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Outside the temple gate, after waiting for a while, there was no movement in the Doushi Temple. Many dragon members could not help but looked at Shen Qiang with contempt.

“Hah, the cow is really big, but what’s the use? Isn’t it like eating cold shoulders as we are?”

“Hehe, this Shen Qiang can be forced to act, and can’t do anything serious. After a big blow, Doushi Temple didn’t react at all. Huh, I’ll see what he said.”

“It’s really worthy of being the leader of Demon. Sitting here like a gangster, it looks like a cow, but is not as helpless as we are?”

Many members of the dragon group thought and despised them, but these words were hidden in their hearts.

Only the middle-aged man, after waiting for a while, saw that there was no movement in the Dou Shi Temple, but Ye Xiaolei, Aili, 1000 mountain snow, plus beautiful and alluring mature Ke Bizhu, who was surrounded by Shen Qiang and Shen Qiang softly Whispers and a smile on his face made him inexplicably upset.

And he turned suddenly and looked at Shen Qiang coldly, said: “Shen Qiang, don’t you brag, will the monk of Doushi Temple come to invite you? The result has been waiting for so long but no result, so now, you either Just knock on the door to see, or get away.”

Shen Qiang, who had just taken a piece of dried beef from 1000 Shanxue, smiled: “It seems that the warning I give you is not enough. Usually, such an arrogant person in front of me will not end well.”,

The middle-aged man sneered: “If you did everything you said, I naturally respect you, but it’s a pity that your Shen Qiang is not shit except cheeky! After all, I don’t have the ability to call Kaishanmen, neither do I Blow that cow, then you blow a brave cow, and now you let the mountain gate open, do you let the monk of Doushi Temple come out to meet you?”

“It’s shameful?” middle-aged man taunted: “If you don’t have that ability, don’t pretend to be uncle. What did you say before, you dignified Hesheng and Patriarch, and you have no face when you go to the door? The real situation is that you know that there is no monk at Doushi Temple. Put your eyes in your eyes and beg for the monks to open the door, and they will ignore you.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang grabbed the snowy 1000 mountains of snow.

1000 mountain snow loving body trembled. ‘

Later, neither struggling nor breaking free, but Shen Qiang let go and raised his eyebrows coldly, just didn’t wait for Shen Qiang to speak.

At this time, several members of the dragon group who had a clear relationship with the middle-aged man came over.

“That’s right. No one blames you for your lack of ability, but if you ran out to pretend, you were wrong.”

“Hahaha, it’s really stinky to have no shame. A little lieutenant, there are a few little monsters in his hand, two little money in his pocket, he is everywhere, and he thinks that he is a love sage, in fact, he is not just a big brother. Bu.”

“The most embarrassing thing is that pretending to be unsuccessful, without the Vajra drill, don’t take that porcelain job, a mountain gate that we can’t even open, who do you think you are?”

4 people said that’s all, and laughed a lot, and many members of the dragon group around them also peeped at Qian Qiang with contempt, ready to watch a good show.

It is at this time.

Suddenly, a distant bell sounded in Doushi Temple.

when! when! when!

This made everyone present stunned and could not help looking at Doushi Temple with amazement.

“Why ring the bell? The early class has passed, and the late class hasn’t arrived. Is there a major event at Doushi Temple?” middle-aged man said in amazement.

The members of the dragon group who looked like they had some experience in the surroundings looked at each other in blank dismay.

“The bell of the monastery should not be knocked at random, at this time it is not morning and evening, so maybe someone in the monastery did during meditation.”

“Well, it must be.”

“It’s strange that we have to let us in. It turns out that something happened, then this is not that we are incompetent, it’s the monks.”

But just as they whispered.

Accompanied by bells.

The mountain gate of Doushi Temple, which was originally confined, opened creakyly.

In an instant, all members of the dragon group were stunned.

A young dragon member exclaimed: “Look, the Doushi Temple gate opened, and not the side gate in the past, but the real Great Mountain Sect, which is usually only opened when there is a big Buddha. Yes! Are they really here to greet Shen Qiang?”

Hearing the members of the young dragon group, the middle-aged man stepped angrily and said sharply: “Impossible, I am one of the safety leaders of the Dragon Group Provincial City, and they are superior to Shen Qiang in terms of status, rank and qualification Many times, they ignored me, how could they meet Shen Qiang?”

“Yes, Doushi Temple must have happened, they were impossible for Shen Qiang, the leader of the Demon, to open the door!”

“Buddhists are not standing, they are definitely not welcoming Shen Qiang!”

Hearing their roars, the members of the dragons around the scene were puzzled, after all, think about it carefully, what they said is reasonable, Shen Qiang, is the 10000 demon king, a lot of monsters under his hand, Doushi Temple The people did not rush to He Sheng He yell subdue monsters and defeat demons, they are already very restrained, how could they still open the door to meet him.

At this time, Shen Qiang just smiled. After all, compared to them, Shen Qiang knew exactly what the monks of Doushi Temple wanted.

At this time, the bell of Doushi Temple was still ringing.

In the sight of everyone.

Three old monks wearing cassocks, surrounded by a total of 3 monks, hurriedly, but came in a neat formation.

They are fast and steady in pace.

It was near soon.

The middle-aged man adjusted his military uniform, took all the cronies around him, and greeted him, said solemnly: “Tongmiao Master, do you finally want to talk to the Dragon Team? Then talk to me, I I am one of the leaders of the Provincial City Division of the Dragon Group. The rank of colonel, I have sufficient authority to reach an agreement with you.”

Upon hearing this, many members of the dragon group around them immediately delighted. After all, the buddhist monk of Doushi Temple, the cultivation base is high-strength. If he fights, it will definitely be dead. He can solve the problems of Doushi Temple peacefully.

But the following scene made them stunned with anticipation.

At this time, Doushi Temple Superintendent Shi Tongmiao, with a large number of monks, did not pay any attention to middle-aged man.

Instead, Shen Qiang came to Shen Qiang, who was leaning on the redwood chair and chewing the beef jerky with a solemn look.

“Amitabha, Shanzai! Doushi Temple Superintendent Shi Tongmiao, have seen Shen Shen!”

At the same time that Shitong Miaohe gave ten gifts, there were more than 2 monks who gave gifts together and said in courtesy: “I have seen Lord Shen.”

“How is this possible! They ignored me and went to give Shen Qiang the Demon!” middle-aged man froze in place.

While he was in a daze, many members of the dragon group around him were also shocked in an instant.

“God! Shen Qiang actually did it! He actually just sat here, and almost all the members of Doushi Temple came to see him!”

“I’m impossible, I must be dazzled. I’m dreaming. Shen Qiang is a Demon. How could the Masters of Doushi Temple respect him so much?”

“What a great Shen Qiang! Worthy of being a security advisor of the Dragon Group! We have faced with them here for 2 days and nights, and we couldn’t knock on the mountain gate of Doushi Temple, but Shen Qiang just sat there as simple as they all came out Now, she is also actively giving gifts to Shen Qiang! This is very awesome!”

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