "

Others heard this and were dumbfounded for a while-Master Luo Feng's so strong?

Or did Mr. Kwong ask aloud, his voice trembling a little, "So ... Cultivate with him, can you live forever?"

Qing Xiaozi sighed silently for a long time, "Longevity ... where is it so easy? But you also see Master Chen, you know? He is only eight years younger than me."

"No?" Kwong Kuang took a breath, "I think he is about the same age as me, but more than seventy?"

"I am eighty-nine this year," Qing Xiaozi's voice came out of the microphone. "He is eighty-one years old."

There was silence in the carriage, and no one spoke for a long time.

Feng Jun did not know what was happening outside. He was now hooked on one thing: modifying the exercises.

With his vision and cultivation base, it is not expected to expand to this point-ordinary Jindan real people have no such courage.

However, it's a good thing. A big guy who has been out of the Qiao period has told him that your Jindan period exercises should best be deduced by yourself. This sentence was remembered by him.

However, the risk of deducing exercises is very high. It is too easy for cultivators to get into trouble, and even the possibility of a dead person is not ruled out, and his disciples already have exercises in their hands, and they are all practicing. Responsible.

A while ago he promised Chen Shengwang to come back with a set of exercises, and then dragged on for a dozen days, and came up with the "Sanyin Juyang" exercise, but at the same time he also said: I want to do it for you Tailor-made a set of exercises.

Chen Shengwang was very convinced of Feng Jun ’s cultivation practices, but if he practiced the exercises, he would not have much confidence—although everyone ’s cultivation practices were also performed by predecessors, but where are the general practitioners? ability?

However, he also knew that Lord Feng Shan gave himself this set of exercises, not so much as rewarding him, but rather that he was fortunate to clear a possible hidden danger. His credit is not that great.

So he promised Feng Jun and agreed that he should practice the exercises on himself-anyway, Feng Feng said, whether he is willing to practice the original version or the improved version, it is up to him to make the decision.

Feng Jun finally got an opportunity to practice the exercises, and a person who was willing to cooperate, specially informed the disciples: Chen Shengwang and I will retreat for some time.

Facts have proved that the difficulty of deducing exercises is not so great. The practice of "Sanyin Juyang" is not long. It is less than 5,000 words, which is more than a hundred words less than the "Daode Jing", but I want to delete it. That's really not a small job.

On the surface, Feng Jun spent two days, but in fact, he spent almost half a year in the mobile phone space-this is still with the help of a small program.

One number is enough to show that the process is difficult: more than 60 mobile phones are used in turn, and each mobile phone is charged at least five times on average!

Fortunately, he stayed in the phone, did not walk on both sides, he didn't even have long hair, it was a time pause.

Because he has made many super-level deductions, and the modified exercises have more than 5,300 words, Feng Jun is satisfied with the result. He believes that this shows his divergent thinking and details. Deliberate, stronger than the original.

This number of words is less than the daily renewal amount of ordinary authors at the starting point, but it finally exceeds the Daodejing.

However, Chen Shengwang did not trust him more because of this, which made him more depressed.

Feng Jun doesn't want to influence his judgment either, because it may give the other party the illusion of "forced feeding"-he can't always explain that the revised "Sanyin Juyang" fits you up to 100% Eighty-eight ~ ~ increased by a full 11%.

Therefore, it is still up to him to choose his own choice.

After deducing "Three Yins and Collecting Sun", Feng Jun's enthusiasm for deducing exercises was completely inspired. After he had a good night's sleep, he called Gu Jiahui and deduced her match with Aoki Gong .

There are not so many places where Aoki Gong can be modified. After all, this is Dadao Gongyang, which was summed up by numerous predecessors, but Sanyin Juyang is just an improved version of the evil cultivation practice. , Naturally more mistakes and omissions.

In fact, Feng Jun feels that there are many things that can be modified in Aoki Gong that have nothing to do with the whole exercise method, but Gu Jiahui ’s own individual differences, leading to certain aspects that cannot be completely consistent with Aoki Gong.

He modified Aoki Kungfu for five days. This kung fu ... has many characters and more than 9,000 words.

After the modification, he did not ask Gu Jiahui to adjust the exercises, even if he was sure, she would use the improved version to practice faster.

Because of this, it is more difficult to explain-since there are more precise cultivation methods, why not take it out from the beginning?

Feng Junda doesn't want to publicize this matter now. He plans to go to the mobile phone plane and use the modified Aoki Gong to match it with Mi Yunshan, because she is also practicing this method.

If it matches, the improved exercises do not work well on Sister Lin, it means that he has mastered the skills of privately-made exercises-in fact, he thinks he has mastered them, but it is just to confirm it again.

After taking a five-day trial with Gu Jiahui, he told her to leave, and called Li Shishi again. Anyway, there was a gathering place where he closed, and he would silently pad his cell phone and charge it without affecting the other party. Practice.

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