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Looking at the smiling lady, the charming lady, the rose like a lady, Shen Qiang’s heart not only became more calm, but also could not help but sigh secretly, as expected, Shen Qiang thought that people were smart and thinking. It is also agile.

But still slightly underestimated Wang Lizhi and this woman.

The security gate of the exhibition hall came to complete the first search for them.

Go through the exhibition hall and complete the displacement that looks safe, any ordinary person will not be alert.

The vehicle is fortified again. Electronic sniffing and signal shielding are not counted. The characteristic that alcohol can destroy the taste is used to eliminate the smell.

The current situation already means that Shen Qiang has lost contact.

Can’t make a call.

There is no locator.

No smell left.

Ordinary tracking methods have already been found by Shen Qiang.

Unless 1000 mountain snow and the others immediately call the monitoring of the underground garage of the exhibition hall, and then track the vehicle.

But is it possible?

Wang Lizhi and Mrs. Rose, who are so meticulous in their thoughts, can take so many precautions carefully, they are impossible leaving such an obvious loophole in the surveillance video of the exhibition hall.

not only.

Gallop along the car.

Shen Qiang can almost be convinced that after the car stops, Shen Qiang will still be in a disconnected state, because the jammer of the mobile phone signal is not expensive. If the location is in a remote place, there are 2 big men, then Ordinary person is naturally the meat on the cutting board. There is no way to call for help except to be slaughtered.

This is terrible.

Suppose now that only an ordinary person is sitting next to this voluptuous woman.

It is absolutely guaranteed that this person is dead.

And it is the silent disappear from the face of the earth.

Under normal circumstances, this seduced man will lie to his family, so for at least 24 hours, no one will realize that he has an accident.

And even if he disappears afterwards, the police’s eyes will fall on the lie that this man made up to date the beauties.

They will carefully investigate everything involved in the lie, but the final result will definitely be nothing.

Even if they can actually find the exhibition hall, at most they will find that the man and the woman have left. As for where they went, what they did, and where the people are, it will definitely be a mystery.

Because it is certain that Wang Lizhi will never leave useful clues over the exhibition hall. After all, as a Golden Dan Stage cultivator, if he wants to destroy the monitoring, it is easier than peeing.

This situation makes it easier for the police and everyone to think that the man just made up a lie and then eloped with a woman.

After such an investigation, it was determined that the man lied, and if there was evidence that the man had died or was killed, the man could only appear on the missing list.

So as a whole.

Wang Lizhi and this woman’s methods are very powerful, and they are also very careful.

If it wasn’t for many coincidences, Shen Qiang discovered the clues, I’m afraid they would go unpunished.

But now, all this has come to an end, Shen Qiang will definitely not give them a chance to escape.

On this side, Shen Qiang was carried by the voluptuous beautiful woman while going towards the suburbs.

2 mountain snow, Ye Xiaolei, and Ai Li, 1000 streets away from the exhibition hall, looked at the man in Wang Liguo’s coat in amazement.

“Golden Cicada unshelled, he ran away!” 1000 Shan Xue was amazed.

Turning around and looking at the crowded commercial street, Allie hurriedly said: “Xiaolei found him!”

Ye Xiaolei heard this and said with embarrassment: “His taste disappeared. Maybe he got into a well-sealed car. Unless he got off, no smell would come out. I couldn’t find him at all. of.”

Hearing this, Allie sighed.

At almost the same time, Valiant and formidable looking Di 1000 Mountain Snow face sank like water said: “It doesn’t matter, we still have Shen Qiang, as long as there is news on his side, this Wang Lizhi has no place to escape,”

Hearing this, Ye Xiaolei, who came back to his senses eyes shined, excitedly said: “Shen Qiang is the most powerful, he will definitely get everything done.”

With that, she sniffed lightly, and her face instantly turned white.

“He’s gone!” Ye Xiaolei was anxious, stomped anxiously by holding 1000 Mountain Snow, “The colonel is gone, what should we do! What should we do?”

Hearing this, 1000 Shanxue’s eyes were cold: “What are you talking about?”

Ye Xiaolei was so anxious that her tears were about to fall out: “He’s gone, I can’t find him!”

“Don’t panic!” 1000 Shanxue comforted Ye Xiaolei at the same time.

Ali has taken out her mobile phone, anxiously said: “Shen Qiang’s satellite locator is activated, I found him.”

A glance at the location displayed on the phone is 3 km away.

1000 Mountain Snow immediately said: “Leave now.”

Anxious Ye Xiaolei hurried towards the car.

Then three people boarded the car as fast as lightning and rushed to the place where the Shen Qiang satellite locator is located.

A few minutes later.

The car slammed to the side of the road.

Eli pushed the car door and jumped, and found the satellite locator that fell to the ground in 3 2 steps. Then she got up complexion palely, looking at 1000 mountain snow in horror, anxiously: “He left the locator here. , We can’t find him.”

The moment I heard this, Ye Xiaolei wa’ed and cried: “Why is this happening, we lost him, he had an accident, it must have happened!”

At this moment, 1000 Shanxuemei coldly said, “Don’t be noisy! You two calm me down! Think about it, why does Shen Qiang’s locator appear here?”

Allie and Ye Xiaolei froze.

“Shen Qiang is taking this road.” 1000 Shanxue Meimu looked at frost coldly. At the 2nd end of this road, she found a traffic light junction in the distance ahead, and 1000 Shanxue immediately opened her eyes: “Aili , Immediately call for monitoring and check the monitoring at the intersection ahead.”

“Okay, I’ll check it!” Alice checked while monitoring.

Ye Xiaolei burst into tears: “He must have happened, otherwise he could impossible throw the satellite locator here, something must have happened, it’s all blame me, if I keep staring at him…”

“Xiaolei! You have to believe Shen Qiang.” The tall 1000 mountain snow, hugged Ye Xiaolei’s shoulder, said solemnly: “Don’t you always believe him the most? Shen Qiang is very good and very smart. With that beautiful little monster Golden Cicada, he must be fine.”

Ye Xiaolei cried anxiously: “But this is my fault, if I keep…”

“You’re not wrong!” 1000 Shanxue Meimu looked at the intersection over there coldly, said solemnly: “It’s just that we met our opponent this time, Shen Qiang must have encountered some problems over there, otherwise, the locator will not Appearing here, we lost that Wang Lizhi, then it is clear that he has been prepared for a long time, maybe he purposely led us away.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Xiaolei wa’ed burst into tears: “Isn’t Shen Qiang even more dangerous?”

And just then, Allie eyes shined, said: “Looking at a Porsche 718, it was Shen Qiang sitting in the co-pilot. We found him! So don’t doubt, this is the best clue Shen Qiang left us. .”

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