Big Country Sports

Chapter 521: 1 accidentally became history

It is impossible for outsiders to guess what Wu Jie was thinking, but everyone saw that he was like his team was 30 points behind, and the madness of competing for the table made the already desperate Spaniards cheer up again.

The Spaniards felt that Wu Jie was deliberately humiliating himself, and now he had to fight if he didn't want to steam the steamed buns.

Luda looked at Wu Jie, who was full of murderous aura and was in a completely explosive state, and his shock was not small, because this is not an ordinary person who is exploding. Well beyond.

It's not that he has no confidence in himself, but that Wu Jie's technical characteristics are too suitable for scoring points.

As a shooter in the original plane, Klay Thompson actually caught up with the explosion, but at this time, he could score 37 points in a single quarter by feeding the ball!

Wu Jie is not only better than Thompson in his shooting ability, but also has the ability to take the initiative to shoot with the ball. In this respect, he is also only better than Curry!

Today's Wu Jie is like a combination of Curry + Klay in terms of shooting. Such a person is in an explosive state. You can imagine the scene!

However, although Curry's breakthrough ability is not bad, it can be placed in the long river of history. At most, it is a first-class level, and it can't reach the Hall of Fame level, including his athletic ability.

In this respect, Wu Jie is a combination of Ross + Owen. He can not only break your legs quickly after reaching the limit, but also break your legs with a rhythm with a big swing.

At this time, combined with the hall-level ball-handling and shooting ability, 37 points may not be the limit for such a person in a state of explosion!

The development of things was similar to what Luda expected. In the last 2 minutes for Wu Jie in the first half, fans all over the world saw not only the shooting ability covering half of the court, but also his inexplicable breakthroughs and urgency. Stop the jumper.

The Spaniards at this time can be described with the famous saying of Hugo, that is, the human heart can only hold a certain degree of despair, just as a sponge has absorbed enough water, even if the sea flows over it, it can no longer Add a drop of water to it.

In the second, Wu Jie's hand was already holding a record of 45 points stained with the blood of the Spaniards.

The Spanish team also tried to make a final struggle, but they were the sponge that Wu Jie could not absorb any more. The last trace of anger that finally rose, turned into complete despair without a drop of hope after a while!

But no one knows why Wu Jie is so bloodthirsty, let alone think that he still has a sense of crisis. Even if he has scored 45 points in 12 minutes, he is still worried that in the future, besides Luda, maybe someone will break this. record!

Is this unfounded worry?

Wu Jie doesn't think so!

Before Kobe Bryant scored 81 points, everyone thought it was impossible for anyone to score 80+ points in modern basketball.

Before Westbrook's season triple-double, people thought this achievement belonged only to the big O in ancient times.

Before Klay Thompson scored 37 points in a quarter, no one would have thought anyone could score that many points in a quarter.

These records are repeatedly illustrating a truth, that is, reality is far more crazy than fiction, any record may be broken, and never feel that you are the limit of human beings.

So even if he got 45 points, he still thought it was not enough insurance.

Wu Jie has never realized how precious this kind of character that always has a sense of crisis. At this time, he just saw that the Spanish point guard was a little lost, so he didn't say a word, and went forward to close the game. This is going to be in the last ten seconds. Create a shot opportunity.

The Spanish players have seen a ghost today. Who would have thought that a monster who scored 45 points in less than 12 minutes in the first half was still not satisfied, with such a strong defensive aggression!

"Are you ill?"

When the Spanish point guard fell to the ground, this was the only thought in his mind. He swears that this man must be seriously ill!

"The alien stole the ball, he's like drinking a whole case of Red Bull today!"

"This is a crime, how many points does he want to get?"

"Is there any deep hatred between China and Spain?"

"I wonder if he's always been like this? Is he so scary on the football field too?"

"This is the alien. Whether on the green field or the basketball court, once he becomes mad, he can create unparalleled miracles, but it also means that someone will become the most miserable background board."


Western commentators also pity that the Spaniard has become a legendary stepping stone, but Wu Jie has already made an emergency stop outside the three-point line-this is a three-pointer!

Ruda couldn't help but curled his lips. At this time, he was still shooting a three-pointer. I really don't know how this strong sense of crisis was formed?

If Wu Jie were to answer this question, he would definitely say, "Sorry!"

In fact, there is a manga character very similar to him, that is Trunks who returned from a world full of despair in the future in "Dragon Ball".


This is already the 10th "Swish" from beyond the three-point line. The most terrifying thing is that Wu Jie has shot ten times from beyond the three-point line, which means that his three-point shooting is 100% so far. hit rate.

At this time, a shot recorded a scene that can be regarded as a classic handed down to the world-I saw the Spanish point guard who just stood up, and he would have kneeled down in pain with his face covered.

If it is just this picture, it may not be a legendary scene like "Jordan jumped up and punched his opponent after the lore".

But what I can see from this shot is not only the opponent kneeling down in pain, but also Wu Jie showing no joy after scoring a goal, instead he shook his head and sighed as if he had failed the lore.

At the same time, he was the only one standing alone in the entire frontcourt, but in the half behind him, a Spanish player knelt down with his face covered, and the other four Spanish players were staring desperately ahead.

The most interesting thing is that this shot even includes the timer and scoreboard on the backboard, and the time displayed on it is: the second in the first half, the score is!

At this time, if the whole picture is frozen again, does the mood instantly change?

But Wu Jie really didn't think about it this way. The reason why he shook his head at this time was very simple, that is, he regretted not being able to break through 50+!

If you can get 50 points, then it will be 50+ in a single quarter. It will be difficult for future generations to break this score.

"It's alright, it's harder than reaching the sky now, and I can help you break this record!"

When Luda said this in the family group, his tone was not very confident, because 50+ in a single session could not be achieved just by his ability, and he had to feel overwhelming, and the opponents were weak and their mentality exploded. These factors It all adds up to the slightest theoretical chance.

If you don’t believe me, take a look at Wu Jie’s shooting data at this time. In the 12 minutes that can be regarded as a quarter, he made a total of 18 shots. Among them, he made 7 of 8 2-pointers and 4 of 4 free throws. 100% efficiency.

Those 18 shots are easy to follow. Westbrook, who was originally from the original plane, has made 18 shots in a single quarter in the playoffs.

But the problem is that the terrifying efficiency, especially the three-point shooting rate in China, can only be described as heaven-defying.

At this time, not only did Luda feel that today's Wu Jie was against the sky, but audiences all over the world felt that they were watching a miracle. The media at the scene also had the urge to kneel down for Wu Jie, because they had never seen such a perverted shot. Efficiency, this is really not human!

"The center almost scored 60+ in the last game. I thought it was a performance from the gods, but who would have thought that today's Aliens would have scored 50+ just halfway through the first half!"

"How can we fight this? If one of their three monsters breaks out, the American team can't hold it, right?"

"I can't imagine it anymore. If Ruda was also present and the three broke out together, would it take the Soviet Union and the United States to merge to cope?"

"U.S. and Soviet troops? This is a road never imagined!"

"A member of the only 80+ club in the World Championships and the Olympics, a center who is the only club close to 60+ in both offense and defense, a football player who scored 48 points in 12 minutes, and a world number one coach, how do I feel? Wouldn’t it be possible to let the US and Soviet troops come here?”


Wu Jie didn't know that someone was already thinking about the US and Soviet forces at this time, and even wanted to create a real United Nations army to deal with the Chinese men's basketball team.

His current goal has changed from "highest score in a single quarter" to "highest score in a half court".

Wu Jie has already decided that this game will be the last time in his short basketball career that he will take the initiative to score points.

In his future basketball career, he will play as selfless as Rondo and will never take another unreasonable shot.

He is not worried that the outside world will criticize him because of such a game as his career masterpiece, who would dare to say that his scoring ability is not good.

Of course, there will be more and more unreasonable passes in the future.

But that's not the point, the point now is to keep brushing to the death!

At this time, Wu Jie has taken the time to check the half-time scoring record from the original plane until 2025. Of course, the scope is narrowed to the main game of the World Championships and the Olympic Games, as well as the regular season and playoffs of the NBA.

The highest halftime score in this range is naturally Chamberlain. He scored 41 points in the first half and 59 points in the second half in that magical night of 100 points. This is the history of the NBA. Highest score at half time

Kobe Bryant scored the most points in the second half in his 81-point night, followed by Devin Booker's 70-point night in which he also scored 51 points in the second half.

The current number one in this plane is still Chamberlain, and the second is naturally Luda, but his highest half-time score was not obtained on the night of 81 points, but the half-time 50 points won at the last World Championships, that game He only played half the game.

Wu Jie knew that Luda would set an even more amazing record in the future. What he had to do now was to let Chamberlain roll to the second place first.

This task is no longer possible for him to complete, but very likely to be completed!

Now he has already scored 48 points. In fact, he is only 11 points away from Chamberlain's 59 points. It's just a matter of 4 three-pointers!

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