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In the horrified eyes of everyone in the Dragon group, Shen Qiang slightly smiled sitting on the redwood chair said calmly: “Tongmiao Master, I think you should be clear that closing the gate to the Dragon Group is not the way to solve the problem. So your performance disappointed me.”

When everyone in the Dragon group heard Shen Qiang’s obvious accusation, his face suddenly became difficult to look at.

“Wipe, is Shen Qiang crazy? We were here with wind blowing and sun shining and they confronted them for 2 days and one night before they finally opened the door. This is the perfect opportunity for peace talks. Shen Qiang You accuse them so arrogantly? “

“This Shen Qiang is a trouble-making package with insufficient success and more than failure. If you talk so arrogantly to the monks of Doushi Temple, they will definitely turn their heads!”

“I’m in a hurry, why does Shen Qiang don’t understand it so tactfully, it would be a bad thing to speak like this.”

At the same time as everyone in the Dragon group was anxious, there was always a news in the middle of the night that harassed Ye Xiaolei and Ai Li’s middle-aged man. He hurried forward and said in courtesy: “Tong Miao Master, please forgive this Shen Qiang’s ignorance and Stupid, he is rude and does not understand etiquette. You should not talk to him lower oneself to somebody’s level. If you want to say anything, just talk to me.”

It was just that his voice just fell.

Two strong monks have isolated him aside.

Then, in the astonishment of everyone, took a deep breath at the Doushi Temple Superintendent, glanced at the ground in front of Shen Qiang, who was already burning to the roots of Yamato Rokana, and then said in courtesy: ” Yes, it is indeed Tong Miao Yu Lu, doing the wrong thing.”

In an instant, everyone present was shocked.

“What’s the matter? After being taught by Shen Qiang, the Doushi Temple Superintendent who Niu De even didn’t even see in the dragon group not only got angry, but admitted to wrong?”

“I must have heard it wrong, shouldn’t the Doushi Temple prison be turned?”

“This is not right, shouldn’t this monk be proudly nodded under the compliment of Inspector Song, and then ignore Shen Qiang and talk to Inspector Song about the solution to the interpretation of the evidence of the Holy Righteousness?”

In the astonishment of everyone in the Dragon group, the middle-aged man standing on the side of his face flushed red with blood, and he pretended to be okay. He stepped forward again and said sharply: “Tongmiao Master, if you come to talk about the evidence Matters, please come and talk to me! Otherwise, don’t blame me for being impolite.”

Hearing this, the shrouded Doushi Temple Prison passed through the Master Miao, with a look of ancient sole without ripples.

“Sacred Master Zen, although it has evil, but also has indebted merit, so we have nothing to talk about.”

This remark made the middle-aged man, whose face turned red, become furious.

“Don’t talk about the exhibits, what are you doing? Prepare to fight!”

With his words, the scene instantly became tense.

At this moment, Master Miao of the Doushi Temple, with his hands folded, said calmly: “If you want to fight, then fight, this temple is not afraid.”

middle-aged man froze.

Later, Master Tong Miao even said to Shen Qiang: “It’s just that we came out of the hospital this time, not to fight, but to make a special trip to see Shen Shen.”

In an instant, the absolute silence of many dragon members present.

But all eyes looked at Shen Qiang with a smile on the redwood chair.

“It’s awesome, what he said is true, he can really let the stinky and hard monks of Doushi Temple put down the shelves and greet them!”

“It is indeed Shen Qiang. Although he is only the leader of Demon, the rank is only lieutenant, but the ability to do things is almost the end of anyone in the Provincial Branch of the Explosive Dragon Group!”

“It’s a shame, it turns out that Shen Qiang really has this ability. It’s a shame. I just thought Supervisor Song was right.”

Just as everyone in the Dragon Group felt ashamed.

Shen Qiang smiled indifferently and said: “The monk should not swear words, Master Tong Miao, if he came for the sake of Yamato Rokana, it would be straightforward.”

At the moment when I heard this, Master Douzi Temple’s Tongmiao Master looked at it with a glance, and was about to burn out the incense, and then looked at Shen Qiang in surprise: “Yes, Shen Shizhu bright vision like a torch , Tong Miao did come for this fragrance.”

“Dahe Luojianan incense.” Master Tongmiao’s eyes said sharply: “Although I have never heard it before, the name of this incense has been destined to be the treasure of Buddhism.”

Speaking of this, Master Tongmiao, who has his hands folded, said nervously: “I just don’t know where Shen Shenzhu’s incense came from…”

“I did.” Shen Qiang interrupted lightly.

Upon hearing this, the monks were shocked.

“Amitabha, things are really unpredictable, 10000 10000 did not expect that such a treasure, even from the hands of Demon!”

“How is this possible, this fragrance is elegant and solemn, and the smell is like drinking Lin Lin, if it comes from the Dade monk, that’s all, how can it come from Shen Qiang!”

“Mida Buddha! Shanzai, the Buddha never deceived me. If Demon has good intentions, he will also produce good fruits. Those who can make this fragrance are not evil people.”

In the different gazes of the monks, Master Tongmiao’s body stepped forward with a slight trembling body and said nervously: “Sin Zai! Please, this temple is willing to send a recipe to and from the country.”

I heard this.

Shen Qiang smiled, just waved it.

Nine bundles of neat and tidy’s 9 bundles of Yamato Rocanan have appeared on the high-end coffee table in front of the redwood chair.

“This incense is called the Yamato Rocanan incense. It originally meant that the smell of this incense is like the Zen heart of the Great Ascension Buddha and Rocanan.

I heard this.

All the monks declared the Buddha number.

The scene was solemn.

That Master Tongmiao stepped forward with his eyes full of longing, staring at the Yamato Rokana incense on the high-wood redwood coffee table, and his eyes seemed to have stretched out his hands to grab.

“Shen Shizhu, Tongmiao knows that such a treasure of Buddhism is hard to come by. It is hard to find 10000 gold. It is a unique treasure. There should be no unreasonable thoughts, but this thing is so precious to Doushi Temple. So I had to beg for Shen Shi’s forgiveness and sell the word Buddha to the temple.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled.

What is so hard to find for this broken thing, a cart of poplar sawdust, plus some Chinese herbal medicine to reconcile, made 3 carts, the cost is less than 10,000 yuan.

“I am very kind and reasonable, so it is not difficult for Doushi Temple to want this big and Luojia Nanxiang.”

Upon hearing this, Master Tongmiao’s eyes were anxiously and sharply said: “Please Shen Shizhu express.”

Shen Qiang smiled indifferently and raised an eyebrow: “Give me the relics of Shi Shengyi, these Yamato Rocanan incense are yours.”

Upon hearing this, Master Tongmiao was still stunned.

The sturdy monk had wailed and blew out True Yuan, and angrily roared.

“I knew that you, Demon, had no good intentions. 7 The Bao Kao and the Immortal Pluto Mantra are treasures of Doushi Temple Town Temple. How can you wait for your finger!”

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