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After breakfast, I said goodbye to Ye Xiaolei, 1000 Shanxue and Ali, and Shen Qiang went straight to Heshenghe Group. After all, from the perspective of 1000 Shanxue, the Doushi Temple murderous event has already won a big victory. For Shen Qiang, the current situation is full of crises.

Originally, because of the murderous madness, the cultivation community believed that Heshenghe was confronting Doushi Temple.

Immediately thought that there was an opportunity for 4 evil neighbors to force invade.

This matter was already very complicated, and now in the course of investigating the Doushi Temple murderous demon incident, Shen Qiang found that not only did the people of Zangjian Mountain Villa and Wang Lizhi collude, but more importantly, in the matter of their invasion Behind, the shadow of the Demon Safety Domestication Division of the Dragon Group vaguely appeared.

So that the current situation is very unfavorable.

Heshenghe has more than 300 monsters.

But there are more than 300 monks in Doushi Temple.

With one-on-one confrontation and thinking with toes, Shen Qiang can ensure victory.

However, if Zangjian Mountain Villa, Qingyun Sword Pavilion, Xiaoyao Valley, and 100 Flower Palace are involved.

Unless Shen Qiang slays a killing ring, regardless of the use of the source of the plague, otherwise he must lose.

Because not only the Sect of the 4 bad neighbors has experts above the Dao fruit period, but also the Doushi Temple.

In this case, the only two super powerhouses, He Wei and He Jiwei, and Sleeping Fire Lotus, have almost no advantages at all.

Now, the abbot of Doushi Temple interprets the holy righteousness.

Although he was very sinful, his prestige in Doushi Temple was very high and respected.

At this time, if someone provokes the monk of Doushi Temple to fight together with Hesheng, 4 evil neighbors will definitely join the war, and by then, the situation will be unstoppable.

So at this time, as Helmsman of Heshenghe, Shen Qiang must be stable.

Because even if He Sheng He blood washed the Dou Shi Temple, it would be useless, it would only make Demon’s unreliable remarks. By then, He Sheng He will be more difficult in the cultivation world.

Therefore, the top priority now is undoubtedly to stabilize Doushi Temple and 4 bad neighbors first, and help 1000 Mountain Snow become a general.

1000 Shanxue, is a person who loves sentiment very much. Once Shen Qiang helped her as a general, then 1000 Shanxue will definitely not ignore when Heshenghe is in difficulty.

By then, the period of emotional excitement at Doushi Temple had passed.

Shen Qiang, who has freed his hands, can teach these 4 bad neighbors well while ensuring that the backyard will not catch fire.

To the company.

Bian Yi is having a meeting.

Shen Qiang stood outside the Conference Hall and listened for a while. The conference talked about some things in the business world of Hesheng and the world, and it had little to do with the cultivation industry.

not only.

Bian Yi, who seems to be somewhat act wilfully, has also been advancing and retreating at the meeting. In terms of secular business, his request coincides with Shen Qiang, that is, seeking stability. ,

This makes Shen Qiang very satisfied.

Because unlike many other great prestigious families that have accumulated over a few hundred years and a thousand years of history, they are all powerhouses that have survived after the storm, billowing waves washing the sand.

Although He Shenghe now looks very powerful, there is obviously a section of the road to truly become a formidable and powerful name.

Because despite his unwillingness to admit it, the present Heshenghe is indeed a group of mobs.

Many monsters were not familiar with teamwork before.

And now there is only a rough frame for everything.

Specific to a certain monster, what kind of specialty, what is suitable for what, basically rely on them to dictate.

So at this time, it’s really a battle with the cultivator, it will definitely lose ugly.

And once the banner of 10000 demon king fell.

Shen Qiang would like to gather a large amount of cultivator power in a short time, which is almost unrealistic. ,

Therefore, seeking stability is the most beneficial thing for Heshenghe at this stage.

Unifying power and allocating reasonably, such as a commander, when these are completed, Hesheng He can really be called powerful.

“Tell Bian Yi that I will go to my office after the meeting.” After instructing Secretary Bian Yi, Shen Qiang went straight to his office.

As soon as she arrived at the door of the office, Shen Qiang saw that she was sexy and enthralled by the Fire Lotus, and she was sitting in the assistant room outside the office and smiling at herself. The mature beautiful and alluring look, with a look of humility and humility, seemed to be true It’s as refreshing as sleeping in Fire Lotus.

Walking to her, looking at her sitting quietly in her place, Shen Qiang faintly smiled and said: “In my impression, when Boss appeared, as a secretary, shouldn’t you pretend to be busy? “

Ke Bizhu smiled and said, “If it is a general Boss, I will, but you are different, you are the 10000 demon king, I can’t think of any reason to pretend to work hard in front of you, after all, I can work less It’s always pleasant, and if you can be lazy, it’s even more fun.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled: “I will deduct your bonus.”

“I was lazy after everything was done.” Ke Bizhu said to Shen Qiang with a smile: “So if you deduct the bonus, I will be very unhappy.”

Shen Qiang nodded with a smile: “Very well, you are more honest than I thought, so can I ask you a question? Why do you call Ke Bizhu when you are clearly sleeping on Fire Lotus?”

Sleeping Fire Lotus charmingly said with a smile: “Sleeping Fire Lotus is only open for 7 days a year, and the real bloom is only momentary, so I like bamboo because it can be evergreen for 4 seasons.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “What about Ji Wei? I think you seem to know each other.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu smiled, and then said of full of smiles: “This is the second question, if you have time, I can arrange a lot of meetings for you.”

When she heard her euphemistic refusal to answer, Shen Qiang smiled: “Don’t hold meetings, I’m busy, and if possible, help me pour a cup of tea.”

Say that’s all.

Shen Qiang entered the office, just sat in his place, made a large cup of green tea directly with boiling water, and put the sleeping Fire Lotus demon on the desk, leaving dearly. Under the skirt, the mature lithe and graceful rhythm trembles, making the slender beautiful legs stepping on the thin high heels look more straight.

“She is a goblin!”

Shen Qiang reminded herself that in secretly said in one’s heart.

Later, seeing that Bian Yi hadn’t come yet, some boring Shen Qiang took out his mobile phone and landed on the Dragon Group’s website. After only glancing at the major general selection area, Shen Qiang was stunned.

Because at this time, the second-ranked Wenren Meiqiao is not only online, but even 2 Shanxue is also online.

Moreover, they obviously quarreled.

Just in the message area at the bottom of the trial results announcement page, the first place is Wen Renmei Qiao’s message.

Wenren Meiqiao: “1000 Mountain Snow, I always think you are an upright person, so I lost to you many times and I still respect you, but I did not expect that you are now degraded. The Doushi Temple murder case is impossible with your IQ It’s broken, so it must be Shen Qiang who helped you break it. This is cheating. What is the ability?”

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