Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1241: Witty An Yuhong

Gong Yannan had never thought about the bad debts, because the Qingsiling Grass Gu was really useful to him, worth more than two thousand spirit stones.

The reason why he went to Tiantong to pledge this grub was because it was pledged to other Guxiu, and he couldn't collect it at all.

But his destiny Gu Jin Jin is imminent, he must find a place to retreat to seize the opportunity.

However, pledged to non-Guxiu, really can't afford the price, the "spiritual grass" in Qingsiling Grass Gu is for Gu Gu.

In short, Gu Xiu is indeed relatively poor-not poor, the key is that most of their spiritual stones have been replaced by cultivation resources, or that with cultivation resources, they can not afford to exchange spirit stones.

Gu Xiu is a small group of practitioners, and their cultivation resources are inexplicable.

It ’s like the residents of big cities in the world. They buy rice and noodles. They think it ’s good to choose five catties. Maybe they can eat for two months. Not once.

Well, this is one of the reasons, and the second reason is ... It ’s too convenient to buy rice and noodles, there is a small supermarket downstairs.

But those who live in the mountains ... or on the prairie, certainly won't buy five catties. It is too inconvenient to buy rice noodles.

The same is true for Gu Xiu. The resources are at hand, and it is better than anything. The spirit stone is next.

Gong Yannan was already thinking about a question when he was going to pledge the guts: Where can he get the spirit stone to redeem it?

He has a lot of good things, redemption is not a problem, the key is ... what should be sold?

In this case, Feng Jun's thirst for medical innocence was seen by him-I know what you want, and I can find them, then ... you have to pay for your needs.

Gong Yannan is a family of Guxiu family and knows a lot of things that Guxiu does not know-for example, Meridian Gu.

The Grey Mist Needle Gu is known to many Gu Xiu. This low-level Gu Gu is used by Gu Xiu as its own medical Gu-when there are blood clots blocking the blood vessels, or when the meridians are not smooth, the Grey Mist Needle Gu can get through these Blocked.

But this is the previous practice. Now that there is Lingsi Gu, the Grey Mist Needle Gu is basically swept into the historical garbage dump-the effect of Lingsi Gu is much better than it.

To put it simply, these two types of grubs are very low, and few people use them in Gu Xiu, but Gong Yannan is from the family of Gu Xiu. There are not many other families in the family, but there are many books. I do n’t remember when I read the knowledge, but when I go back and find it, I can find it.

After he found it, he was very happy: these are very low-level two kinds of grubs, which are relatively unpopular, but it is not too difficult to find. Even if they go out to buy, they ca n’t spend much spirit stones-of course, in Gu Xiu Xiao Town acquisition.

Because it is not difficult to collect, it is estimated that if you sell it to Gu Xiu, you will not earn a few, but selling it to outsiders is another matter.

He could feel that Feng Jun's craving for a grub-like-since you are so anxious, I would not sell it cheaply.

But how much should he sell, he was a little hesitant-it's a little expensive to sell 10,000 yuan, but is it less to sell one thousand?

So he asked someone to investigate Feng Jun.

Don't look at Gu Xiu as a niche practitioner. In fact, the exchange of information between niche practitioners is much faster than that of mass practitioners.

For this related comparison, you can refer to the niche of Huaxia ... Those people's ethnic groups, the response is much slower.

Gong Yannan learned a lot of news that surprised him, so he came to complete the transaction.

If not, he has other means, for example, he can disintegrate the sign of the spirit beast-once it is disintegrated, he can use other means to take away the blue silk spirit grass glands that are not banned.

However, if you do this, you will face a relatively high moral cost.

The price he prepared for these two kinds of grubs is three thousand spirits of each grub-including breeding methods.

Is it expensive? It shouldn't be too expensive, he originally planned to make a price of 5,000 yuan each.

In the world of Gu Xiu, this is the sky-high price. With these two Gu insects and feeding methods, each will not exceed fifty spirit stones.

That's right, it's fifty spirit stones. These two kinds of grubs have no future. Most of the time, they are raised to be eaten by other grubs.

Of course, this is the cost price, sold to other Gu Xiu, sold well, maybe a hundred spirit stones.

However, Gong Yannan believes that if he has mastered what others urgently need, he can consider selling it a little more expensive. Five thousand is quite suitable-don't think this is profiteering, Gu is famous, and many people don't mind spending money in order not to be in trouble.

Strictly speaking, compared to Feng Jun's profit from cross-border trading, Gong Yannan is already very kind.

After learning about the specific situation of Feng Jun, he felt that the five thousand spirit stones were set a little high, and three thousand was appropriate.

This is not that he thinks that the worms are worth 3,000. It is purely tailored to see the sky and eat. He must first consider redeeming his green silk spirits. 2,000 is the bottom line. If you earn a little more, is it 3,000?

However, Feng Jun bought two models at once, which was beyond his calculation. Originally, he just wanted the other party to have a choice.

Feng Jun checked the goods and confirmed that there was no problem with the Gu insects, and that there was no problem with the books. He happily returned the spirit beast to the other party, and at the same time paid four thousand spirit stones.

If the matter ended like this, it was a refreshing transaction, but fortunately, An Yuhong took a rest today and did not practice. When he heard that Feng Jun was trading, he came to see the fun with Kong Ziyi.

Huangfu, who can inquire about the price of the worms, was not present, but Anshangren got the benefit of Feng Jun. She felt that it was necessary to help Master Feng Shan to check it off, so she contacted several close peers.

And Gong Yannan did not leave immediately after the transaction, because he hoped Feng Jun would help in deducing that the Gu Xiu of the 9th floor of Qi Refining was the right choice for Gu Chong.

This Gu Xiu is called Gong Yiyun, and is the grandson of Gong Yannan's brother. Gu Xiu generally seldom believes in other similar species, but the same family is an exception.

Gong Yannan chose several kinds of grubs for his nephew's Chongjie, which are all very suitable-Gu Xiu family will not have no relevant knowledge, but ... Which one is the most suitable?

He couldn't ask other Gu Xiu. Once it came to his own secret, secondly ... Those people might not know much better than him.

Originally he was planning to take chance, but after knowing that Feng Jun would perform, he considered asking the other party to take action.

After saying this, he looked at Feng Jun pitifully, "I am the only one in the family who is in the dust. The growth of this child is very important to our Gong family, and I hope Feng Daoyou will complete it."

Feng Jun said after a while of silence, "If I want to deduce, there must be a physical presence. Did you bring those guts?"

Gong Yannan hesitated and nodded. "Here comes, my nephew is already the peak of gas refining. It is possible to break through at any time, otherwise I will not take him in a hurry."

This is that Feng Jun's reputation is out, and Kong Ziyi is too pure and high-footed. Asking someone to ask him, he really doesn't necessarily tell the truth.

Feng Jun nodded slightly, "Take them out and put them on the stone table in the yard. Gong Yiyun sits next to you."

After the other party was ready, he turned around and walked to the house. "This calculation ... but it will be charged."

He doesn't mind helping people match, it is said that Mr. Gong has also helped him, but since the other party is happy to receive money, he naturally follows the rules.

Gong Yannan nodded with a smile. He felt that he had four thousand spirit stones and he was very rich. "Of course."

Feng Jun entered the house, and stayed for more than 20 minutes-it was not practical for such a long time, but since it has to be charged, it is better to delay the time, which is regarded as respect for the customer.

At the same time, An Yuhong had already heard the price of the related grub from the same door, "I go, so black? Zi Yi, come here, I will tell you something."

Kong Ziyi is numb to things like price. It ’s not that she does n’t know how to bargain, but it ’s often that she is not sensitive to price, including this time, An Yuhong also contacted the same party for inquiries. Kong Ziyi did n’t do anything at all. Think in this regard.

But when she heard the price, she was also a little surprised. "You can buy it for a hundred spirit stones ... Who is this fellow, is it reliable?"

Waiting for Kong Ziyi to make sure that the same door was indeed right, she shook her head, "This is too much."

"Yeah," An Yuhong nodded and whispered, "It seems that Gu Xiu also thought that Huangfu was flawless, so no one understood the price ... When Huangfu was flawless, he didn't dare to arbitrarily offer prices, while we Dare, this is to deceive us too clean and no one? "

Kong Ziyi couldn't stand it once she was on the line, she said lightly, "Taiqing disciples are not doing business. Some uncommon commodities and normal prices are normal, but we can't watch our friends lose."

An Yuhong nodded and said with a smile, "Fortunately, Lord Feng Shan forgot to say how much it would cost to perform a rehearsal. There is room for recovery."

In fact, Feng Jun didn't forget to say the price, but he didn't know what the result would be.

Some people reckoned to collect money on a time-by-time basis. Feng Jun felt that it was unnecessary. Just like last time, he helped the Fangs ’twins to calculate and did not calculate anything particularly useful. Instead, they discovered the hidden danger of An Yuhong.

After that incident ~ ~ he thought that he should not collect money in order, but should charge different fees for different situations.

Gu Xiu is so pitiful that if he can receive less, he will receive less.

He only had to speak when he walked out of the room. Kong Ziyi's Shennian sent a passage, "Don't worry about asking the price, you come here first."

Feng Jun walked over and whispered a few words, then came back and looked at Gong Yannan with a smile, "Gong Daoyou, I originally trusted you, but you are asking for a price ... a little dark."

Gong Yannan's face was red with a rare blush. He didn't blink when killing treasure, but he was unfamiliar with a profiteer. It was inevitable a little embarrassing, but he still stabilized. Will leave, willing to gamble and lose. "

Feng Jun actually smiled, he was really not angry, but he thought it was quite fun. This stupid and cute guy would actually say this?

He laughed for a while before he said, "I just feel a little sorry. The last time you pledged the Qingsiling Grass Gu, saying that you urgently needed a thousand spirit stones, but you pledged two thousand spirits away. , I treat people with sincerity and I get such a reward? "

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