Big Country Sports

Chapter 519: twelve minutes

The Spanish team has discovered that something is wrong, but the **** fiba can't immediately call a timeout to cool down the opponent's hand. Thinking this way, the rules of the NBA are more reasonable!

"He won't rush over and vote next time, right?"

At this moment, the Spanish players have this idea in their hearts, and as a result, they can't even play their own offense, and they were almost blocked for a 24-second violation.

"Damn, why change the attack time to the same 24 seconds as in the NBA? If you think about it, fiba's rules are more reasonable!"

At this time, the Spaniards were very Western in their thinking and were very dissatisfied with this new rule.

But they seem to have forgotten, isn't this the attacking time that was specially shortened in the last few years in order to limit the endless transfer of the ball between Luda and the Chinese team?

Unexpectedly, the Chinese team will not play positional warfare now, but instead fight and run!

This time, Wu Jie, just like the Spaniard thought, spread his feet and rushed forward.

The Spanish players returned to the defense as if they were desperate, and this time they paid special attention to the defense near the three-point line.

But this time Wu Jie didn't stop, he dribbled the ball directly into the opponent's basket, and saw that there was still no chance of a sneak attack.

At this time, there was a very painful scene on the field. I saw a few insiders from the Chinese team and the Spanish team, and then came to the three-point line.

Well, the players on both sides of the relationship have just settled down, and Wu Jie has already dribbled the ball in and out. Can you be faster?

The Spanish players breathed a sigh of relief at this time. The offensive and defensive rhythm was too fast.

If they fight like this all game, they know why the US team can't catch it. Who can resist this?

The most irritating thing is that they can't restrict Wu Jie's in and out at all. This time, they didn't let him rush to the basket to score directly. It was already the result that Spain's outsiders worked hard to achieve the result!

But I didn't expect that as soon as this breath was released, Wu Jie just took the cover of Ma Donglong to the three-point line at the top of the arc, and turned his head and killed another carbine!

This time the Spanish players are completely helpless. Wu Jie's speed is as fast as lightning. Wu Jie hit the basket and completed the layup.

"11 minutes in 1 minute!"

"What kind of efficiency is this? Is he really not human?"

"Spanish players are too clumsy, the whole frontcourt is like an alien's back garden, he can go wherever he wants!"


This attack has made the whole world see it. Today it is not a question of whether Spain will play or not, but how ugly they will die.

How could the Spaniard not know that he was in big trouble, but the question is how to defend such a monster? Would the U.S. team over there come to teach?

Several coaches of the US team really came to watch the game today, but in the face of such crazy aliens, they could only shake their heads, because the aliens they encountered that day were not so ferocious!

However, the Spaniards finally called the timeout, but they were embarrassed to find that the timeout was simply called in vain, because there was no way to deal with it!

Today's Wu Jie is fast, accurate, and completely unreasonable!

If it is under normal circumstances, there is no need to deal with this kind of play at all, because I will "bang bang bang" and destroy myself.

Today's Spaniards can only hope that Wu Jie can become a little more normal, but the alien's answer is: think beautifully, how do you know, this score is a beautiful thing!

After the game restarted, Wu Jie, who had only one thought in his mind, passed the opponent with one step. Facing a strange speed change + change of direction from the supplementary player, he avoided the air again and reached the mid-range position, and then directly pulled out his shot. .

This kind of unreasonable play can't stop Wu Jie from pulling out his hand when he sees the needle, unless he is surrounded by two people at the beginning.


Wu Jie's unreasonableness doesn't mean that he has to pull up and shoot three-pointers, but as long as he can pull up and shoot, it doesn't matter what position he is in. Anyway, it feels hot now, so he can jump at any time, and he can pull it anywhere. You shoot the ball out of your face and ask if you are afraid?

At this time, the Chinese players also saw what Wu Jie wanted to do. Not only did everyone run around him, but they also tried not to shoot when they had the chance. They were all actively helping him create shooting opportunities.

After doing this, the game has completely become a personal show of aliens. What follows is the continuous swiping of the net. Every time it sounds, it means 2 points, or 3 points to enter Wu Jie. personal account.

Correspondingly, the Spanish team kept ringing "Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang", which is of course the sound produced by the close contact between the basketball and the basket. It is a pity that the basketball is in contact with the basket. Go see the net inside, it looks like it has a protective cover.

Wu Jie doesn't think this is a good thing, especially since he hit all the first 8 shots after the opening, and the point difference went straight to 20+ from the opening, it can't help but remind him of the last game. The end of the game, if you continue to play like this, the game will soon enter garbage time.

But the problem is that there seems to be no solution to this situation, because the better his state is, the more the Spaniard's mentality will explode, and the state will naturally be worse.

He can't deliberately fail to make a shot to narrow the point difference, then this goes against his original intention of brushing data!

In the 5th minute of the first half, the Spanish team was forced to request a second timeout again, because the score had already become 22:2, and 20 of those 22 points were won by Wu Jie alone.

At this moment, the commentators all over the world are amazed: unbelievable, I have never seen such an outrageous game!

What is the Chinese team trying to do?

What is the alien trying to do?

Can your Spanish team throw the ball again? It's okay to score no fouls in this sport! You don't have to eat a gun if you score the ball! Quickly think of a way!

The Spanish team is of course trying to figure out a way, but this time-out is no longer thinking about how to win, but how to score?

Wu Jie was also thinking of a way at this time, but what he was thinking about was how to try not to make the difference so big without affecting his score.

"It's impossible, but I can remind you!" Ruda said in the family group, this kind of paradox can't come up with an answer even if he breaks his head, "I don't think you need to think too much, in this state When you have a good feel and a good feel, just go all out to score. Don’t forget, this is a 20-minute game in the first half and the second half, and you have at least 20 minutes to play to your heart’s content. Isn’t that time enough to produce a shocking statistic? "

Wu Jie's eyes lit up when he heard the words, he was really fascinated by the authorities.

He really doesn't have to play the whole game, because not only can the scoring data in a single game be kept as heirlooms, but the extreme data in half-courts, and even extreme data in single quarters in the future, these can also become classics!

As soon as this reasoning was figured out, Wu Jie's eyes suddenly lit up like a weasel. Of course, in the eyes of the Spaniards, this look was even more frightening!

But it's not scary, it's going to eat people!

In Wu Jie's first ball-handling attack after playing, he used his teammate's cover to make a shot from beyond the three-point line, and the basketball naturally fell into the frame again.

After that, it entered the time for the all-powerful performance of Alien, but Wu Jie was not blindly obsessed with three-pointers. He scored more stable two-pointers, including driving layups at the basket, and even making fouls. means.

After the first ten minutes of the first half, the alien, who made it clear that he was going to create a big incident, actually scored a full 35 points!

The baseball fans at the scene were already kowtowing to him, and a bunch of football stars from all over Europe also showed their No. 8 jerseys, but what they thought in their hearts was: That's it, continue on the basketball court Do whatever you want to torment others, don't come back to play football!

But none of them thought that this was just the first half of Alien's madness. Wu Jie only needed to think about pure shooters like Klay Thompson and pure brushes like Kevin Love, who could score three times in 12 minutes in a quarter. ten points.

Then, how could he, a monster that is comparable to history in all aspects, only stay at the same level?

So after the timeout, Wu Jie hit another ultra-long three-pointer as soon as he came and it was also a ultra-long-distance three-pointer in the NBA.

" does it look like...the shot was made just after halftime?"

"He scored 38 points in the first half. How many points does he want to score after halftime? How many points will he score in the whole game?"

"This is a rookie who only started playing a year ago? Why do I think he is not too young? Don't lie about his age, right?"

"Fuck, are you an idiot who never watches sports? Where did you come from?"


After Wu Jie made this shot, he finally showed a satisfied smile, because this was considered to exceed the future Thompson's 37 points in a single session.

His idea is very simple. Although it is still divided into the second half and the second half, regardless of the rules of the quarter, when making comparisons in the future, it is very likely that someone will use any "12 minutes" of the second generation in a game to convert it into a quarter with him. Compared.

This kind of comparison is of course unscientific, but someone will definitely do it, because Wu Jie will do it himself!

So if he can't score more than 37 points in any 12 minutes, it's like being beaten by a pure shooter, which he can't bear.

But after the three-pointer hit, he was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Boss, I think you have to score a few more points, otherwise don't say that I will break your record in minutes in the future, and there is no guarantee that someone will score 40 points in a single quarter in this plane, I think your 38 points are a little bit. No insurance!"

Ruda put pressure on him again at this time, but what he said was not unreasonable, who made this plane really instigated by these butterflies.

Wu Jie actually thought the same thing in his heart. Besides, since he wants to create a record that can last a lifetime, the intensity must be tested to the end, and he has to continue to fight to the death!

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