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Over there, the 3 women looked at the road surveillance while tracking. The charming woman with charming eyes has driven the car into a villa hidden by the mountain. As soon as the car stopped, she looked at Shen Qiang with her eyes charmingly. Her little white hands were placed on Shen Qiang’s lap fiercely, lightly rubbing.

“It’s very quiet here, no outsiders will disturb you, and because I know you are coming, I deliberately put the babysitter on vacation.” She looked at Shen Qiang charmingly, and she charmingly said: “After a while, I I want you to sleep in my husband’s bed.”

“Are you upset?” She chuckled softly: “Drinking his champagne, smoking his cigar, sleeping his woman, if you have enough ability, it would be better for me to get pregnant, I will tell him, It was me and him.”

Shen Qiang said excitedly, “What are you waiting for? I can’t wait.”

Hearing this, the charming Mrs. Rose got out of the car, and at the moment she got out of the car, a slight contempt flashed across her eyes.

At the same time, Shen Qiang, who got off the train on the other side, was also cold-eyed.

But when she got out of the car and turned around, she faced the fascinating Mrs. Rose, Shen Qiang showed her wild beast with a generally exhilarating glance, and not only did she hide her body in a sexy, curvy and lithe and graceful manner In her arms, the big hand pressed aggressively on her long hip.

Looked at Shen Qiang’s excited eyes.

The voluptuous and sexy Mrs. Rose said coquettishly: “Go to the room upstairs and wait for me, I will take a shower.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang said sharply: “Perfect, I like clean women.”

Saying that’s all, after the mature beautiful and alluring Mrs. Rose half-pressed, Shen Qiang, who had the advantage, took her to the third floor.

The large bedroom on the third floor morning sun is a large double bed.

not only.

In front of the double bed, there is actually a weird hanging basket. At first glance, it is a sex toy used for sex.

not only.

The wall opposite the big bed was covered with a mirror, which means that no matter what angle the person in the bed looks at, they can see clearly what is happening in the bed.

“This style of decoration is simply the style of a love hotel.”

Walked over to the bed and took a look.

Putting aside the matter of mutual calculation, this woman is obviously very attentive.

Right by the bed.

There is a box of cigars that looks expensive, apart from this, and a bottle of champagne that looks very good.

Bedding is clean and tidy.

It feels very comfortable.

not only.

Shen Qiang, who was standing by the window, looked out. It was already more than 5 pm in winter. The sun had gone down and the twilight had come.

The lights in the villa are already on.

But this villa has a hill near the national road, so if you don’t pay attention, even if you walk on the side road, you will not notice that behind the mountain col, place of charm and beauty.

not only.

This villa is not small.

The clean and tidy vestibule has about 6 square meters.

And the house where the backyard is located has spread to the side of the mountain, with some Fruit Trees with fallen leaves planted in it.

apart from this.

Shen Qiang also noticed a slightly strange place.

That is the whole house uses floor heating.

It is equipped with a boiler that may not be too small.

At this time, the boiler was smoking green smoke.

The warmth in the room is as spring as the temperature is above 20.

apart from this.

What not special here is not at all.

The yard has no dogs, no chickens, ducks and geese. It is quiet and looks dead.

How can a normal home be like this?

Expand Divine Consciousness.

The situation of Fangyuan 20 li is calm.

Of the whole house, there is indeed only Shen Qiang and the charming lady Lady Rose.

She was indeed taking a bath at this time.

Inexplicably, Shen Qiang just felt that something was not right, this feeling has been there, but for a while, he was not aware of the key problem.

So Shen Qiang simply didn’t want to, and quietly took out his phone.

Sure enough, the signal of the mobile phone was blocked.

At this time, Shen Qiang saw at a glance a fixed phone at the head of the bed.

Shen Qiang laughed and turned to look out the window.

Not much time, I heard a sound behind me.

Shen Qiang, who turned her head, saw Lady Rose charmingly, at this moment, she was wearing a enchanting black hollow lace dress.

The mature and sexy lovable body is wrapped in a black tight mesh shirt, set off unusually white.

With her beautiful face, and hot eyes, the temperament of maturity and sexiness is brought to the extreme.

Not only that, I saw Shen Qiang looking at her with appreciative eyes.

She smiled charmingly, came with a fragrance of shower gel, and walked affectionately. Then she took Shen Qiang’s hand and pulled Shen Qiang to the bed, and then she pushed Shen Qiang lightly down on the bed with a smile. Fascinatingly said: “You look really handsome on my husband’s bed.”

“He knows that if you are so bold to go out of the wall, you will surely be crazy.” Shen Qiang looked at the enchanting beauty who crawled over lightly said with a smile.

But at this moment, she smiled and raised her eyebrows charmingly: “That’s because he is far worse than you.”

While talking, she took out a very ordinary hemp rope from the corner of the bed and tied the right hand of Shen Qiang to the head of the bed.

Then she raised her eyebrows charmingly: “Because you are the volcano I want to conquer.”

While talking, she tied Shen Qiang’s left hand to the head of the bed with a twine outside the order.

Looked at her charming face.

Shen Qiang’s heart is like ice.

Because now Shen Qiang has understood that there are 100 3 7 1 bodies outside the Dou Shi Temple, which is definitely related to Wang Lizhi and his men.

Quietly abducted and used sexual entrapment.

Shen Qiang is now tied, it doesn’t matter. After all, Shen Qiang is a cultivator. This level of binding can’t really hurt Shen Qiang, nor can it cause any restraint to Shen Qiang. If necessary, Shen Qiang can break free at any time.

But is it an ordinary person?

After being tied to the bed in this way, they cannot to move but can only be slaughtered by everyone.

Almost as soon as Shen Qiang realized this, the glamorous woman had already used 2 separate shackles to handcuff Shen Qiang’s feet on the bed.

Trying to struggle a bit, Shen Qiang controlled herself not to break it all away, then looked at Mrs. Rose with a smile, half-cracking a joke and said like, “Oh, now I can’t move, you can act wilfully, I think Will you hurt me?”

Hearing this, Mrs. Rose’s eyes were charming, she stood up and pressed against Shen Qiang’s body, and she said with red lips: “How could I hurt you? My little stallion, now, let us forget all our troubles and be happy Get up.”

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