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At the moment when she heard Ally’s words, not only Shen Qiang was sober immediately, but Ye Xiaolei, who was sleeping beside Shen Qiang, also sat up fiercely, and then excitedly said: “Really! Isn’t that 1000 Captain Shan Xue going to be a general!”

As soon as Ye Xiaolei’s words fell, the 1000 mountain snow of variant and formidable looking had appeared in front of the two people. Looking at Shen Qiang’s delighted eyes, 2 mountain snow couldn’t help but smile, saying: “It’s a temporary lead, and, thanks to Shen Qiang, if you don鈥檛 have Shen Qiang, I鈥檓 afraid I鈥檓 still the last one with zero points!”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled and said: “The colonel is too kind, even without me, this case will not be difficult for you.”

didn’t expect, Shen Qiang, this modest flattery shot on the horse’s leg at once.

Ellie ruthless whispered, “Hypocrisy! We all know that if you Shen Qiang had seen through the connection between Wang Lizhi and Doushi Temple incident, this case would be unbreakable, so 1000 Captain Shan Xue praised you as you should be, you are so hypocritical Do you think that we can鈥檛 see it?”

Looking at Shen Qiang’s embarrassment, 1000 Shanxue smiled inexplicably for a moment, and then she raised her face again, a gesture of a cold and proud female boss, and said: “This is the case, without you, this case cannot be broken, so I I have prepared breakfast for you.”

Say that’s all, the slightly reddish 1000 mountain snow pretends to calmly leave.

Allie also followed excitedly.

After they left, Ye Xiaolei thumped on Shen Qiang excitedly, then lightly kissed on Shen Qiang’s lips, and said softly: “I know, you are the best, if you say no problem, there will be no problem.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “If you continue to say this, I will be arrogant!”

Ye Xiaolei smiled: “This is a fact.”

Shen Qiang smiled, took her phone, logged in to the Dragon Group website, and entered the points page of the major general trial.

Immediately, 1000 Shanxue topped the list with a good score of 180 70%.

Ranked 2nd is the top of the previous list. With 1000 Shanxue and the dragon group 2 golden flowers, Wenren Meiqiao, her score is 87, which is 1000 points lower than 100 Shanxue. The gap between these points doubles. Turn.

“187 points! How could it be so much!” Ye Xiaolei was surprised.

Shen Qiang smiled: “There are 137 victims in the Doushi Temple murder case, then the remaining 50 points should come from Wang Lizhi, so the score will be more, but this is also good, the score is higher, so that others can break it. Thoughts beyond 1000 mountains and snow.”

Hearing this, Ye Xiaolei pu chi smiled at once, pointing to Wenren Meiqiao, who ranked second, said with a smile: “Her declaration of battle now looks so ridiculous, with your help, 2 Colonel Shanxue has clearly crushed her, and she will be laughed at by the dragon group.”

Shen Qiang hearing this smiled and raised her eyebrows: “If you want to bully my boss, then you have to ask me if I agree.”

at the same time.

A few beyond a thousand li.

The white slender jade hand bang! The slammed on the table, the tea bowl that jumped up scared the two female soldiers in military uniforms at the table, and then sat straight.

“1000 Shanxue bastard!”

Wearing a white casual little suit, tall, curvy lithe and graceful beautiful and alluring woman, she said with a fiery eye: “She obviously had only zero points before, now she is better, her score is higher than me that many , It makes me look like a fool!”

“Why doesn’t the colonel care too much?” Sitting aside, a woman with short curtains applying lipstick, lightly said with a smile: “1000 Mountain Snow is only a temporary lead. The colonel’s strength will never be lost to her.”

Hearing this, the beautiful and alluring woman of the curvy lithe and graceful, although her eyes are somewhat proud, but the tone is still not at all relaxed.

“Don’t pervert me with these words. I want to defeat 1000 Mountain Snow. Her dream is to be a general. Then defeat her and take away her chance to be a general. This is my victory.”

At this time, a female officer who sat upright hesitated and said: “Colonel Wenren, this time there are 2 places for promotion. You and Colonel 1000 Mountain Snow are already ahead, as long as you keep it…”

“I’m going to be number one!” The curvy lithe and graceful woman said angrily: “I’m fed up with a 1000 mountain snow win every time. I don’t want to be 10000 years old again.”

The woman with lipstick smiled: “Colonel Wenren, you said, you have to compete fairly with 1000 Shanxue, otherwise, our points will not be so little.”

The figure lithe and graceful heard Ren Meiqiao sternly said: “That is to give respect to the opponent, I want to dignified to win her right, so that she has nothing to say.”

The woman who put on lipstick smiled.

At this moment, applause suddenly sounded in the corner of the room.


A silver awn flashed.

Xue Liang’s slender long knife cut off the curtains, and Xue Liang’s sharp blade just stayed on the man’s neck in the corner.

As long as blade glow advances further, a head will surely roll off.

“Colonel Mecho’s temper is really as hot as ever.” The man standing at the corner lightly pushed the blade of showing off one’s ability lightly with his fingers, and the scorpion tattoo of azure at the tiger’s mouth, which surprised several female officers present.

“Blue Scorpion Captain!”

“Blue Scorpion!”

Amidst the surprise cry of the beautiful women, the tall and muscular man came out of the corner, and his stiff military uniform revealed a handsome and handsome face.

The curve lithe and graceful, wearing a pure white slim suit, Wenren Meiqiao, put away the long knife in his hand, coldly said: “You also come to see my joke?”

Green Scorpion shook his head with a smile and said, “I’m here to comfort you.”


The bright blade glow flashed over, and a strand of hair in front of the blue scorpion fell lightly.

“What comfort?” Wen Renmei Qiao said sharply: “It’s not because you all think I’m not as good as 1000 Mountain Snow!”

Hearing this, the man with the tiger鈥檚 azure scorpion smiled, and then he raised his eyebrows slightly: 鈥淭he time span is more than 30 years, 187 victims. I thought Colonel Micho could think of this kind of tangled and complicated case. Shanxue is absolutely unbreakable, because she is a warrior. In her eyes, there is only war, then war, dead war!”

There was a moment of silence in the room, Wenmei Meiqiao’s eyes flashed, and he raised an eyebrow: “What do you mean?”

The man with a tiger’s mouth and azure scorpion smiled, and that look was like 70% of Bian Yi.

“If 1000 Mountain Snow can’t solve the case, then someone who solves the case must be someone else.”

Hearing this, Wenren Miqiao Meimei said coldly, “You said she cheated?”

“I didn’t say that.” The man with a blue scorpion on the tiger’s mouth, said with a slight smile: “But as a good friend, I think I need to remind you that the province where the 1000 Mountain Snow is located has Shen, the only safety consultant of the Dragon Group. Qiang, he is notoriously insidious and cunning, and there are a few hundred monsters under his hand. If such a person helps, not to mention more than 100 points, even if she wants 100 points, it is not difficult at all.”

Looking at the dazed Wenren Miqiao, the man general cap was put on his head, said with a slight smile: “Hope you remember, I said nothing, goodbye, Colonel Miqiao, I wish you a good mood today.”

Say that’s all, the man left.

After he left.

The curve lithe and graceful renren Meiqiao peng sound smashed the table, smashing face frost, gnashing teeth, said angrily: “Despicable! shameless! Shen Qiang? Do you dare to help 1000 mountain snow cheat, see how the old lady cleans up you! “

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