Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1308: The rules can't be broken

After the three people from Baiyue Province came, they showed the signs of high-price bidding indicators, allowing some people to see the variables.

So the next day, two people also made a sign, hoping to get sympathy from Luohua Manor.

Money is great, but I still want to live-is there nothing wrong with it?

Li Shishi knew that there were two more brands in the rehabilitation center, and she was anxious. Although she was young, she also knew that if things were allowed to go forward, there might be more than a dozen brands tomorrow.

But this kind of thing, she really didn't know how to deal with it, so she found Yang Yuxin-the land outside is yours, how can you let anyone else enter?

This logic is not bad. Yang Yuxin was really upset when she heard the words, but in the end she said, "The day after tomorrow is the registration period for 60 patients. You can rest assured that someone will pick them up."

——It ’s too late for the people in the relevant departments to conceal the information. Someone is so forced to the palace, then wait for it to be cleaned up.

Li Shishi thought about it and said, "But ... what about tomorrow?"

Yang Yuxin froze as soon as he heard it, and after thinking about it, he repeated it in a low voice, "Yeah ... what to do tomorrow?"

There can be three brands today, and tomorrow there will be ten brands. Even the day after tomorrow, even if someone cleaned up, but the news ... it's really not a good blockade.

She glanced sideways at Li Shishi, "You wait, I'll go find Feng Jun."

Now in the whole manor, she was the only one who called Feng Jun.

She walked forward, and Li Shishi followed up. After all, this is the business she is in charge of. How could she let Director Yang come forward alone?

The two walked not far from the valley, and a figure jumped out, and it was not Chen Shengwang who was the other.

Chen Sheng and Wang Zheng walked quickly with a smile on his face, and they were shocked to see them, "You two ... come here to practice?"

"I'm looking for Master Feng Shan," Yang Yuxin replied in a deep voice. "You two have been closed for two days. Did he go out?"

Chen Shengwang is now full of joy. Feng Jun finally gave him a set of exercises called "Sanyin Juyang" two days ago. He also deduced a lot with him, and he changed a lot of content in two days.

Now he has the original "Sanyin Juyang" in his hand, as well as the improved version. Mr. Feng said that the improved version is more suitable for him to practice, but how to choose it depends on his wishes.

Chen Shengwang feels very happy. He does n’t think Feng Jun will deceive himself, because ... it ’s really not necessary. With the eyes of Feng Feng, it ’s impossible to count him—the one who can even tolerate the corpse.

Happier is that the exercises that Boss Feng gave him are also yin and yang, and he can also bring his female companion to practice.

Chen Shengwang has many female companions, and even brought two female companions into Luohua. For this reason, he had to live alone in the simple room next to the No. 1 pump-he had lived very hard in the winter just past the winter Comfortable, almost dripping into ice.

Several electric heaters were ordered in the house, but the temperature was still not high, and the air was quite dry.

You know, he has dozens of houses in the imperial capital. This kind of bitterness is really rare.

But it wasn't him that suffered the most, but the two women who followed him-those women did not cultivate.

Chen Shengwang has never left a woman in his life. This is of course because he likes female sex, but his exercises also need to be neutralized by the genitals-anyway, he pays, and each takes what he needs.

But even if this is the case, people have been in a relationship for a long time, and they must always have feelings. He has not fallen to the level of "changing the bride every day." Now the two women around him have been with him for six or seven years.

The two women knew that he was a monk, and they knew that he had recently climbed the first person in the door of Huaxia. Naturally, he also had some cultivation ideas-who can refuse the temptation of longevity?

But he couldn't give them, he could only fool the two of them with specious things.

He is really good at this kind of operation-I can pass on the Fa, but if you can understand it, it has nothing to do with me.

The two women also worked very hard to think about what he taught, but what you can imagine is that ... it has not been effective so far.

They thought they were stupid, but Chen Shengwang knew that he was just fooling, so it was inevitable that he was a little guilty.

Now the exercises he got from Feng Jun can not only practice by himself, but also allow Taoists to join in the cultivation. Although in the end, he wants to learn some practices from the Taoists, but it cannot be denied that ... This will also lead to cultivation.

It is really a surprise for him to have such an effect.

So at this moment, he is in a very good mood. He intends to think about the two-day practice first, and then decide whether to practice the original or improve the book-he even wants to consult more with the people of Luohua Manor.

Now I bumped into Yang Yuxin and Li Shishi, and he answered casually, "Master Feng Shan is still practicing the exercises, saying that he will be very busy recently, and let me bring dinner ... What's the matter with you two?"

Yang Yuxin was steady in his work, so he replied lightly, "Then you said to Master Feng Shan when you brought your meal. The rehabilitation center is a bit uneven. I want to be cruel. I don't know how he planned.

"Rehabilitation center?" Chen Shengwang frowned, "I'm familiar with this place, and I've been there to deal with some things ... Is there any trouble?"

When he saw her in doubt, he explained aloud, "I am a guest secretary of Luohua ... it is a guest secretary, a little thing, if we can trouble Master Feng, let us not trouble him."

In fact, what he wanted to say is that although I have already got the exercises, I ca n’t stop doing the exercises because of this.

Yang Yuxin was a little hesitant, but Li Shishi had already told the story.

"This little thing," Chen Shengwang smiled disdainfully, "I will deal with it, and the poetry girl will just go with me."

Because of the merits, he was in a really good mood. He even called Li Shishi "Poetry Girl".

Anyway, before that, he was eating social meals and dealing with all kinds of weird social phenomena, he really shouldn't be too good at it.

Li Shishi didn't particularly believe in him, but Feng Jun was retreating, and she didn't want to bother him, "You really deal with it?"

Chen Shengwang smiled and replied confidently, "The poetry girl leads the way."

He really has a way to deal with those miscellaneous fish, and he can't even talk about it.

After walking to the rehabilitation center, he directly picked up the two owners who had no money to play the brand, and threw them into the bucket of a forklift. "Send these two out of the construction area. The manager is about to change. "

The construction party is Yang Yuxin's person. When he heard this, he refused. "We are Director Yang's."

Chen Shengwang gave him a cold look. "Do I need Director Yang to confirm?"

These people actually know that this person is inside the Luohua Manor and seems to be carrying two female dependents-you know, Director Yang ca n’t bring assistants or drivers into the manor. , Took the man away with all his hands.

Then Chen Shengwang looked at the three men and did not speak with his hands behind his back.

As soon as these three people saw it, they knew that the trouble was coming, and some of them came out and did bring their own BGM.

The youngest patient is about 40 years old. This person stood up and raised his hand. "This friend, we were introduced by Master Luo Fuqing Xiaozi."

Chen Shengwang didn't want to talk, he nodded slightly when he heard the words "Qing Xiao Zi", "I know him."

He wouldn't say "Qing Xiaozi I know can't be so brainless", just four simple words, and a cold eye.

An old man was a little annoyed when he saw this, "Since you know you are acquaintances, what else do you want?"

This boy has a bad temper since he was young, because he has offended many people because of his irritability, but he can't change it.

Chen Shengwang glanced at him lightly, "If this is Qing Xiaozi's meaning, I will go and tear down his Luofu Mountain now."

"The master breathed out his anger," the youngest patient said, "Boss Hu's liver cancer has caused his temper to change."

Chen Shengwang looked at him again and stopped talking.

This person hesitated, and could only continue to speak with his daring, "The three of us are cancer patients, and we learned from Master Qing Xiaozi from the Luohua Manor. . "

Chen Sheng uttered loudly and interrupted his words very rudely, "Who asked you to buy treatment indicators?"

The bad-tempered boss Hu choked again ~ ~ Market economy, willing to buy and sell, you can control it? "

He feels that he has a lot of people, otherwise the other party may directly shoot.

Chen Shengwang raised his eyebrows and tried to shoot. He had never seen such a lifeless thing.

The youngest patient was a hand, "The master is angry, we really can't rank, and we are dedicated to survival, so come to buy indicators at a high price, don't want to die ... Isn't it wrong?"

Chen Shengwang looked at him with a smile, "Why don't the people who have no money want to live? Why don't they see them grab the bank?"

"You're sophistry," the person replied in earnest, "you can't find money to find a job, there are hands and feet, picking up the broken and hungry people will not die."

Chen Shengwang ’s sophistry is actually not bad, but he came for peace, not for reason, so he snorted directly, “It ’s Lover ’s business to govern and not govern. Master Feng also bought this indicator. I won't admit it, so I put away things honestly. "

Boss Hu roared again, "Let me get out, do you count that green onion? I won't go."

"Noisy!" Chen Shengwang couldn't bear it any more, raised his finger, and hit the other side with anger.

Boss Hu's body was a meal first, and then he couldn't help but swing his pendulum, and his teeth couldn't help but collide up and down. "It's too cold, so cold."

Another patient glared at Chen Shengwang, "What have you done?"

Chen Shengwang chuckled and looked at each other coldly, "Why? Do you want to try it too?"

This news is even more unhappy, "We just want to live, are we wrong?"

Chen Shengwang smiled disdainfully, "Don't play with me to change the concept, want to live is your business, don't come to me to be an eye-catcher, can you break the rules casually with a little money? Sometimes, breaking the rules equals death!"

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