Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1240: Gu Xiu's Covenant

The three of Feng Jun came to a small forest. Gong Yannan took out a transparent box with a ten-centimeter-long insect similar to a praying mantis that actually had wings.

Feng Jun took out his mobile phone and pulled it twice, then raised his head to look at the other party, "Confirm that it is Qingsi Ling Grass Gu, can it be put into the Spirit Beast Bag?"

"Use my spirit beast rune," Gong Yannan handed over another spirit beast rune, "so I can sense its position."

Feng Jun took out two thousand pieces of spirit stones to trade with each other, and at the same time used the spirit beast to put up the gu worm, and then casually said, "If you feel that natal gu is weak, then it is about to evolve."

"Huh?" Gong Yannan glanced at Feng Jun in surprise, and his eyes were a little bad. He spoke eeriely, "Of course I know it is going to evolve, but Feng Daoyou ... how did you feel it?"

Although Gu Xiu is harmless, the internal competition is quite fierce. His natal Gu is going to evolve, and he dare not tell others casually, otherwise he and his natal Gu will become the nutrients of other Gu Xiu during the evolution. .

"I pushed it," Feng Jun replied lightly. "Relax, I don't usually do it casually, but I hope you can help me find the grub sooner ... I'm not interested in Qingsiling Grass Gu."

His meaning is clear: I took your pledge, if you play with moths with me, I have other means.

Gong Yannan gave him a deep look, "Can you tell me, where can I find you?"

Feng Jun has turned around and left, "Lansha Town, Mingshafang City, Master Bai Litan ... I will wait for you for a month."

Gong Yannan turned his head to think about it and nodded slightly, "One month ... is enough."

Huangfu Wuli waited far away before speaking out, "Gu Xiu has a lot of weird tricks, you have to be careful ... maybe when the spirit beast was stolen by the Gu insect he sent."

"I also have a lot of weird means," Feng Jun smiled disapprovingly, "I hope he can be more interesting and don't force me to tear my face."

Huangfu was flawless first, then smiled and nodded, "I forgot, you can calculate the origin of the other party."

"Let's take a look at another place?" Feng Juncha opened the topic. "Mingshafang City sells grubs, may not only be Tiantong?"

This is really the case. Tiantong sells Gu Gu here and attracts some Gu Xiu, so there are also 3 Gu Xiu shops here.

Feng Jun asked Gu to practice the practice, and the shopkeepers in the Qi-refining period dared to ignore him, saying directly, "The Gu practice is not spread."

He can buy a grub, but the shopkeeper is not enthusiastic, and through investigation, we can know that many grubs have various problems, or overdraft potential, or vitality is damaged, but the store is sold as good grub .

In the final analysis, people who don't know the goods come here, only those who stretch out their necks to be slaughtered.

That is to say, Tiantong is relatively reliable.

They visited three Guxiu shops, and some people came together and said, "Do you want Guxiu Gong? ... Uh, the two masters, bother, the small one has no eyes."

After strolling in Huanfangfang City for two days, Feng Jun had to admit that the society of ordinary cultivators is really not very friendly to Gu Xiu. The name of the alliance is really not blown out.

Feng Jun and Huangfu were flawless for two more days in Qingfengling. After the Huangfu family arrived, they ordered a meal before flying away to Bailitan.

Huangfu Wuli was a little curious, "Are you really waiting for Gong Yannan to send Gu Gu?"

"Say one month for him," Feng Jun replied indifferently. "The big deal is that I banned and sold him."

"Gu Xiu ..." Huangfu stopped talking flawlessly, and finally shook his head. "You can't spend it often."

"The big deal is to absorb the other Gu Xiu," Feng Jun replied disapprovingly.

Huangfu gave him a flawless white look, "What about the grub you want? The ordinary Guxiu town does not deal with outsiders."

The transactions between Guxiu are usually done in Guxiu Township, and there are not many social transactions that come from normal practitioners. Guxiu like Gong Yannan goes to Huanfangfang City to trade, not in a hurry, but in exchange for Some spirit stones.

Feng Jun smiled, "The big deal is to go to Wan Gushan to trade, but there are ordinary people who buy it ..."

On the third day after the two went back, Huangfu Wuxie received the notice that the first meeting of the mortal communication council was about to begin, to discuss the rules for the use of the communication system, and to divide everyone ’s area, she was definitely going to of.

After another two days, Kong Ziyi finally completely healed the wound, and she found Feng Jun.

"My grandmother said that the curse has not been completely erased. According to her analysis, there is basically no problem in thirty years. I hope to spend more time with you. One is to consider that the curse will be eliminated quickly. Secondly, I should go down the mountain. "

There are not many disciples of Taiqing when they are out of the mountain, but each disciple also has the experience of traveling. Taiqing emphasizes that he was born, but he is not an adult who is still at home to cultivate immortals. How dare he become an immortal?

"It's no problem," Feng Jun was also happy to have such a strong teammate around him, but he was also a little worried. "It's no problem to form a team, but ... your grandmother is always inconvenient to follow."

"She has already left," Kong Ziyi answered in a positive way, but she couldn't help but defamation. There was a Jin Dan real person secretly protecting. This is how many people dream of it, but this guy is actually a bit disgusted.

As if feeling her voice, Feng Jun replied with a wry smile, "It's good to have real-life care, but also loses the original intention ... You look at me, there's no real care from the teachers."

"I'm the same now," Kong Ziyi didn't know. This guy was different from himself.

Although the two agreed to go to some interesting places, An Yuhong's overcast and thunder is now practicing to the point where it takes another ten days.

Ten days later, Gong Yannan came. In addition to him, there was a Gu Xiu with nine layers of gas refining.

Seeing the two rows on the Baili Beach in the small courtyard, he did not react in surprise, but directly approached Feng Jun's row.

Feng Jun practiced these days while trying to adjust the earth's veins to build a high-level dust gathering array on the plane of the earth. It is necessary to adjust the earth's veins, otherwise it will not be able to gather such a dense aura.

Of course, if the foundation of Kunlun is taken, the ground there may be able to withstand the high-level gathering of spirits, but he has already punished Kunlun, and if he seizes the foundation, he will do too much.

Kunlun has been rampant in Kyushu for thousands of years, snatching the resources and magic weapons of others' homes, but it has not won the foundation of anyone's home.

In short, destroying humanity is better than destroying the roots. It is because of the endless vendetta, but grabbing the roots is related to greed. If you do n’t say what the outside world thinks, it will have an impact on your own heart.

These are far away, Feng Jun can feel that there is still a slight difference in the traction of the two planes and ground veins. He has the intention to improve his cognition by comparing the gaps between them.

It is worth mentioning that Kong Ziyi does not know a lot about the art of earth veins, and Taiqing's knowledge of earth veins ranks top five in five schools.

She can't say what is recorded in the classics in the school, but she can express some of her knowledge of the earth's veins.

This is not a violation of the rules. You must know that there are so many small schools and small families in the Immortal Realm. The reason why they can practice is that they have received some instructions from others, and then combined their own characteristics to create a variety of exercises and mysteries.

In short, Feng Jun is thinking about the ground here, and it is not so boring, it is more interesting than the earth.

When Gong Yannan came, he happened to be meditating in the woods not far away. When he saw this person calling the door, there was a trace of doubt in his heart: Why did I choose my whereabouts?

Then he walked out and smiled, "Gong Daoyou don't come unharmed? It looks good."

Gong Yannan looked back at him and smiled, "I met Lord Feng Shan, I brought what you wanted."

Feng Jun is actually very happy. After all, he is not sure, the other party will definitely come, and now it is best to have no accidents.

But he was stunned for a while, "Master Shan ... It seems that Gong Daoyou knows me?"

"Gu Xiu also has friends," Gong Yannan rolled his eyes. "You've asked me to find the Gu insect, it's very difficult to find."

Feng Jun replied disapprovingly, "You didn't say that at the time, but it was nothing more than a price issue ... go in and talk."

He just ushered in, and Kong Ziyi flew over from her trip. The two trips were two or three hundred meters apart. It was very convenient. She felt the guts of Gu Xiu, "Feng Daoyou, there is a guest ? "

"This is the Taoist Gong Yannan I said," Feng Jun introduced to the two, "This is Taiqing Kong Daoist."

This plane is still somewhat patriarchal, and Kun Xiu's name is not appropriate to mention casually. A surname is enough.

Gong Yannan bowed his hand very politely, "I've seen Master Zixiafeng, and I've been admired for a long time."

Kong Ziyi also heard that Feng Jun had said this person ~ ~ nodded and stopped talking, a bit cold, but in line with her personal settings.

Gong Yannan took out two transparent boxes, "Here are two grubs, one is meridian nematode, and the other is nematode gray fog, both of which can treat the dove's nest magpie nest disease. Swallowed. "

Feng Jun checked it with his mobile phone. It really is the case. Both kinds of worms do have the possibility of treating cancer.

"Then I bought them all," he waved his hand, and spoke very boldly. "Thank you Gong Dao for your trouble ... is there any way to raise them?"

"It's all brought," Gong Yannan nodded. "Every ten Gu Gu eggs, plus the feeding method, require six thousand spirit stones."

"Okay, deal," Feng Jun nodded. He knew that the other party's offer must be moist, but this is really not a problem. "As long as the breeding method is feasible, the spirit stone is nothing."

Gong Yannan sighed, "Master Feng Shan, I all know that Kong Daoyou is from Zixia Peak. You said I have the courage to deceive you?"

(Updated to summon monthly tickets.)

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